00:00 "YAAAAAAS. This is what victory looks like."
I mean, typical Musk, taking credit for other people's achievements. That's his MO. You'd think he'd been elected and inaugurated President, not Trump.
Although Musk did buy/corrupt the election/election process, so maybe he has a point.
And given he's ineligible to run for US President himself it's the closest he's going to get to that kind of victory.
Or is it.
I'm reminded of a couple of things:
Firstly, what Putin did, when he couldn't stand for a third consecutive four-year term. He effectively installed Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev as Russian President, they switched places. And while Medvedev was President he changed the constitution so that presidents would be in office for six years.
And then Putin resumed power - although some might argue he'd never conceded real power, just the title - for a third (non-consecutive) term, albeit for six-year terms this time round.
And then Putin changed the Russian Constitution to allow himself to run for two more terms.
Trump's previously already threatened to run for a third term, which isn't currently allowed under the US constitution.
So watch this space.
Secondly, on the one hand, Donald-from-Scottish-German-immigrant-background-Trump hates immigrants. (Oh, the irony.) The Muslim ban. They're rapists, they're criminals. Send them back. Build a wall. Etc.
Except when convenient.
Eg, his business operations focus on hospitality and property development companies, two sectors that rely heavily on immigrant labour, the latter through subcontractor construction companies.
And more recently his comments in favour of HB1 visas. Which are important to Elon Musk's businesses.
So this just goes to show that Trump and his principles are for sale to the highest bidder. He'll spout anti-(Black, Muslim, Hispanic, Latinx)-immigrant* rhetoric, because that's ultimately part of what he believes in, ie white supremacy.
But if Trump's prepared to change his attitudes towards work visas and who can do what jobs, depending on who's whispering in his ear and donating to money to his campaigns, what's the betting that Trump during his third term of office decides to play kingmaker and change the US constitution to say that any US citizen can be President, you don't have to be born there? And pave the way for a South African-born US President Elon Musk?
I mean, I hope I'm wrong. But the despot playbook is out there.