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Why the f-ck did anyone ask Klaus Schwab the time anyway

Emotion and reason are orthogonal, not opposed. Logic without emotion is empty, because logic is dependent on its premises, which are axiomatic not empirical. One could formulate a logically flawless argument, that still ends up being cobblers because it's based on flawed premises.
But never-the-less logic should trump emotion when making decisions that affect many people.

The woke, champions emotion above all else.
So what specifically non-racist stuff have those corporates been censoring then, and why haven't you mentioned any of it so far? In fact, why aren't you doing that right now?

Telling someone on social media they have shitty opinions isn't censorship, in case you were wondering.
Hunter Biden laptop story for starters.
But whose logic? On what premises? Putting logic on a pedestal like this ignores the vast breadth of human experience and motivation.

Thanks for the non-explanation.
Emotion clouds judgement and distracts us making a logical decision that actually solves a problem rather than compounding it with something that is not only unfair but is also abused to shut down further debate in the quest for the truth, not to mention create more problems no doubt blamed on the opposition, with more po-faced middle class liberals, employed to solve said problems, but in reality just further corrupting things with the centralised power that they are absolute experts in consoludating, pushing people away from real class issues, into the rabbit hole of identity politics and wokeness.
They've been doing an absolutely crappy job of it then, because that shit's all over the loonosphere.
I answered the fucking question. I see you're ignoring the same point that I make again and again, but I'll try you again.

Twitter is centralised. It is not the future, regardless of whoever has control of it.

Everyone has to prepare mentally and emotionally for a world where anyone can publish anything they want with no one being able to censor it.

Yes, there can be consequences. But are you prepared for a world where people can publish both good and bad content, but with no means to take it down?

That's where we are being pushed to.
They've been doing an absolutely crappy job of it then, because that shit's all over the loonosphere.
The Twatter Files are, despite themselves, quite instructive about the process of social media moderation tbf. Reading between the lines it's basically a case of moderators making the correct call initially (don't publish iffy-looking shit that's been flagged as potentially being a political scam) then getting stuck in the mud thinking that ignoring the right-wing hounding about it would eventually mean the whole thing petering out.
Emotion clouds judgement and distracts us making a logical decision that actually solves a problem

Sure, it can do that, if the emotions in question move one to take rash actions. But not necessarily. The people fighting various injustices through history never let go of their emotions, indeed their emotions are the driving force behind their continued actions. One could just as easily formulate "logical" reasons why one shouldn't bother trying to improve society and instead focus on one's own selfish needs and desires. Logic is a tool, and like all tools it can be used and abused.

Context also matters. Using a tool correctly doesn't mean that one is using it for a worthwhile purpose.

I answered the fucking question. I see you're ignoring the same point that I make again and again, but I'll try you again.

Because it's completely irrelevant. We don't live in the world you're predicting, and frankly your record on prognostication is at best completely unproven.
Sure, it can do that, if the emotions in question move one to take rash actions. But not necessarily. The people fighting various injustices through history never let go of their emotions, indeed their emotions are the driving force behind their continued actions. One could just as easily formulate "logical" reasons why one shouldn't bother trying to improve society and instead focus on one's own selfish needs and desires. Logic is a tool, and like all tools it can be used and abused.

Context also matters. Using a tool correctly doesn't mean that one is using it for a worthwhile purpose.

Because it's completely irrelevant. We don't live in the world you're predicting, and frankly your record on prognostication is at best completely unproven.
If you had a bit more patience and bothered to read my posts, I said that emotion can be useful to motivate people.
Sure, it can do that, if the emotions in question move one to take rash actions. But not necessarily. The people fighting various injustices through history never let go of their emotions, indeed their emotions are the driving force behind their continued actions. One could just as easily formulate "logical" reasons why one shouldn't bother trying to improve society and instead focus on one's own selfish needs and desires. Logic is a tool, and like all tools it can be used and abused.

Context also matters. Using a tool correctly doesn't mean that one is using it for a worthwhile purpose.

Because it's completely irrelevant. We don't live in the world you're predicting, and frankly your record on prognostication is at best completely unproven.
We already do. You can create a website that has it's files on the IPFS with an ethereum domain name that some web browsers recognise.

You can publish content to the IPFS and with enough nodes, it's impossible for anyone to take the content down, it's up forever.

That's one of the reasons why NFTs are useful. Hosted right, they are indestructable, immutable and censorship resistant.
We already do. You can create a website that has it's files on the IPFS with an ethereum domain name than some web browsers recognise.

You can publish content to the IPFS and with enough nodes, it's impossible for anyone to take the content down, it's up forever.

That's one of the reasons why NFTs are useful. Hosted right, they are indestructable, immutable and censorship resistant.

So you're admitting that when you mentioned the Hunter Biden story, that was complete bollocks?

NFTs are a scam for idiot nerds with more money than sense. Paying stupid money for an entry on a distributed digital ledger, that points towards a fucking ugly monkey picture hosted on hardware that you don't actually own or host or control in any meaningful way. Someone could replace it with a dick pic and the NFT "owner" would be powerless to do anything about it.

Meanwhile, everyone who isn't a fuckwit is happily collecting whatever images they like for free, because it costs next to nothing to copy a digital file.

If you think NFTs are anything meaningful beyond that, then you're a mark. A fool. A gull.
So you're admitting that when you mentioned the Hunter Biden story, that was complete bollocks?

NFTs are a scam for idiot nerds with more money than sense. Paying stupid money for an entry on a distributed digital ledger, that points towards a fucking ugly monkey picture hosted on hardware that you don't actually own or host or control in any meaningful way. Someone could replace it with a dick pic and the NFT "owner" would be powerless to do anything about it.

Meanwhile, everyone who isn't a fuckwit is happily collecting whatever images they like for free, because it costs next to nothing to copy a digital file.

If you think NFTs are anything meaningful beyond that, then you're a mark. A fool. A gull.

An NFT is simply a transaction of a blockchain that points to a file.

Since the blockchain is immutable and IPFS (which can host an NFT), is also pretty immutable, the two together are powerful.

Since an NFT can be pretty much anything, it's pretty silly to claim they are a "con".

For example, an ethereum domain is an NFT. If an ethereum domain is immutable and censorship resistant, along with the content it points to, then that's pretty poweful and useful.

You may think it's irrelevant now, but one day, such technology will be used to publish content you really really don't want publishing.

Question is, are you going to accept that world or are you going to demand draconian changes to society to force it to shut down?

Are you ready for a world that works drastically different to the one you are used to, where extremists (both left and right) can say what they want, without their platforms being shut down, even if they are doxing each other?

I don't want that world because I want people to have the right to spout racist views, threaten each other with violence, incite violence and dox each other, but it's being created so that legitimate views aren't being snuffed out.

It's a matter of FACT that twitter shadow-banned right wingers and there are left wingers that find that unacceptable.

I'm done with right versus left. The real fight is about decentralised freedom verus centralised tyranny.

I've always been right wing. Why do I find myself agreeing with Russell Brand on so many things? Has he suddenly turned into a right wing "loon"?
An NFT is simply a transaction of a blockchain that points to a file.

Since the blockchain is immutable and IPFS (which can host an NFT), is also pretty immutable, the two together are powerful.

Since an NFT can be pretty much anything, it's pretty silly to claim they are a "con".

For example, an ethereum domain is an NFT. If an ethereum domain is immutable and censorship resistant, along with the content it points to, then that's pretty poweful and useful.

You may think it's irrelevant now, but one day, such technology will be used to publish content you really really don't want publishing.

Question is, are you going to accept that world or are you going to demand draconian changes to society to force it to shut down?

Are you ready for a world that works drastically different to the one you are used to, where extremists (both left and right) can say what they want, without their platforms being shut down, even if they are doxing each other?

I don't want that world because I want people to have the right to spout racist views, threaten each other with violence, incite violence and dox each other, but it's being created so that legitimate views aren't being snuffed out.

It's a matter of FACT that twitter shadow-banned right wingers and there are left wingers that find that unacceptable.

I'm done with right versus left. The real fight is about decentralised freedom verus centralised tyranny.

I've always been right wing. Why do I find myself agreeing with Russell Brand on so many things? Has he suddenly turned into a right wing "loon"?
Maybe it's because you're a middle class liberal
Why do I find myself agreeing with Russell Brand on so many things?
Oh my aching sides, that is just too much. Russell Brand! A man who fell so far down the rabbit hole he got stuck in the 10/6 hat.

The reason you're fodder for these loons is because you're trying to map your lifelong right-wing views onto a capitalist society that you don't benefit from and the only way you can manage it is to find scapegoats, no matter how obviously bonkers they might be. Hence blaming "wokeness" and company safe spaces for your misery. You work a zero-hours contract because capitalists have moved the wealth of nations into their own hands buddy, not because a room's been set aside for people who get shit at work for being black/female/gay to talk it through among themselves.
Oh my aching sides, that is just too much. Russell Brand! A man who fell so far down the rabbit hole he got stuck in the 10/6 hat.

The reason you're fodder for these loons is because you're trying to map your lifelong right-wing views onto a capitalist society that you don't benefit from and the only way you can manage it is to find scapegoats, no matter how obviously bonkers they might be. Hence blaming "wokeness" and company safe spaces for your misery.
LOL. While I have a healthy hatred of middle class liberals, the solution doesn't involve them, because they aren't even the ultimate problem.

How many more times do I have to explain this one to you?

The problem is centralised power ... decentralised power is the solution, a solution that is now viable thanks to technology it's a world view that doesn't blame any demographic or group of people, nor does it involve any violence.

I love it. I admit that and I love for the very reason that it allows me to empower myself with snatching anything off anyone else's table, without violence, acrimony or blame (Even though middle class liberals are such sweetie cunts.)
You're on a forum where some of us are libertarian communists, we don't believe in centralised power :facepalm: :D

If you also think cryptocurrency and blockchain and NFTs are some sort of working class liberating technology, you're a cock. Didnt work out well for the internet did it?! Because capitalism will always subsume it and take control of it for class interests.
LOL. While I have a healthy hatred of middle class liberals, the solution doesn't involve them, because they aren't even the ultimate problem.

How many more times do I have to explain this one to you?

The problem is centralised power ... decentralised power is the solution, a solution that is now viable thanks to technology it's a world view that doesn't blame any demographic or group of people, nor does it involve any violence.

I love it. I admit that and I love for the very reason that it allows me to empower myself with snatching anything off anyone else's table, without violence, acrimony or blame (Even though middle class liberals are such sweetie cunts.)
You're living the darpa dream
The problem is centralised power ... decentralised power is the solution, a solution that is now viable thanks to technology it's a world view that doesn't blame any demographic or group of people, nor does it involve any violence.
Centralised power certainly is a good part of the problem, the trouble is you're still in the rabbit hole. You have this vision of decentralising technology saving you but think it can occur within capitalism – an economic system that specifically rewards the centralisation of asset control. It's a fantasy, exploited by a tiny minority of grifters to rob fools like you who can't reconcile their bitterness about the status quo with their ideological inability to reject it.
An NFT is simply a transaction of a blockchain that points to a file.

Since the blockchain is immutable and IPFS (which can host an NFT), is also pretty immutable, the two together are powerful.

Since an NFT can be pretty much anything, it's pretty silly to claim they are a "con".

For example, an ethereum domain is an NFT. If an ethereum domain is immutable and censorship resistant, along with the content it points to, then that's pretty poweful and useful.

Seems to be a little flaw in this idea. Where is it? Who's paying for the hosting? Potential for mischief right there.

You may think it's irrelevant now, but one day, such technology will be used to publish content you really really don't want publishing.

But that goes for you, too. Judging from your earlier reaction from merely being asked a personal question, I'm sure that you wouldn't want a bunch of lunatics passing all your details around, while accusing you of all kinds of wild shit that, in their eyes, justifies stalking, harassing, injuring or even killing you. Is that really the kind of world you want to live in?

If you don't mind sacrificing your personal safety, then you can just go ahead and publish all your details right now. No need to harangue the rest of us about it.

Question is, are you going to accept that world or are you going to demand draconian changes to society to force it to shut down?

Are you ready for a world that works drastically different to the one you are used to, where extremists (both left and right) can say what they want, without their platforms being shut down, even if they are doxing each other?

I don't want that world because I want people to have the right to spout racist views, threaten each other with violence, incite violence and dox each other, but it's being created so that legitimate views aren't being snuffed out.

More prognostications from Mystic Meg. Or is it the world we live in already? You can't seem to make your mind up.

It's a matter of FACT that twitter shadow-banned right wingers and there are left wingers that find that unacceptable.

Did they really? Twitter have admitted that their algos favoured the right wing.

I'm done with right versus left. The real fight is about decentralised freedom verus centralised tyranny.

Dude, nobody is forcing you to use Twitter. I know it can be addictive because they designed it to be that way, but if you want to kick the habit, then I can personally assure you that it's entirely possible.

I've always been right wing. Why do I find myself agreeing with Russell Brand on so many things? Has he suddenly turned into a right wing "loon"?

More prognostications from Mystic Meg. Or is it the world we live in already? You can't seem to make your mind up.
The technology is here. It's just not widely used yet, but it's not "Mystic Meg" to assume that it would be used for both good and bad.
Since you're being so evasive, I'm assuming you would adopt the tyrannical stance, which would be to completly nationalise the internet (Corbyn style) and have it re-engineered so that only people with the correct digital ids and enough social credits can use it.
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