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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

ViolentPanda said:
I think your posts have two problems.

1) They're written badly. I'd speculate that English isn't your first language or that you have some form of dyslexia because you either miss words entirely from your sentences or put the word in the wrong part of the sentence. This means that even once someone has managed to decipher your prose, then they can't be sure they've arrived at the correct meaning.
Obviously this is a structural problem that you can probably avoid with a bit of hard work and luck.".

Bit racist there, got something against people who's first language is not English hey Quick fellow lefties, I have found one, attack, label and insult. Just turning it around on you, that is how stupid your accusations that I am a racism are.

ViolentPanda said:
2) You come across as being contentious purely for the sake of being contentious, and also present your opinion (which is all your point of view is unless you support it with evidence to show that it is based on fact) in the same arrogant way as many right-wingers, permitting no deviation from your "party line". Your entire "...write my blazing posts and basically not post them" spiel reflects this attitude.".

That's all very well, but when you attempt to bolster your views with frankly juvenile references to "the road to hell", then in effect you're saying "you're do-gooders, you're wrong and I'm right" when you've presented little in the way of data to support your assertion.".

No, perhaps you should think about what that quote means. The moral of the quote "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" is that if is often peoples good intention that brings about disaster. not "you're do-gooders, you're wrong and I'm right"

By censoring and humiliating me with your accusations of racisem you are saying that to all who share my concirns. And by making people afraid to express there feeling it is likely the these feeling with fester and cause great problem later on.

ViolentPanda said:
It boils down to "if you act like an idiot you'll be treated like an idiot".

Lovely attitude you have there to those with learning disabilities. Don't worry, I know you were just making a personal insult to me. I will go against the grain and not make any ridiculous accusations like that you hate people with leaning disabilities.
Greebozz said:
I am a racism
You are a "racism"... :confused:

I've never met an -ism before.

When someone shows consideration that you might not be able to express yourself properly due to using a second language or having some other problem, why does this make them "racist"?

Presumably by "race" you mean someone who looks different for example has darker skin? What has your appearance got to do with your inability to post coherent English?

I'm sorry you have a "learning disability" by the way, although I don't know if I actually believe you. However, while I will make allowances for people's spelling, I'm afraid I don't make allowances for people being hate-filled idiots (and by idiot I don't mean someone with a medical problem - I mean someone who simple doesn't bother using their brain).
TeeJay said:
When someone shows consideration that you might not be able to express yourself properly due to using a second language or having some other problem, why does this make them "racist"?

Presumably by "race" you mean someone who looks different for example has darker skin? What has your appearance got to do with your inability to post coherent English?

I'm sorry you have a "learning disability" by the way, although I don't know if I actually believe you. However, while I will make allowances for people's spelling, I'm afraid I don't make allowances for people being hate-filled idiots (and by idiot I don't mean someone with a medical problem - I mean someone who simple doesn't bother using their brain).

seconded - good post
Greebozz said:
Bit racist there, got something against people who's first language is not English hey Quick fellow lefties, I have found one, attack, label and insult. Just turning it around on you, that is how stupid your accusations that I am a racism are.
I haven't accused you of being racist, you halfwit. I said you have rightwing views.
May I suggest you either learn to read properly or shut the fuck up?
No, perhaps you should think about what that quote means. The moral of the quote "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" is that if is often peoples good intention that brings about disaster. not "you're do-gooders, you're wrong and I'm right"
When you use "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" as a catch-all warning against any leftwing thought in favoour of rightwing ideas you do indeed say ""you're do-gooders, you're wrong and I'm right".
You attempted to close down debate through implying that any action, however well-intentioned could lead to disaster, that's the long and the short of it.
By censoring and humiliating me with your accusations of racisem you are saying that to all who share my concirns. And by making people afraid to express there feeling it is likely the these feeling with fester and cause great problem later on.
Care to show me where I've "censored" you and humiliated you?
I find it pathetic that you attempt to close down rational debate, but I'm not surprised given the low standard of your "arguments".
Lovely attitude you have there to those with learning disabilities. Don't worry, I know you were just making a personal insult to me. I will go against the grain and not make any ridiculous accusations like that you hate people with leaning disabilities.
If I chose to insult you then believe me you'd know about it, little crybaby.
rogue yam said:
Yeah, well it was true then and it's even more true now.
What a tosspot :rolleyes: So have you read every book published then grandad :rolleyes: or are we kids :D the only ones expected to have :rolleyes:
ViolentPanda said:
I haven't accused you of being racist, you halfwit. I said you have rightwing views.
May I suggest you either learn to read properly or shut the fuck up?.

So you are calling me a halfwit, which implies you think yourself more witty and hence superior to me, which is a clear "politically correct" thought crime, and against equality. So think you are the master race do you, you clearly are a total Nazi.

ViolentPanda said:
When you use "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" as a catch-all warning against any leftwing thought in favoour of rightwing ideas you do indeed say ""you're do-gooders, you're wrong and I'm right".
You attempted to close down debate through implying that any action, however well-intentioned could lead to disaster, that's the long and the short of it..

My god the subtly is not lost on you after all, shock.

ViolentPanda said:
Care to show me where I've "censored" you and humiliated you?
I find it pathetic that you attempt to close down rational debate, but I'm not surprised given the low standard of your "arguments".

It mostly can be found in what you and others have written. the clue would be the sentences containing the slander and labeling.

ViolentPanda said:
If I chose to insult you then believe me you'd know about it, little crybaby.

Please help me fellow yogurt weavers, pwees protect me from this nasty bully, boo hoo boo hoo waaaaaaaaaaa!
Greebozz said:
So you are calling me a halfwit, which implies you think yourself more witty and hence superior to me, which is a clear "politically correct" thought crime, and against equality. So think you are the master race do you, you clearly are a total Nazi.
No, I called you a halfwit because you posted an ill-written and ill thought-out post.
My god the subtly is not lost on you after all, shock.
But clearly is on you.
It mostly can be found in what you and others have written. the clue would be the sentences containing the slander and labeling.
Not good enough.
You've claimed that they exist, so either post quotes or links to them.
Put up or shut up.
Please help me fellow yogurt weavers, pwees protect me from this nasty bully, boo hoo boo hoo waaaaaaaaaaa!
Why, can't you protect yourself, trollboy?
TeeJay said:
You are a "racism"... :confused:

I've never met an -ism before.

The guy says he has a learning disability, as other posters have previously said about themselves.

Why not give him the benefit of the doubt, and stop making fun of the way he uses language?
friedaweed said:
What a tosspot :rolleyes: So have you read every book published then grandad :rolleyes: or are we kids :D the only ones expected to have :rolleyes:

That's a pretty childish post.

I suspect that my generation, raised on tv, read less than our parents' generation, who didn't have tv.

The newer generations tend to get info from tv or more likely, a computer, so the incidence of reading has gone down even further.
Greebozz said:
I have a new solution to this topic that is to write my blazing posts and basically not post them, that way no ones harmony is disturbed, Everyone seem to have thousands more posts than I have, and this forum basically is your space. I respect that I am totally cool about thing.

I know you are bravely defending the hard done by Muslim community from a horrible ignorant bigot, fair enough, but what is left if no talking is allowed. To stop people smoking maybe we should ban cravings,. There is a old saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".
Look :mad: How many fucking hobnobs will it take to get you to drop your persecution complex. Now make yourself comfy whilst i make you another cup of tea. It you kick your socks off I'm a dab hand at reflexology too.

No body has a problem with you posting here. It is just as much your space as it is anyone else's. Well unless Ed boots your arse out of here that is. However if you insist on posting swooping generalizations about a religious group of people who are representative in many nations across the globe then i suggest you get a thicker hide or learn to duck and cover.

Keep posting nobody's said you're not welcome ;) But if you want to post contensious POV then be prepared to defend your arguament instead of rolling round crying about the verbal onslaught your views might recieve.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
That's a pretty childish post.

I suspect that my generation, raised on tv, read less than our parents' generation, who didn't have tv.

The newer generations tend to get info from tv or more likely, a computer, so the incidence of reading has gone down even further.
Fuck right off Canuck The dickspring was trying to suggest that because someone hadn't read one particular book that they were inferior to himself. Thinking it my give you some kudos with the gimp you jumped on the band wagon.
Always the apologist :rolleyes:
Greebozz said:
Please help me fellow yogurt weavers, pwees protect me from this nasty bully, boo hoo boo hoo waaaaaaaaaaa!
"fellow yogurt weavers"?

Why did you come to this website? Had you already made up your mind about who posts here before you even arrived? What kind of debate are you hoping to have here or are you just here to wind people up and call everyone "lefties" and "yogurt weavers"?
Greebozz said:
It mostly can be found in what you and others have written. the clue would be the sentences containing the slander and labeling.
Do you mean this kind of 'labeling'?

nino_savatte said:
1. You claimed to live in the States. Is this a lie?
2. Is that really the case? Isn't reportage in the printed media also selective?
3. That auld trick.
4. Another one

1. I live in the States. Stop being a lying fuckwit.
2. You tell me, liar.
3. You lied. You got caught. You lie some more. Fuck you.
4. Ditto.

You suck. Everyone knows it, it is just that your leftist buddies are so corrupt that they won't tell you.
rogue yam said:
1. I live in the States. Stop being a lying fuckwit.
2. You tell me, liar.
3. You lied. You got caught. You lie some more. Fuck you.
4. Ditto.

You suck. Everyone knows it, it is just that your leftist buddies are so corrupt that they won't tell you.
I find it kinda strange that you an jc always turn up together :rolleyes: Are you part of the same programme as rentonite :confused:
friedaweed said:
What a tosspot. So have you read every book published then grandad or are we kids the only ones expected to have
Your reply demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of what I wrote. Show me an obnoxious leftie fuckwit, and I'll show you an obnoxious fuckwit, kid.
friedaweed said:
The ... was trying to suggest that because someone hadn't read one particular book that they were inferior to himself.
Nonsense. The poster who prompted my reply stated that he had never heard of Kurt Vonnegut at all. Given Vonnegut's place as one of the best known and best loved "political" authors of (particularly young) lefties a mere 20 years ago, I surmised that the poster was young and that times had changed. That you can't comprehend this reinforces my point.
rogue yam said:
Your reply demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of what I wrote. Show me an obnoxious leftie fuckwit, and I'll show you an obnoxious fuckwit, kid.
:D of course i should respect my elders. I take it you're in your 60's or something yeah
I have been very mistaken and please accept my apologies. Your purpose here is to help us all mature and come round to your way of thinking :rolleyes: Not to aggravate people by suggesting that because they don't agree with you that you can ascertain without knowledge that they are younger and subsequently less wise than you.
Do carry on uncle Yam. Spread your wisdom. :rolleyes:

I'm already coming round to your way of thinking that we should "Let the Palestinians rot behind that Israeli wall"

Oh it's so liberating. :cool:
friedaweed said:
Fuck right off Canuck The dickspring was trying to suggest that because someone hadn't read one particular book that they were inferior to himself. Thinking it my give you some kudos with the gimp you jumped on the band wagon.
Always the apologist :rolleyes:

No, I think he was saying that as time has gone by, general literacy and interest in books and reading has fallen. I agree with that, and I thought it was pretty much a given.
friedaweed said:
I find it kinda strange that you an jc always turn up together
I just figured we were in similar time zones. But then again, I don't smoke a bunch of drugs that make me stupid and paranoid.
friedaweed said:
I find it kinda strange that you an jc always turn up together :rolleyes: Are you part of the same programme as rentonite :confused:

If you look at a map, you'll see that Vancouver is pretty much due north of Renton, in Washington, which is due north of California.

We probably get up and go to bed at roughly the same times.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
No, I think he was saying that as time has gone by, general literacy and interest in books and reading has fallen. I agree with that, and I thought it was pretty much a given.
Depends how you interpret smugness then doesn't it ;)
friedaweed said:
No your just playing out an imaginary one with every redneck/freeper that cums along ;)

So when I agree with some 'right winger' it's the biscuit game.

What is it when you agree with some 'left winger'?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
If you look at a map, you'll see that Vancouver is pretty much due north of Renton, in Washington, which is due north of California.

We probably get up and go to bed at roughly the same times.
Renton it is then :D
It's not Travis's dad is it :p
Johnny Canuck2 said:
So when I agree with some 'right winger' it's the biscuit game.

What is it when you agree with some 'left winger'?
Circle jerk :rolleyes:
Have you forgotten everything that peebs taught you :D
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