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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

Johnny Canuck2 said:
Nordic countries last night feared that attacks on their foreign missions could spread across the Middle East after demonstrators burned down the Danish consulate in Beirut in protest at the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

The incident followed attacks in Damascus, Syria’s capital, on Saturday by mobs on the embassies of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. All the Nordic countries sharply condemned the attacks at the weekend and demanded security guarantees for their diplomatic staff in the Middle East.



So: a mob burns an embassy after police riot troops appear to pull back.

Was this clash between western and islamic values inevitable?

Define "They" as is in your title.
Greebozz said:
It seems to be that both friedaweed and In Bloom and others that have criticized and personally attacked me, have a very loud voice in this matter, but they have not declared what their interests, motivation, or experience, in subject we are talking about is . Instead in my view have been just darting around the argument trying to boost their egos. Hackneyed "right on points" and the pointing out of clever semantics. seems to be the only interest.

All I know is that one of you has grudging admitted that they are not a Muslim. Both you usernames friedaweed and In Bloom are clear references to being weed smokers, who exactly are you representative of. You are probably very young, under 25 years old. The majority of you comments have been sniping using oafish langue. Your post contain almost no substance. And you don't guts to state your opinion about the recent demonstrations. You don't seem to acknowledge that there is a clash of culture and any form or at any level.

What on earth are you on about?
Greebozz said:
Why do you think I am talking about you, your only contribution to this thread has been a couple of short foul mouthed sentences. that were not replies to anything I posted.

thanks for setting the parameters of this debate. :)
Greebozz said:
You don't seem to acknowledge that there is a clash of culture and any form or at any level.

Mainly with fuckwitted seppoes who don't seem to know that a world exists outside the U.S.
newharper said:
Mainly with fuckwitted seppoes who don't seem to know that a world exists outside the U.S.

Methinks "Greebozz" may have been reading the idiotic Samuel Huntingdon. He cheerled a lot of that happy clash of cultures/civilisations crap.
Greebozz said:
It seems to be that both friedaweed and In Bloom and others that have criticized and personally attacked me, have a very loud voice in this matter, but they have not declared what their interests, motivation, or experience, in subject we are talking about is . Instead in my view have been just darting around the argument trying to boost their egos. Hackneyed "right on points" and the pointing out of clever semantics. seems to be the only interest. All I know is that one of you has grudging admitted that they are not a Muslim. Both you usernames friedaweed and In Bloom are clear references to being weed smokers, who exactly are you representative of. You are probably very young, under 25 years old.
It's a reference to a Nirvana song, actually, and I don't smoke weed. How is this relevant anyway? Did you read my other posts or was it convenient to ignore my substantive points?
In Bloom said:
It's a reference to a Nirvana song, actually, and I don't smoke weed. How is this relevant anyway? Did you read my other posts or was it convenient to ignore my substantive points?

So few posts, and yet "Greebozz" has the ad hominem down-pat already.

Do you smell what I smell? ;)
Greebozz said:
Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred. It is as if any slight real or imagined, at any time in history is carefully nurtured and kept alive.

It is getting to the stage where the only issue is how can we protect ourselves and fellow citizens for harm by Muslims.

It seems that many Muslims don't like the West and to be honest it is pretty hard to like the Muslim attitude of rage and hatred.
I am not a muslim and I don't like islam. I also think the reaction of the few muslims who have gone out onto the street is not helpful.

However, you have to ask yourself:
In the last ten years, how many westeners have been killed by muslims, and how many muslims have been killed by westeners?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Iran has withdrawn its ambassador to Denmark and Iranian Commerce Minister Massoud Mirkazemi said on Monday that all trade with Denmark had been severed because of the cartoons, first published in September in a Danish newspaper.

"All trade ties with Denmark were cut," he was quoted by the Iranian student news agency ISNA as telling a news conference.
Iran imposes sanctions against Denmark. Now there's a twist!
TAE said:
Sending in british troops? That'll calm things down. :rolleyes:

It looks like the General Staff have chucked the history books in the bin. Previous British adventures in Afghanistan were unmitigated disasters. This will be no better. :(
nino_savatte said:
It looks like the General Staff have chucked the history books in the bin. Previous British adventures in Afghanistan were unmitigated disasters. This will be no better. :(
British troops have been in Afghanistan since 2001 already. Are you claiming that their being there has been an "unmitigated disaster"? :confused:
I have had a lot of rudeness from certain other posters here. I raised the true concerns that I was feeling and was told "Fuck off bigot"

I am going to put a disclaimer, I am not a hateful person and don't hate anyone, I don't hate Muslims, or wish any harm to anyone who ever they are. in the world or on this forum.

But I feel the fleeting emotion of hatred towards people who have been rude to me, I will not hold on the the feeling, it will pass soon and I will be back to normal. Is it a mutual feeing, do you feel the same way about me?
rogue yam said:
Nonsense. The recent airstrike in Pakistan was front page news worldwide and discussed at length in political venues everywhere, including on u75. Why do you say otherwise?
Were there any local muslim peoples views aired on US TV ;)
TeeJay said:
British troops have been in Afghanistan since 2001 already. Are you claiming that their being there has been an "unmitigated disaster"? :confused:
Are you claiming that it hasn't? :confused:
I don't think it has been an "unmitigated disaster", no.

(unmitigated = without qualification or exception, absolute, with no redeeming features whatsoever...)

I don't even think it has been a "disaster" as such. I'd probably say that it hasn't yet achieved everything that people hoped it would.
TeeJay said:
British troops have been in Afghanistan since 2001 already. Are you claiming that their being there has been an "unmitigated disaster"? :confused:

No Teej, what I am saying is that in the days of the Raj, the British fought and lost two wars with the Afghans (they were unmitigated disasters). History is not on the side of Britain. But then the posting of British and other troops in the country has not been the glowing success that the war party had hoped for.
Greebozz said:
It seems to be that both friedaweed and In Bloom and others that have criticized and personally attacked me, have a very loud voice in this matter, but they have not declared what their interests, motivation, or experience, in subject we are talking about is .

My you are a sensitive soul. I gave you hobnobs and a brew. :mad:
You received a "very loud voice" against your over-generalizations about Muslim people. I'm sorry if this upset you but i don't like it when ignorant idiots start spouting uninformed reactionary comments painting all Muslims as terrorists and people we should fear. My 'Interest' in this is that i think that it is this sort of behaviour that fuels the fire we are dealing with. Your OP was to play up a moral panic about Muslims and paint them in a bad light. If that wasn't your intention you should think wisely about your choice of words or get some ear muffs..

Instead in my view have been just darting around the argument trying to boost their egos. Hackneyed "right on points" and the pointing out of clever semantics. seems to be the only interest.
On the contrary you just got some stick for your generalizations.

All I know is that one of you has grudging admitted that they are not a Muslim. Both you usernames friedaweed and In Bloom are clear references to being weed smokers, who exactly are you representative of.
If I'm Muslim or Pastafarian it is of no concern of yours and certainly won't make your OP any less offensive. I represent my own views so don't worry you're not being set upon by some weed smoking cult and on the point of weed what ever i do with my body or if i use recreational drugs or not has no bearing on this discussion and is really non of your business.

You are probably very young, under 25 years old. The majority of you comments have been sniping using oafish langue.
Wide of the mark and a shite attempt at an insult.

Your post contain almost no substance. And you don't guts to state your opinion about the recent demonstrations.
See above. If you want debate start posting something we can discuss instead of the irrational spectacle you made of yourself with your Muslim hatred post.

You don't seem to acknowledge that there is a clash of culture and any form or at any level.

Oh there's a clash but it's more about global hegemony than culture. Whilst you're feeling so antagonised and in fear of Muslims maybe you should ask yourself why do they hate us

Today we do ourselves few favours by choosing to believe that "they hate us" and "hate our freedoms". On the contrary, these are attitudes of people who like Americans and admire much about the US, including its freedoms. What they hate is official policies that deny them the freedoms to which they too aspire.

For such reasons, the post-September 11 rantings of Osama bin Laden - for example, about US support for corrupt and brutal regimes, or about the US "invasion" of Saudi Arabia - have a certain resonance, even among those who despise and fear him. From resentment, anger and frustration, terrorist bands hope to draw support and recruits.

We should also be aware that much of the world regards Washington as a terrorist regime. In recent years, the US has taken or backed actions in Colombia, Nicaragua, Panama, Sudan and Turkey, to name a few, that meet official US definitions of "terrorism" - that is, when Americans apply the term to enemies.

You see you turn up and post up your 'we should all be fearing the Muslims' talking about it being an addiction of hatred and fail to acknowledge the context in which their disquiet was come about also failing to suggest that 'some' Muslims may have a legitimate gripe with the West.

The cartoons are the straw that broke the camels back imho (PTP). When you have a group of people who are represented in almost every nations population being painted as folk devils in their own countries some will react to this fear and panic by lashing out. To be continually identified as a section of society connected to evil doings and religious intolerance serves only to alienate youth and make it easier for fundamentalist to propagandise and recruit. In this context actions such as your OP are not reflective of the current state of affairs they are the cause of it.

Sure we can discuss it. Have another hobnob I've got the kettle on. Take off your persecution complex and hang it on the hat stand. ;)
Greebozz said:
It seems to be that both friedaweed and In Bloom and others that have criticized and personally attacked me, have a very loud voice in this matter, but they have not declared what their interests, motivation, or experience, in subject we are talking about is . Instead in my view have been just darting around the argument trying to boost their egos. Hackneyed "right on points" and the pointing out of clever semantics. seems to be the only interest.

All I know is that one of you has grudging admitted that they are not a Muslim. Both you usernames friedaweed and In Bloom are clear references to being weed smokers, who exactly are you representative of. You are probably very young, under 25 years old. The majority of you comments have been sniping using oafish langue. Your post contain almost no substance. And you don't guts to state your opinion about the recent demonstrations. You don't seem to acknowledge that there is a clash of culture and any form or at any level.
just a tad under 30 think your a twat btw what is langue is it a veg
nino_savatte said:
No Teej, what I am saying is that in the days of the Raj, the British fought and lost two wars with the Afghans (they were unmitigated disasters).
We also lost a good few "policing actions" over 2 centuries in the area too.
Greebozz said:
You are probably very young, under 25 years old.

What's that got to do with anything?

The majority of you comments have been sniping using oafish langue. Your post contain almost no substance.

Anyone else sensing a double standard here?

Errr... Greebozz stop being so sensitive, first of all. And second, I sense you are pissed off cos people don't agree with you. We might be a bit more interested in debate if you could provide some evidence for your generalisations!

Finally, I can't see how anyone's age of any other personal detail has really anything to do with this.

Just a thought, like.
friedaweed said:
My you are a sensitive soul. I gave you hobnobs and a brew. :mad:
You received a "very loud voice" against your over-generalizations about Muslim people. I'm sorry if this upset you but i don't like it when ignorant idiots start spouting uninformed reactionary comments painting all Muslims as terrorists and people we should fear. My 'Interest' in this is that i think that it is this sort of behaviour that fuels the fire we are dealing with. Your OP was to play up a moral panic about Muslims and paint them in a bad light. If that wasn't your intention you should think wisely about your choice of words or get some ear muffs..

On the contrary you just got some stick for your generalizations.

If I'm Muslim or Pastafarian it is of no concern of yours and certainly won't make your OP any less offensive. I represent my own views so don't worry you're not being set upon by some weed smoking cult and on the point of weed what ever i do with my body or if i use recreational drugs or not has no bearing on this discussion and is really non of your business.

Wide of the mark and a shite attempt at an insult.

See above. If you want debate start posting something we can discuss instead of the irrational spectacle you made of yourself with your Muslim hatred post.

Oh there's a clash but it's more about global hegemony than culture. Whilst you're feeling so antagonised and in fear of Muslims maybe you should ask yourself why do they hate us

You see you turn up and post up your 'we should all be fearing the Muslims' talking about it being an addiction of hatred and fail to acknowledge the context in which their disquiet was come about also failing to suggest that 'some' Muslims may have a legitimate gripe with the West.

The cartoons are the straw that broke the camels back imho (PTP). When you have a group of people who are represented in almost every nations population being painted as folk devils in their own countries some will react to this fear and panic by lashing out. To be continually identified as a section of society connected to evil doings and religious intolerance serves only to alienate youth and make it easier for fundamentalist to propagandise and recruit. In this context actions such as your OP are not reflective of the current state of affairs they are the cause of it.

Sure we can discuss it. Have another hobnob I've got the kettle on. Take off your persecution complex and hang it on the hat stand. ;)

As usual a bloodly good post.

Keep up the good work mate.
friedaweed said:
Were there any local muslim peoples views aired on US TV
(1) I'm no expert on what is or isn't on U.S. TV, but my understanding is yes, and that this is normal. Are you claiming otherwise? What is your point?

(2) TV is the medium least detailed in its reportage. Local Muslims' views were presented widely in American text media, as you surely must know. So what? What is your point?

(3) You have changed the terms of the debate. You said that nobody paid any attention to the bombing of Pakistanis by non-Muslims. Now it is a question of one medium in one country. Why the shift?

(4) You have implicitly admitted that what you said was patently false. Are you man enough to explicitly admit that you were talking crap? Why not?
TAE said:
However, you have to ask yourself:
In the last ten years, how many westeners have been killed by muslims, and how many muslims have been killed by westeners?
(1) Do you differentiate between combattants and non-combattants? Between people deliberately targeted and accidental or collateral deaths? If not, why not?

(2) Assume that you know the answer to your question, and that the latter greatly outnumber the former, as you seem to imply. So what? Do "Muslims" now have some legitimate grudge against "Westerners". Is such generalization and group-identification acceptable, or even "understandable" to you when practiced by Muslims? How about by Westerners?

(3) When you use the term "Westerner", don't you really mean "non-Muslim"? Why did you make this shift? What are you trying to hide?
rogue yam said:
(1) I'm no expert on what is or isn't on U.S. TV, but my understanding is yes, and that this is normal. Are you claiming otherwise? What is your point?

(2) TV is the medium least detailed in its reportage. Local Muslims' views were presented widely in American text media, as you surely must know. So what? What is your point?

(3) You have changed the terms of the debate. You said that nobody paid any attention to the bombing of Pakistanis by non-Muslims. Now it is a question of one medium in one country. Why the shift?

(4) You have implicitly admitted that what you said was patently false. Are you man enough to explicitly admit that you were talking crap? Why not?
Is this the best you can do :rolleyes:
page 3
jc2 said:
Most people rarely give these things much thought, but the point is; that if the topic of islam comes up, people in NA will likely spend some time thinking about 911, the Taliban etc. They're the ones in the news.
What you're attempting to do is cherry pick at a response to this.
The point is in relation to the disproportionate portrayal of Muslims in a negative context in the media as suggested by JC's comment not mine dipstick. What you've jumped on is a response to his view.
Do try to keep up. I happen to think he's right though Muslims are the new media folk devil. Do you think there's a fair balance in the reporting of Muslims in the news. In a fair balance i mean given a platform to offer dissenting views against American foreign policy or even more importantly showing nice normal everyday Muslims going about their life peacefully.

Now we're on page 5 try and read the whole thread trigger before you make another ass out of yourself and why you're at it can you tell me where i said that nobody paid any attention to the bombing of Pakistanis by non-Muslims". However i'd love to see that documentary that you must have seen that focussed on the civilians story and the misery that that situation caused. Oops i forgot they were all bad guys yeah.
I think you'll also find that you made that 'Nobody' leap :rolleyes: We do get the news here.

So you're picking out a phrase and taking it out of context to try and score points. Now are you man enough to admit that you're a cherry picking dipstick that has no reason to be here other than to disrupt discussion. You know there's a little Nazi bitch who posts just like you. Have you found a spell checker PB. :D Now tag the fat guy quick you look tired. :p
friedaweed said:
Neither do bombed civvys in little villages in pakistan or in Iraq. Unless of course the muslims did the bombing
You lied. You got caught. You lie some more. If I smoked pot would you be less boring?
rogue yam said:
You lied. You got caught. You lie some more. If I smoked pot would you be less boring?
Probably be better that your present crack pipe routine freeps :D If i joined you sucking that glass would you start getting things right :rolleyes:

Do keep coming back :)
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