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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

vimto said:
You are a lawyer right?

Talking of which, you have publically accused Johnny Canuck of having claimed to have Cherokee blood. He now publically denies having said such a thing. Do you stand by your assertion, or will you now retract it and apologize?
phildwyer said:
Talking of which, you have publically accused Johnny Canuck of having claimed to have Cherokee blood. He now publically denies having said such a thing. Do you stand by your assertion, or will you now retract it and apologize?
How fucking thick are you?

The only person to have claimed Cherokee 'blood' has been Johnny himself
phildwyer said:
Talking of which, you have publically accused Johnny Canuck of having claimed to have Cherokee blood. He now publically denies having said such a thing. Do you stand by your assertion, or will you now retract it and apologize?

Court will break for 10 minutes whilst i make a cuppa :D

Handbags innit :p
phildwyer said:
Talking of which, you have publically accused Johnny Canuck of having claimed to have Cherokee blood. He now publically denies having said such a thing. Do you stand by your assertion, or will you now retract it and apologize?
No wonder people get piled into you phil.

Looks as if I'll be next
vimto said:
The only person to have claimed Cherokee 'blood' has been Johnny himself

Right. Let me be absolutely clear about this. You say that Johnny has claimed to have Cherokee blood. Correct? But Johnny denies having said this. One of you is *lying,* and the onus is on *you* to come up with the proof. Let's see it--NOW.
phildwyer said:
Right. Let me be absolutely clear about this. You say that Johnny has claimed to have Cherokee blood. Correct? But Johnny denies having said this. One of you is *lying,* and the onus is on *you* to come up with the proof. Let's see it--NOW.
So lets see your proof of God you self pompous balloon.

vimto said:
So lets see your proof of God you self pompous balloon.


Just as I thought. You made it up, didn't you? Johnny *never* said any such thing, did he? Well, you are now publically exposed and branded as a foul *liar,* are you not? My work here is done.
phildwyer said:
Just as I thought. You made it up, didn't you? Johnny *never* said any such thing, did he?.
You tell me what Johnny said phil and I will answer.

As I said before...ask him

Johnny and yuwipi know me well
phildwyer said:
Right. Let me be absolutely clear about this. You say that Johnny has claimed to have Cherokee blood. Correct? But Johnny denies having said this. One of you is *lying,* and the onus is on *you* to come up with the proof. Let's see it--NOW.

hmmm - let's see if he can find that post.

Should I give him a year or do you think he can figure it out for himself?

Nah - If he claims JC said it, then he should prove it.

Maybe we should be asking for the prove every hour on the hour, just like he does to other.

Let me know if he finds it - I have him on ignore. It makes reading the boards more pleasant.
spring-peeper said:
hmmm - let's see if he can find that post.

Should I give him a year or do you think he can figure it out for himself?

Nah - If he claims JC said it, then he should prove it.

Maybe we should be asking for the prove every hour on the hour, just like he does to other.

Let me know if he finds it - I have him on ignore. It makes reading the boards more pleasant.
Aye and you are just another tosspot also.

Bite me
spring-peeper said:
Why are you so obessed with Johnny? Thread after thread, same thing.

Is it a sexual thing? A jealousy thing? Jeez, get some help :rolleyes:

Over the course of my time here on Urban, Johnny has said many things about himself that he has later gone on to deny.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Is vimto talking about me again?

He's such a silly nonce.

There you go using the word "nonce". I presume you know what the word means. :mad:

In fact, this post should be reported because calling someone a "nonce" is rather serious....particularly if you have no proof.
phildwyer said:
Right. Let me be absolutely clear about this. You say that Johnny has claimed to have Cherokee blood. Correct? But Johnny denies having said this. One of you is *lying,* and the onus is on *you* to come up with the proof. Let's see it--NOW.

For someone who is an absolute fantasist himself, it's rather ironic that you should demand "proof" from another and claim that the other is lying.

You're pretty handy with untruths - aren't you, phil?
nino_savatte said:
Over the course of my time here on Urban, Johnny has said many things about himself that he has later gone on to deny.

That is simply not true. Furnish us with *proof,* Nino, or stand naked before us as the liar you are. Evidence, please. And even if Johnny had claimed to be Cherokee, you wouldn't find him parading around in a head-dress and tomahawk, as you do with your supposed kilt.
nino_savatte said:
You're pretty handy with untruths - aren't you, phil?

Talking of which, you haven't yet justified your, ahem, "clan motto" to us. But then you're not really a member of a clan--are you, Nino?
phildwyer said:
That is simply not true. Furnish us with *proof,* Nino, or stand naked before us as the liar you are. Evidence, please. And even if Johnny had claimed to be Cherokee, you wouldn't find him parading around in a head-dress and tomahawk, as you do with your supposed kilt.

How would you know? You're mentally ill and are incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction and fantasy from reality. Your views are worthless in the grand scheme of things.
phildwyer said:
Talking of which, you haven't yet justified your, ahem, "clan motto" to us. But then you're not really a member of a clan--are you, Nino?

I don't have to justify anything to someone is evidently suffering from NPD and a whole range of other mental health disorders.
nino_savatte said:
I don't have to justify anything to someone is evidently suffering from NPD and a whole range of other mental health disorders.

While you are clearly suffering from CFD--Caledonian Fantasy Disorder. CFD patients typically experience an irrational conviction that they are Scottish. They may begin dropping pseudo-Scots words like "auld" and "wee" into their conversation, obsessively referring to their "clan," and even quoting their "clan motto" in inappropriate contexts. In particularly severe cases, the patient may even take to wearing a kilt, drinking several pints of "heavy" and shouting "away tae fuck yis Fenian scum" in quiet suburban neighborhoods. CFD is particularly prevelent among Americans. I'd see the auld doctor if I were you, Nino.
A warning to anyone replying to phildwyer

Replying to a sociopath is possibly the worst thing you could do. Being the sorts of people they are, they believe that if you reply to them you are taking part in their 'game'. It is a vindication of their confused outlook on the world.

This is serious stuff: the sociopath doesn't realise there is anything wrong with them, even if it is pointed out to them. They will try anything to drag others into their schemes. In many respects the Internet has been a godsend to sociopaths and others with severe personality disorders; and many use it to stalk their 'prey' or otherwise harrass their victims. This is what phil does and if he isn't stalking someone he is trying to suck them into his silly wee games (from "The rational proof of God's existence" to threads about ID). He thinks it gives him power and in many ways it does, because it is all about power.

The NPD that I described above is but one in a range of sociopathic disorders. I would also suspect that phil has OCD; his obsession with my ancestry is one revealing feature of this disorder.
phildwyer said:
Talking of which, you haven't yet justified your, ahem, "clan motto" to us. But then you're not really a member of a clan--are you, Nino?

Ah, but who are you, phildwyer?

You're certainly not "phildwyer", are you?

Given who and what you are, should you really lecture people about presenting false identities on Urban? It seems more than a little hypocritical of you.
ViolentPanda said:
Ah, but who are you, phildwyer?

You're certainly not "phildwyer", are you?

Given who and what you are, should you really lecture people about presenting false identities on Urban? It seems more than a little hypocritical of you.

Well, are you really violent or a panda?
phildwyer said:
Well, are you really violent or a panda?

You're attempting to evade the point, aren't you?

I mean, we can take guesses at why you chose that name (the chance to traduce someone springs to mind, not that I'm accusing you of anything, before you feel the desire to threaten legal action :p ) when you could have done what many posters do and come up with something amusing or totally irrelevant.
ViolentPanda said:
I mean, we can take guesses at why you chose that name

I've mentioned where my board name comes from very often in these forums. As have many other people. Obviously you are ignorant of a great many things, if you do not know. And I think I will leave you in that condition.
phildwyer said:
I've mentioned where my board name comes from very often in these forums. As have many other people. Obviously you are ignorant of a great many things, if you do not know. And I think I will leave you in that condition.
Yeah but who are you really phil?

Have you come to save us all :confused:
phildwyer said:
I've mentioned where my board name comes from very often in these forums. As have many other people.

Really? "Very often"?

I believe that your talent for exaggeration is manifesting itself again.

Tell me, is your family motto "credo quia absurdum est" by any chance, omniscient one? :p
Obviously you are ignorant of a great many things, if you do not know. And I think I will leave you in that condition.

Ah, but ignorance is a condition that can be remedied quite easily, whereas treatment for your ego and arrogance probably costs you a lot in time and money. :)
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