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Why the f-ck did anyone ask Klaus Schwab the time anyway

You first. Where's this segregation happening, you fucking liar?
Why are you continually trying to drag me into a war I'm not interested in?

I'm concerned about corporate power and censorship and as always someone else makes it about race and racism.

I didn't bring race into this thread, sweetie.
Why are you continually trying to drag me into a war I'm not interested in?

I'm concerned about corporate power and censorship and as always someone else makes it about race and racism.

I didn't bring race into this thread, sweetie.

You're the one who brought up segregation as well as this elusive "blowback" that isn't just a bunch of racist basement dwellers whining on social media.

We've had plenty of discussions on this forum about corporate power and censorship, but weirdly it's only when it comes to lying pricks like you that racism crops up.
So, icecream companies saying things on twitter, BAME networks and providing a quiet room in work places really are the signs of creeping fascism.

If you disagree it's because you're a delicate snowflake. Where as being upset for some reason, by Ben and Jerry's saying the UK immigration system is inhumane makes you a bold totally working class teller of truths. Something, something crypto.
Where has this happened though?
Twitter, maybe a year or two ago. Regardless, my claim's re centralised power and corporate censorship don't rest on the veracity of what Sainsbury's said re BLM + Safe Spaces. I'm not even that bothered about it. I just want people to see the dangers of centralised power and censorship.

People seem to think that censorship is great, because corporates should be able to censor racists ... closing down the debate to make it all about the emotive subject of racism, rather than about censorship.

My feelings, my views on many things don't matter, because regardless, whether you or I like it or not, decentralised blockchains + distrubted file systems, will run cenorship resistant apps, including social media platforms and people will be able to say what they want.

I've warned people on here, that there will be a split in society. There's no inbetween.

You will either fight for one side that applauds censorship, that is authoratarian, that thinks it's the final arbiter of the truth as the supreme centralised power and another side who believes in a decentralised censorship resistant ecomomy.

The state may be able to imprison people for publishing hateful racism and kiddie porn and that's good.

But NO ONE will be able to stop people from saying what they fuck they want online in future. That's a mixed bag of fortune, but it was inevitable the minute that corporates abused a noble cause - anti-racism and other online safety issues, to censor legitimate voices.

That's what I'm driving at. Not whether fucking safe-spaces or BLM is a good thing or not.

That's the scary thing about some of you lot. I haven't got a clue how far you want to take things because you sure as hell don't admit any of that shit.

Simple questions. If you think men shouldn't be able to call women "Sweetie" and "Cunt" but it's acceptable the other way round, then I would call that "Female Privilege" as opposed to equality. A world where men have to consider women's feelings, but not the other way around.

That's yet another reason why it's dangerous for grown adults to give a fuck about anyone else's feelings when it comes to how we should shape society.
I don't want people to care about how I feel.

Yiu should try that.

Get out of bed and look in the mirror and say it to yourself “Life is easier if I dont give a fuck if people care about my feelings. I want to change people's minds based on facts not my feelings."

If you think that your persecution complex and obsession with anti-racist activists is based on cool headed observation of the facts and not on feelings then you are delusional. Your strange belief that everyone turns on each other once middle class liberals move into a neighbourhood and start spreading their wokery definitely looks like something rooted in a complex mixture of emotions rather than objective reality.

There is nothing inherently wrong with forming political views based on emotions, but you should be honest with yourself about where the emotion comes from.
So, icecream companies saying things on twitter, BAME networks and providing a quiet room in work places really are the signs of creeping fascism.
No. And if you still think that's my take, I wonder what the fuck you've been doing today besides getting all emotionally upset that I couldn't give a monkeys fuck about your feelings.
If you think that your persecution complex and obsession with anti-racist activists is based on cool headed observation of the facts and not on feelings then you are delusional. Your strange belief that everyone turns on each other once middle class liberals move into a neighbourhood and start spreading their wokery definitely looks like something rooted in a complex mixture of emotions rather than objective reality.

There is nothing inherently wrong with forming political views based on emotions, but you should be honest with yourself about where the emotion comes from.
I didn't bring race into it !!!! Someone else did. I said I was concerned about corporate censorship and the centralisation of power in collaboration with a powermad fucking German!

Someone else made it all about corporates fighting racism.

They are more than welcome to, but I do wish they would stop insulting and abusing their own customers for raising genuine concerns.
JFC. Sainsburries say shit on twitter you can too. Unless you're a journalist criticising Musk, then you're booted. Don't see you complaining about that sensorship. Fucking joker.

You can say sweetie too, Have you noticed, you're not banned for it. Others can criticize the usage.

For someone going on about free speech and senshorship. you don't seem to know how it fucking works or care much where it really is curtailed by corporate power.
I didn't bring race into it !!!! Someone else did. I said I was concerned about corporate censorship and the centralisation of power in collaboration with a powermad fucking German!

Someone else made it all about corporates fighting racism.

They are more than welcome to, but I do wish they would stop insulting and abusing their own customers for raising genuine concerns.

You said something about lefties approving of corporate censorship. I assumed by lefty approved corporate censorship you meant companies doing "woke" stuff and said that they do so out of self interest not because of a centralised conspiracy.

You failed to give a straight answer on what you meant by lefties cheering on corporate censorship if you didn't mean anything about race or sexuality. Yet it is clear that the subsequent pages of ramblings that this is an obsession for you.

So once again - what corporate censorship do lefties approve of if you weren't talking about "woke"ness?

You won't give a straight answer on anything and you STILL haven't said exactly why you are boycotting Ben & Jerry's either. Say what you really think instead of dancing around with vague insinuations all the time.
I didn't bring race into it !!!! Someone else did. I said I was concerned about corporate censorship and the centralisation of power in collaboration with a powermad fucking German!

So what specifically non-racist stuff have those corporates been censoring then, and why haven't you mentioned any of it so far? In fact, why aren't you doing that right now?

Telling someone on social media they have shitty opinions isn't censorship, in case you were wondering.
i suspect someone's been a bit too far down the debate-bro rabbit hole and thinks he's evolved past emotion-driven discourse (while, of course, exhibiting his emotional incontinence and inability to handle criticism all the time). It'd also explain his insistence on defining any disagreement with his Straightforward Straight Talking Straightness as liberal idpol.
i suspect someone's been a bit too far down the debate-bro rabbit hole and thinks he's evolved past emotion-driven discourse (while, of course, exhibiting his emotional incontinence and inability to handle criticism all the time).

If he's a "debate bro", then he's pretty fucking shit at it. Are they usually this bad? I don't have much experience.
Oh yes generally they're cringe af, routinely mistake aggressive bullying for "robust debate" and indulge in endless circlejerking within the limits of their own ignorance. It's a particularly shit bit of the internet.
I wouldn't take annoying main characters of the day on twitter as representative of any sort of trend in society tbh

Especially now that the world's richest piss-baby has taken it over and made sweeping changes to its administration. No more safety council or moderation team. Saudi money also helped to buy it, so anyone at risk of being dismembered alive in an embassy would be well advised to steer clear.
No it isn't - emotion is ultimately what drives human subjectivity and is part of all politics. We aren't robots.
We use emotion to motivate ourselves and that can be a good thing.

We can use it to reason, but it's very dangerous to make decisions based on emotion rather than logic.
We use emotion to motivate ourselves and that can be a good thing.

We can use it to reason, but it's very dangerous to make decisions based on emotion rather than logic.

Emotion and reason are orthogonal, not opposed. Logic without emotion is empty, because logic is dependent on its premises, which are axiomatic not empirical. One could formulate a logically flawless argument, that still ends up being cobblers because it's based on flawed premises.
Especially now that the world's richest piss-baby has taken it over and made sweeping changes to its administration. No more safety council or moderation team. Saudi money also helped to buy it, so anyone at risk of being dismembered alive in an embassy would be well advised to steer clear.
So now the "other side" loses and in a society where we've produced arrogant young people who are soft as shit and arrogant enough to think that their feelings count. Well now for that same kind of emotional pain that a spoilt kid feels when they finally realise that can't have what they want.

Now they are going to have to accept that other people have the right to an opinion and that there are some people very some very unsavoury opinions.

Lens is the way to go, for now. But it's not perfect.
So now the "other side" loses and in a society where we've produced arrogant young people who are soft as shit and arrogant enough to think that their feelings count. Well now for that same kind of emotional pain that a spoilt kid feels when they finally realise that can't have what they want.

Now they are going to have to accept that other people have the right to an opinion and that there are some people very some very unsavoury opinions.

Lens is the way to go, for now. But it's not perfect.

What the fuck has any of that got to do with the post you've quoted?
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