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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

Johnny Canuck2 said:
So now the US is responsible for the teachings of Mohammed?

Is Bush the al Mahdi?
What does that have to do with anything?

Religious fundamentalism exists in all religions, the most visible radical groups fighting against Western imperialism in the Middle East have tended to be Islamic fundamentalist groups, as a consequence, the greater the resentment against the US, the more popular Islamist ideology becomes. It's not hugely difficult, unless you are suggesting that the only possible interpretation of Islam is the crazed, rabid, "behead the infidels" stuff on display in the last few days, something which is demonstrably false.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
...Something similar today might be if the US occupied Mecca and installed a disco ball on the Kaaba.
Now there's a real neocon plan, convert all the Muslim holy places to BLT selling titty bars. It would at least give Saudi Prices somewhere to go of an evening.

Arabs tend to rate the Mongols way ahead of the Crusaders by the way. A bunch barbarian cart horse riders with buckets on their heads lead by inbred toffs were confusing enough to hold Jerusalem for nearly a century but were never the existential threat of the efficient turkic armies that came off the steppe.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
No, the point is that even though 99% of muslims are ordinary law abiding citizens, the ones you tend to focus on are the one percent who want to cut your head off and explode a nuclear device in your town.

That one percent can generate lots of worry and fear amongst citizens in western countries, and rightly so.
That's not the way i go about my daily life. I choose not to live under this sort of moral panic. You should try it. It's quite liberating. ;)

Just like our prophet said Back in the book of Greebozz chapter 4 psalm 23
I just want peace and love you twat.
friedaweed said:
That's not the way i go about my daily life. I choose not to live under this sort of moral panic. You should try it. It's quite liberating. ;)

Do you deliberately get things wrong?

Most people rarely give these things much thought, but the point is; that if the topic of islam comes up, people in NA will likely spend some time thinking about 911, the Taliban etc. They're the ones in the news.

As for blacks in the mid twentieth century south, it would have been anti-survival NOT to think about what that one percent might be getting up to.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Do you deliberately get things wrong?

Most people rarely give these things much thought, but the point is; that if the topic of islam comes up, people in NA will likely spend some time thinking about 911, the Taliban etc. They're the ones in the news.

As for blacks in the mid twentieth century south, it would have been anti-survival NOT to think about what that one percent might be getting up to.
Are you seriously comparing the situation for white Christians in the modern day USA with that of black people in 1950s Missisippi?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Do you deliberately get things wrong?
I know i try hard at my grammar but you cushion the floor for us all there :D

Most people rarely give these things much thought, but the point is; that if the topic of islam comes up, people in NA will likely spend some time thinking about 911
What even if the topic of American Muslims comes up, how much thought will they give it when it comes up? Lots? A little? 1%?
the Taliban etc.
Who carried out 911 yeah ....erm? Shit Einstein have you deliberately got that right? :p

They're the ones in the news
Should this be the only time that angry Muslims in the middle east are shown on NA TV?

As for blacks in the mid twentieth century south, it would have been anti-survival NOT to think about what that one percent might be getting up to
Let's not go down to the river tonight Johnny and keep the thread on topic ;)
In bloom said:
Because some people are wrong, and demonstrably so. Now shut your foul whining and advance a decent argument or fuck off, you exceptionally precious twat. Nobody is censoring you, nobody is threatening your "right to exist," people have insulted you, nothing more, nothing less, it happens.

Have you ever had an argument with a coke head, it is just like this tread in that however much they are losing an argument that are convinced that they are the coolest and most fantastic. People reading this are going to be asking who is the author of the above comments, what type of person are they. You sound a bit hysterical to me

(I wrote,- "Very very good point. If "America is addicted to Oil" Many Muslims seem addicted to hatred").
"Many Muslims seem" in the important part of this sentence, The many Muslims I am taking about are the ones burning the embassy and with the placards on the street.

friedaweed said:
Oh you bastion of wisdom and rightfulness. :rolleyes: Can we have a percentage on how many are addicted to hatred and some links that give fact to your assumption that there is an addiction?

The brinkmanship of Iran the violent demos on the TV news

friedaweed said:
Yeah i worry about this so much I'm moving away from my Muslim neighbors. Everybody run the Muslims are coming. :mad:

Have you any inklings as to why this may be so?

Cooperation works both ways I would like to know what what Muslim are doing to accept non Muslims

friedaweed said:
Yes rage and hatred is a uniquely muslim attitude.

No but I never here much talk of forgiveness.

friedaweed said:
Now fuck off and find something interesting to deconstruct I'm not waking my nipper up to do this again.. :rolleyes:

To sum up relax everyone there is not problem or issue it is all in my imagination.

Brainaddict said:
*sigh* I'll play this little game for a while.

I don't want you to change the way you express your feelings y'know - I want you to realise that your feelings are based on ignorance and so change the actual feelings. Then you won't be a bigot any more. Do you see?

Ok I hear you, but what ignorance are my feeling based on?

Brainaddict said:
Where am I coming from? What's my interest?
I just want peace and love you twat.

The tone of your post is very hostile for someone who just wants peace and love, you seem to want all dissent or disagreement to your view suppressed.

Brainaddict said:
Well okay, you only said 'many muslims' are hateful people, and I'm only saying 'many urban75 posters who registered in Nov 2005 are ignorant wankers'. Not that that includes you or anything - see how I used 'many', not 'all'? So I can't be talking about you. Just clarifying that. Not you. At all.

That really is not insulting when you read it with the term "Many" used like I did, what is more I said "seem" in the same sentence to indicate it was and opinon, not a statement of fact.

Brainaddict said:
As for the last question, I wouldn't inflict your ignorance on any other forums.

People are reading this tread, you are very lucky you are not one of these people who is a "self monitor", good luck, who care what anyone else thinks.

By the way I am very tired of being insulted, I find it is very offensive.
Greebozz said:
Have you ever had an argument with a coke head, it is just like this tread in that however much they are losing an argument that are convinced that they are the coolest and most fantastic. People reading this are going to be asking who is the author of the above comments, what type of person are they. You sound a bit hysterical to me
From somebody who starts screeching about their "right to exist" after somebody calls them a few names on an internet bulletin board, hysterical is a wee bit rich :D

"Many Muslims seem" in the important part of this sentence, The many Muslims I am taking about are the ones burning the embassy and with the placards on the street.
So when you said that you disliked "the Muslim attitude of hate" what you actually meant is that you dislike the hateful attitude of some Muslims, despite your utter failure to communicate this and your use of language that implies that you were referring to Muslims in general.
In Bloom said:
From somebody who starts screeching about their "right to exist" after somebody calls them a few names on an internet bulletin board, hysterical is a wee bit rich :D

So when you said that you disliked "the Muslim attitude of hate" what you actually meant is that you dislike the hateful attitude of some Muslims, despite your utter failure to communicate this and your use of language that implies that you were referring to Muslims in general.
English might not be his first language IB.
Come on stir his tea and pass him another hobnob :D
In Bloom said:
Did anybody say that it has nothing to do with the cartoons?

The point is that the global situation (which can be largely attributed to US foreign policy, but also to growing racism against arabs within Europe, particularly Denmark) has created an atmosphere which is conducive to the growth of fundamentalism. An atmosphere where many young Muslims feel alienated from the society they live in and angry about the world around them.

The cartoon was like throwing a match into a powder keg, it might be a stupid thing to do, but keeping a big, open barrel of gun powder lying out for no good reason isn't particularly smart, neither.

Victimhood, victimhood. Blame our problems on someone else. No Nobel Peace prizes going to Arabs? Blame the west. Economic decay in the Middle East? Blame the west. Corrupt regimes resembling Tsarist Russia? Blame the west. And of course Israel.

Muslims and or Arabs will improve their lives when they start taking responsibility for their own actions. Blaming America and the Jews will not improve things.
friedaweed said:
Should this be the only time that angry Muslims in the middle east are shown on NA TV?

Regular people going to work and raising families, usually don't make it to the news, whether they're american, egyptian, or bangladeshi.
Dubversion said:
you're a fucking idiot, mears, and it's the attitude of dumb fucks like you that escalates this shit

Compared to your outstanding contributions exemplified by the above comment I would say in comparsion, yes, I am an idiot.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Now, the Austrian embassy is under attack:

The offending cartoon:

Johnny Canuck2 said:
As I recall, the reason/excuse for the crusades, was to liberate the holy places in Jerusalem etc from the Saracen. Something similar today might be if the US occupied Mecca and installed a disco ball on the Kaaba.

A cartoon of a prophet with a bomb on his head isn't quite the same level of provocation.
yes yes and an anarchist started the first world war ... jesus this is picture book politics ...

a is for american
b is for blood dimonds
c is for capitalism
d is for dead arabs
e is for equity lost if oil is traded in euros and not dollars
f is for fucktards who persist in belieiving the black and white arguments
g is gullible <see above>
h is hypocracy of waging war for democracy and yet refusing to accept democratic choice
i is for idiotic sayings which detract from debate such as all mears all ego <aka all america all the time>
j is for justice something that us/uk/un need a sore lesson in
k is for killing something that western goverments are addicted to
l is for lucre <filthy> which is what hailburton et al are making
m is for murder for money <see above>
n is for nepotism <bush the elder, bush the senior, bush the brother>
o is for oppertunistic carpe diem hijacking 11 novemeber and selling it wholesale as a comodity
p is for poverty the root cause of the hatred and the system of oppression
q is for quo as in status a situation not allowed to to change
r is revenge the act of claiming retribution of suffering is cleansing of the soul of the nation
s is for stupidity which allows the unthinking to continually eat a diet of applesauce telly vision restricting their mental development to that of an infant
t is for totallitarian regiemes put in place to support the status quo
u is for united nations a systematic apologist mechanism which excuses the illgal actions of western govts.
v is for vicotry in iraq declared in 1 may 2003 yet the war still rages
w is for dubya the clwon prince who is soem kind of hypnotist to have entralled a sleeping nation to the extent that wankers like mears rectolite et al to cock suck their way to ecastay each time he opens is stupid fucking mouth
x is for camp x ray the illegal detention and tourtue camp
y is for yellow the colour of the armchair war enthuisats who will cheer on the death of darkskinned foes they have never met and know even less about
z is for zeitguist the sprit of the age; political apathy in the face of facist agendas and capitalist industrial war complex gerrymandering.

that's our picture book abc for today kids...

muslims are fucked off because they are being attacked and killed in a racist agenda pushed by people who view modern day slavery as a fast buck...

the fact that it's so openly supported by some on these board is as good an argument i have ever seen for euthanasia...
GarfieldLeChat said:
yes yes and an anarchist started the first world war ... jesus this is picture book politics ...

a is for american
b is for blood dimonds
c is for capitalism
d is for dead arabs
e is for equity lost if oil is traded in euros and not dollars
f is for fucktards who persist in belieiving the black and white arguments
g is gullible <see above>
h is hypocracy of waging war for democracy and yet refusing to accept democratic choice
i is for idiotic sayings which detract from debate such as all mears all ego <aka all america all the time>
j is for justice something that us/uk/un need a sore lesson in
k is for killing something that western goverments are addicted to
l is for lucre <filthy> which is what hailburton et al are making
m is for murder for money <see above>
n is for nepotism <bush the elder, bush the senior, bush the brother>
o is for oppertunistic carpe diem hijacking 11 novemeber and selling it wholesale as a comodity
p is for poverty the root cause of the hatred and the system of oppression
q is for quo as in status a situation not allowed to to change
r is revenge the act of claiming retribution of suffering is cleansing of the soul of the nation
s is for stupidity which allows the unthinking to continually eat a diet of applesauce telly vision restricting their mental development to that of an infant
t is for totallitarian regiemes put in place to support the status quo
u is for united nations a systematic apologist mechanism which excuses the illgal actions of western govts.
v is for vicotry in iraq declared in 1 may 2003 yet the war still rages
w is for dubya the clwon prince who is soem kind of hypnotist to have entralled a sleeping nation to the extent that wankers like mears rectolite et al to cock suck their way to ecastay each time he opens is stupid fucking mouth
x is for camp x ray the illegal detention and tourtue camp
y is for yellow the colour of the armchair war enthuisats who will cheer on the death of darkskinned foes they have never met and know even less about
z is for zeitguist the sprit of the age; political apathy in the face of facist agendas and capitalist industrial war complex gerrymandering.

that's our picture book abc for today kids...

Johnny Canuck2 said:
Regular people going to work and raising families, usually don't make it to the news, whether they're american, egyptian, or bangladeshi.
Neither do bombed civvys in little villages in pakistan or in Iraq. Unless of course the muslims did the bombing :rolleyes:

As for your thread derailing....... :p
friedaweed said:
Neither do bombed civvys in little villages in pakistan or in Iraq. Unless of course the muslims did the bombing
Nonsense. The recent airstrike in Pakistan was front page news worldwide and discussed at length in political venues everywhere, including on u75. Why do you say otherwise?
It seems to be that both friedaweed and In Bloom and others that have criticized and personally attacked me, have a very loud voice in this matter, but they have not declared what their interests, motivation, or experience, in subject we are talking about is . Instead in my view have been just darting around the argument trying to boost their egos. Hackneyed "right on points" and the pointing out of clever semantics. seems to be the only interest.

All I know is that one of you has grudging admitted that they are not a Muslim. Both you usernames friedaweed and In Bloom are clear references to being weed smokers, who exactly are you representative of. You are probably very young, under 25 years old. The majority of you comments have been sniping using oafish langue. Your post contain almost no substance. And you don't guts to state your opinion about the recent demonstrations. You don't seem to acknowledge that there is a clash of culture and any form or at any level.
Greebozz said:
It seems to be that both friedaweed and In Bloom and others that have criticized and personally attacked me, have a very loud voice in this matter, but they have not declared what their interests, motivation, or experience, in subject we are talking about is . Instead in my view have been just darting around the argument trying to boost their egos. Hackneyed "right on points" and the pointing out of clever semantics. seems to be the only interest.

All I know is that one of you has grudging admitted that they are not a Muslim. Both you usernames friedaweed and In Bloom are clear references to being weed smokers, who exactly are you representative of. You are probably very young, under 25 years old. The majority of you comments have been sniping using oafish langue. Your post contain almost no substance. And you don't guts to state your opinion about the recent demonstrations. You don't seem to acknowledge that there is a clash of culture and any form or at any level.


i'm 37, i don't smoke dope and i STILL think you're full of shit. does that help? :D
Dubversion said:

i'm 37, i don't smoke dope and i STILL think you're full of shit. does that help? :D

Why do you think I am talking about you, your only contribution to this thread has been a couple of short foul mouthed sentences. that were not replies to anything I posted.
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