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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

Brainaddict said:
Oh fuck off you bigot. How many muslims do you know personally? Are you addicted to stupidity?

It's pretty hard to like you, but do I go starting wars over it and constructing an oppressive surveillance state because of it?

Why are you disregarding my feelings? your language is that of an oaf and I bet any money you are not a Muslim.

What I have said is exactly how I feel and how things seem to me. What am I missing here, I am all ears, why am I wrong?

I am not a Muslim, so where do I fit into the Muslim scheme of things? Am I just a worthless unbeliever to them, who's life is worth nothing? You might say what nonsense, but how do you know. I am one of the few non Muslims who has read large parts of the Koran, there are real issues here.
Right, so this is all about the cartoons, okay.

The bombs being dropped on countries where their families live are irrelevant?
The sustained campaign of racial hatred against immigrants of arab descent in the Danish press is a side issue?

All about a cartoon my arse.
Greebozz said:
I am one of the few non Muslims who has read large parts of the Koran, there are real issues here.

Don't use that as an excuse. I have as well, and I'm not Muslim either. But oddly, I don't see Muslims as a single entity bent on world domination either.

Edit: I know this whole world domination/single entity thing is actually something Rentonite posted and not you, but there are some strong generalisations flying around from both of you, it seems.
Greebozz said:
so where do I fit into the Muslim scheme of things? .

Why don't you ask a cross section of Muslims, and listen to what they have to say??

Make sure you check your attitude into the cloakroom along with your coat first though.
Rentonite said:
They are such a Tolerant bunch.
Dont ya just love em :)

Someone once said to me that individuals can be intelligent but crowds can be stupid. I resent the "us/them" concept. Obviously, you get weirdos in every breed but I have never thought Abu Hamza is representative of the world's Muslims anymore than I think the KKK is representative of white people.

The answer is obviously that there are good and people everywhere you look.
winterinmoscow said:
Someone once said to me that individuals can be intelligent but crowds can be stupid. I resent the "us/them" concept. Obviously, you get weirdos in every breed but I have never thought Abu Hamza is representative of the world's Muslims anymore than I think the KKK is representative of white people.

The answer is obviously that there are good and people everywhere you look.
I wouldn't waste your time on this piece of shite. Rentonite thinks that all Muslims are a single entity of "terrorist shitheads" but then this is the same person that believes that most African-Americans are lazy homies who enjoy living in state funded paradise so they can pay the white man back for slavery. :rolleyes:

He also keeps a gun on his keyboard "locked and loaded" in case he has to join the war against the Muslims.

This is not made up, it's all derived from his posts ;)
Greebozz said:
Why are you disregarding my feelings?
Well here's a clue: your lack of regard for the feelings of millions and millions of individuals who happen to be muslim and don't fit into your bigotted little boxes might, just might be something to do with why I don't have much regard for your feelings and wish you'd either learn something from what people post here or fuck off the boards and not come back.
Idris2002 said:
None of the Muslims I know are like that, anyway...
Just curious here. I'm Eurabia core resident myself, I wouldn't live anywhere else, civilization speaks French, dances Algerian and eats merguez in a baguette with a no 42 on the side.

Every time I pass back through Belfast I have the impression that the 6C is almost a Muslim free zone, is that changing? And what brave nationality has turned up to improve the inbreed bloodlines? Belfast could do with a little sane Islamic moderation to dilute the native cultures of bigoted fanatiscism.
GarfieldLeChat said:
the comment made was that xtains had never (that is an absolute statement not a time limited one) done anything after their god was offended which simply isn't true the most obvious example beign the crusades... ...

As I recall, the reason/excuse for the crusades, was to liberate the holy places in Jerusalem etc from the Saracen. Something similar today might be if the US occupied Mecca and installed a disco ball on the Kaaba.

A cartoon of a prophet with a bomb on his head isn't quite the same level of provocation.
In Bloom said:
Right, so this is all about the cartoons, okay.

The bombs being dropped on countries where their families live are irrelevant?
The sustained campaign of racial hatred against immigrants of arab descent in the Danish press is a side issue?

All about a cartoon my arse.

I feel all alone now :(
oi2002 said:
Belfast could do with a little sane Islamic moderation to dilute the native cultures of bigoted fanatiscism.

There must be a wall long enough :D

I know - both sides of a stretch of "peace wall"...
winterinmoscow said:
I have never thought Abu Hamza is representative of the world's Muslims anymore than I think the KKK is representative of white people..

True, but if you were a black person sitting in your house at night, that 99% of white people who weren't in the Klan weren't on your mind. The one's you'd be thinking of, and the ones who might burn a cross on your lawn or worse, were that 1%.

The small group, even though it has few in numbers, can take on a much larger significance as a result of its actions.
Brainaddict said:
Well here's a clue: your lack of regard for the feelings of millions and millions of individuals who happen to be muslim and don't fit into your bigotted little boxes might, just might be something to do with why I don't have much regard for your feelings and wish you'd either learn something from what people post here or fuck off the boards and not come back.

Please explain to me how to express my feeling in a politically correct way. Is there anywhere I can find a list of what views one is permitted to hold. I though you could say how you feel provided that you did not use personal attacks or be offensive language. Half the tension in this country is because whenever someone raises this issue they immediately get sneered at and accused of be a racist bigot.

Where are you coming from in this, are you the Bush hater,an alternative person, clubber, student? What is you interest? Is it looking cool winning, an argument writing some good putdowns.

Please notices that I used the term "many Muslims" NOT all Muslims, I think I deserve an apology for your wrong accusation.
You have accused me of being a bigot. That is a lie and the exact generalization you accused me off.

I think you are taking cheep shots because no one can write ten pages covering every disclaimer, I think it is pretty obvious what I am talking about.
And finally does anyone have any links to Muslims forums, because I what to understand what is going on, I have respectful question that I would like answering.
Go back and read your OP with this open mind you seek from others ;)

Greebozz said:
Please explain to me how to express my feeling in a politically correct way. Is there anywhere I can find a list of what views one is permitted to hold. I though you could say how you feel provided that you did not use personal attacks or be offensive language. Half the tension in this country is because whenever someone raises this issue they immediately get sneered at and accused of be a racist bigot.

Where are you coming from in this, are you the Bush hater,an alternative person, clubber, student? What is you interest? Is it looking cool winning, an argument writing some good putdowns.

Please notices that I used the term "many Muslims" NOT all Muslims, I think I deserve an apology for your wrong accusation.
You have accused me of being a bigot. That is a lie and the exact generalization you accused me off.

I think you are taking cheep shots because no one can write ten pages covering every disclaimer, I think it is pretty obvious what I am talking about.
And finally does anyone have any links to Muslims forums, because I what to understand what is going on, I have respectful question that I would like answering.
Racist bigot :p

Does the grammar look familiar.
The thing that doesn't seem to be getting much comment, is the significance of an attack on an embassy. You're able to name a couple of instances: Dublin, maybe the storming of the US embassy in Saigon. It doesn't happen much, because by international convention, embassies are considered the territory of the particular country. An attack on an embassy is an attack on the soil of, in this instance, Denmark.

That's why governments usually provide overwhelming force to repel any threats to foreign embassies within their boundaries. Sure, there are lots of demonstrations, but rarely does it happen that al local mob is allowed to gain access to an embassy.

Think about the siege on the Libyan embassy in London. Some Libyan shoots a london police officer dead. Even then they didn't storm the embassy: they laid siege to it, treating it like the foreign territory it was. And the consequences of those events was the severing of diplomatic ties.

What this torching of embassies in the Middle East indicates to me, is that the govts there are beginning to ignore the conventions under which international relations are carried out. Had the Lebanese govt wanted to repel that crowd, they could have done so. It's interesting that in Syria, the cops there somehow couldn't stop the mob from burning the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish embassies, but were able to stop the crowd when it tried to torch the French embassy.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
True, but if you were a black person sitting in your house at night, that 99% of white people who weren't in the Klan weren't on your mind. The one's you'd be thinking of, and the ones who might burn a cross on your lawn or worse, were that 1%.

The small group, even though it has few in numbers, can take on a much larger significance as a result of its actions.
Cue Darcus Howe :rolleyes:

What so it's OK for people like rentoshite to hate all Muslims is it JC. :rolleyes: Are you doing your apologist stint tonight or your devils advocate? :p
Johnny Canuck2 said:
The thing that doesn't seem to be getting much comment, is the significance of an attack on an embassy. You're able to name a couple of instances: Dublin, maybe the storming of the US embassy in Saigon. It doesn't happen much, because by international convention, embassies are considered the territory of the particular country. An attack on an embassy is an attack on the soil of, in this instance, Denmark.

That's why governments usually provide overwhelming force to repel any threats to foreign embassies within their boundaries. Sure, there are lots of demonstrations, but rarely does it happen that al local mob is allowed to gain access to an embassy.

Think about the siege on the Libyan embassy in London. Some Libyan shoots a london police officer dead. Even then they didn't storm the embassy: they laid siege to it, treating it like the foreign territory it was. And the consequences of those events was the severing of diplomatic ties.

What this torching of embassies in the Middle East indicates to me, is that the govts there are beginning to ignore the conventions under which international relations are carried out. Had the Lebanese govt wanted to repel that crowd, they could have done so. It's interesting that in Syria, the cops there somehow couldn't stop the mob from burning the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish embassies, but were able to stop the crowd when it tried to torch the French embassy.
Yeah you're right should we nuke the fuckers now for it.
Do you really think it's just about cartoons JC?
Somebody - "You're a cock."
Cock - "That's hurtful, you've insulted me, you hate Jesus and God and fluffy kittens, you insensitive liberal hypocrite!!!"
Somebody - "You weren't exactly being very sensitive towards Muslims"
Cock - "Why should I have to be politically correct? I want my freedom of speach, you fascist!"

Johnny Canuck2 said:
As I recall, the reason/excuse for the crusades, was to liberate the holy places in Jerusalem etc from the Saracen.
Good God, he even believes Medieval propaganda without the slightest sign of critical judgement :D
friedaweed said:
Racist bigot :p

Does the grammar look familiar.

Forgive me but why do people act as if they elected as the bastions of wisdom and rightfulness. I am a human being I have a right to exist. Why is one person view point more important than anyone's else's ? You might disagree with me. Everyone has a right to there opinion

If anyone is cleverer and wiser than I am, I would be delighted to hear what you have to say. but with respect put up or shut up. Pithy/cutting remarks from the sidelines are just too easy.
Greebozz said:
Why is one person view point more important than anyone's else's ?
Because some people are wrong, and demonstrably so. Now shut your foul whining and advance a decent argument or fuck off, you exceptionally precious twat. Nobody is censoring you, nobody is threatening your "right to exist," people have insulted you, nothing more, nothing less, it happens.
Yes we must have a folk devil mustn't we.

Greebozz said:
Forgive me but why do people act as if they elected as the bastions of wisdom and rightfulness. I am a human being I have a right to exist. Why is one person view point more important than anyone's else's ? You might disagree with me. Everyone has a right to there opinion

If anyone is cleverer and wiser than I am, I would be delighted to hear what you have to say. but with respect put up or shut up. Pithy/cutting remarks from the sidelines are just too easy.
Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred.
Oh you bastion of wisdom and rightfulness. :rolleyes: Can we have a percentage on how many are addicted to hatred and some links that give fact to your assumption that there is an addiction?

It is getting to the stage where the only issue is how can we protect ourselves and fellow citizens for harm by Muslims.
Yeah i worry about this so much I'm moving away from my Muslim neighbours. Everybody run the Muslims are coming. :mad:
It seems that many Muslims don't like the West
Have you any inklings as to why this may be so?

and to be honest it is pretty hard to like the Muslim attitude of rage and hatred.
Yes rage and hatred is a uniquely muslim attitude.

Now fuck off and find something interesting to deconstruct I'm not waking my nipper up to do this again.. :rolleyes:
Greebozz said:
Please explain to me how to express my feeling in a politically correct way. Is there anywhere I can find a list of what views one is permitted to hold. I though you could say how you feel provided that you did not use personal attacks or be offensive language. Half the tension in this country is because whenever someone raises this issue they immediately get sneered at and accused of be a racist bigot.

Where are you coming from in this, are you the Bush hater,an alternative person, clubber, student? What is you interest? Is it looking cool winning, an argument writing some good putdowns.

Please notices that I used the term "many Muslims" NOT all Muslims, I think I deserve an apology for your wrong accusation.
You have accused me of being a bigot. That is a lie and the exact generalization you accused me off.

I think you are taking cheep shots because no one can write ten pages covering every disclaimer, I think it is pretty obvious what I am talking about.
And finally does anyone have any links to Muslims forums, because I what to understand what is going on, I have respectful question that I would like answering.
*sigh* I'll play this little game for a while.

I don't want you to change the way you express your feelings y'know - I want you to realise that your feelings are based on ignorance and so change the actual feelings. Then you won't be a bigot any more. Do you see?

Where am I coming from? What's my interest?
I just want peace and love you twat.

Well okay, you only said 'many muslims' are hateful people, and I'm only saying 'many urban75 posters who registered in Nov 2005 are ignorant wankers'. Not that that includes you or anything - see how I used 'many', not 'all'? So I can't be talking about you. Just clarifying that. Not you. At all.

As for the last question, I wouldn't inflict your ignorance on any other forums.
friedaweed said:
Cue Darcus Howe :rolleyes:

What so it's OK for people like rentoshite to hate all Muslims is it JC. :rolleyes: Are you doing your apologist stint tonight or your devils advocate? :p

No, the point is that even though 99% of muslims are ordinary law abiding citizens, the ones you tend to focus on are the one percent who want to cut your head off and explode a nuclear device in your town.

That one percent can generate lots of worry and fear amongst citizens in western countries, and rightly so.
friedaweed said:
Yeah you're right should we nuke the fuckers now for it.
Do you really think it's just about cartoons JC?

Well, considering that the signs are about the cartoons, and since the major demonstrations are against the Danish, an inoffensive people if ever there was one, and since it was the Danish embassy that was burned, I suspect it has something to do with the cartoons.

Notice they aren't even screaming 'death to america' this time.

If it was about the wider injustice of it all, surely they'd be screaming 'death to america'?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Well, considering that the signs are about the cartoons, and since the major demonstrations are against the Danish, an inoffensive people if ever there was one, and since it was the Danish embassy that was burned, I suspect it has something to do with the cartoons.

Notice they aren't even screaming 'death to america' this time.

If it was about the wider injustice of it all, surely they'd be screaming 'death to america'?
Did anybody say that it has nothing to do with the cartoons?

The point is that the global situation (which can be largely attributed to US foreign policy, but also to growing racism against arabs within Europe, particularly Denmark) has created an atmosphere which is conducive to the growth of fundamentalism. An atmosphere where many young Muslims feel alienated from the society they live in and angry about the world around them.

The cartoon was like throwing a match into a powder keg, it might be a stupid thing to do, but keeping a big, open barrel of gun powder lying out for no good reason isn't particularly smart, neither.
In Bloom said:
Did anybody say that it has nothing to do with the cartoons?

The point is that the global situation (which can be largely attributed to US foreign policy, but also to growing racism against arabs within Europe, particularly Denmark) has created an atmosphere which is conducive to the growth of fundamentalism. An atmosphere where many young Muslims feel alienated from the society they live in and angry about the world around them.

The cartoon was like throwing a match into a powder keg, it might be a stupid thing to do, but keeping a big, open barrel of gun powder lying out for no good reason isn't particularly smart, neither.

So now the US is responsible for the teachings of Mohammed?

Is Bush the al Mahdi?
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