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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

this kind of thing genuinely scares me.... I know he's a fool but I dont take it as a joke

now, there was a chance for some democrat in a very safe seat to retort, "yes, let's loose the national guard on the enemy within, which is the republican party." oh my, the fun we'd have.
now, there was a chance for some democrat in a very safe seat to retort, "yes, let's loose the national guard on the enemy within, which is the republican party." oh my, the fun we'd have.

That was what I thought on reading it.

Given Trump's history of inciting insurrection after the previous election didn't go his way, it seems an unwise suggestion to make.
this kind of thing genuinely scares me.... I know he's a fool but I dont take it as a joke

It should scare everyone, he's a total madman, who doesn't care what chaos he causes, look what happened as a result of Trump claimed the government was diverting funds from FEMA's hurricane relief efforts to to help migrants.

Trump has also baselessly claimed that some of the diverted funds are being used to help migrants: “A billion dollars was stolen from FEMA to use it for illegal migrants,” he said Friday.

Trump is actually accusing the Biden administration of an act very similar to something he did as president. In 2019, Trump’s administration moved $155 million meant for FEMA disaster relief to support immigration enforcement. LINK


Michael Flynn: 'Gates of Hell' will be unleashed on Trump's enemies when he takes office​

Former President Donald Trump's one-time National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is ramping up his apocalyptic rhetoric to a new and dangerous extreme, Ja'han Jones wrote for MSNBC's "ReidOut Blog."

Flynn, who was fired from Trump's administration and took a plea deal for lying to federal investigators about his ties to Russia before being pardoned by Trump, has since descended into extreme conspiracy theory circles, in particular forming close ties to the QAnon movement, which believes Trump must save America from Satanic child sex trafficking cannibals. He has previously suggested the U.S. should undergo a military coup like that in Myanmar.

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This looked fun, Trump had a rally on private land (perhaps because he owes money for other venues :) ) and looks like failed to pay for buses to get people back to their cars. From what I've seen elsewhere that left thousands of largely old people stranded in heat.

It wasn't because Trump failed to pay for the buses apparently, from reddit:

Heya. The male driver was my dad...

My father was attacked at a rally

He works for the bus company that was doing transportation for the rally in Coachella. The rally didn't think about the logistics of 15k people and the buses weren't enough.

People got angry and began to riot. Throwing themselves in front of buses, banging on the windows and doors, and attacked two bus drivers. (One female driver was spit on by an elderly woman. The woman had to be restrained by another person from grabbing the driver by the hair)

The other driver was my father. He is a veteran and served in Vietnam and has head trauma from the war and from an car accident years ago...he was sucker punched from behind the head while he was walking outside his bus. He has a broken nose and hopefully his prior head trauma isn't worsen but won't know until some time. (He did get a CAT scan) He didn't see who hit him and he lost vision temporarily in his right eye (it's back now).

I just cannot understand this cult of violence and hate. My dad is 70 and what a coward to hit someone from behind because of something that was not my dad's fault.

The news didn't report this and even riot police showed up because of this behavior with the buses...

Just had to vent and get this off my chest. I just am angry and sad at the state of our political climate

confirmed by another redditor in comments.

Interesting and somewhat scary (first few posts particularly) reddit thread discussing why Trump's support isn't wavering among his fans.

Trump reportedly wanted protesters to be shot. He also reportedly wanted migrants shot trying to cross the border. If he doesn't have anyone around him to talk him out of such actions in his new administration, do you think he would go through with them in a second Trump term? (self.PoliticalDiscussion)


A lot of people don't give a shit about it, straight up.

I'm not saying this as an insult or slight for the sake of it; hell, I wouldn't have said this in 2016. But I think we need to seriously reexamine the assumption that everyone is all about democratic norms like we are, and really come to task with the fact that a significant amount of the population is accepting of authoritarianism.

A few years ago I'd see people get confronted with things like the OP is talking about and you'd see people squirm or try to deny it, because hell, yeah that's uncomfortable to think about and that doublethink/cognitive dissonance is stressful.

A lot of people have decided to deal with that stress by finally picking a side; "Great! Shoot 'em in the face!"
Interesting and somewhat scary (first few posts particularly) reddit thread discussing why Trump's support isn't wavering among his fans.

"Hmm, it seems I live in a dysfunctional democracy and a dog-eat-dog economic system that sees me scrabbling hard while my local community falls apart. I'm sure that the fix for all of these issues will be done most effectively by betting everything on an ageing game show host who promises to be an authoritarian strongman. There is absolutely no way this could hideously backfire and result in the situation becoming even worse, in spite of the fact that my chosen hero would happily sell out me and mine for a stale cracker without a second thought".

Yeah, it don't make any fucking sense to me either.
Best outcome of this election, Trump loses but is dumb enough to incite another insurrection, which this time is met with unremitting violence and mercilessly put down - his piece of shit fascist supporters mowed down in the street and Trump sentenced to death for high treason.
Whilst that seems like the best 'fantasy football' outcome with the state making an emphatic and terminal show of strength to remind the trumpists who they're fucking with, the reality is that something along those lines is likely to spiral into a proper doomsday scenario in very short order.

Around 74 million people voted for Trump in the 2020 general election and although a lot of those aren't armed crazies, there is a significantly problematic number of them who are and they are distributed throughout the continental US. Even if only 4% of them are genuine armed nutters, that's still 3 million under arms. Even if all of the army reserves and national guard were brought into the mix, the regular us military would still be outnumbered more than 2:1 by the militants (of which there are tens of thousands of 'disorganised' militia in their number, a lot of which are comprised of ex-military personnel). Yes, these irregulars do not have an airforce or heavy armour but, you know, it's not like the regular US military has an unblemished track record against lightly armed insurgent and guerilla forces...

If you recall in the 2020 election, a significant number of statehouses and counting centres had an overtly peaceable, but nontheless heavily armed, contingent of walts and dickheads amassed outside the doors (and in some cases (Michigan), gained entry). How do you reckon those AR-toting Yahoos and Boogaloo boys are going to react if the National Guard or regular Army started mowing down their fellow insurrectionists in their hundreds? Especially as a lot of these statehouses and counting centres are poorly defended... The trumpist rot is also present within the ranks of the armed forces. How many soldiers do you reckon will turn their weapons on their own side as they see a bunch of people they are ideologically wedded to get wiped out in front of them?

A big, splashy show of force is generally successful against an outnumbered opponent with shaky morale. It tends to backfire against an opponent that presents a credible threat and is actively seeking a civilisation-ending conflagration so they can rebuild the world anew from the ashes in their image. The trumpist movement for years has been charicatured as a fascist one but in recent times it has moved from one that has cosplayed fascism to one actively embracing it and becoming fanaticised in the process. A massacre of their numbers will not break them like it might have done 4 years ago, this time around it might be just what some of them are looking forward to in order to get the ball rolling and start the second civil war proper.

The best you can hope for is that they shrug and go home when confronted by ranks of military personnel protecting the capital. Any step-up in violence from that point could prove disastrous -and not just for the US.
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It's a worrying thought but the situation has been created by the legislature not acting quickly enough the first time around with Trump and his calls to storm the capitol. If anyone else had made those announcements they'd be sitting in a jail cell and not out and about, spouting shit on social media and on his campaign trail. Nearly 4 years on and still not one of the major cases has been heard in a court of law.
Whilst that seems like the best 'fantasy football' outcome with the state making an emphatic and terminal show of strength to remind the trumpists who they're fucking with, the reality is that something along those lines is likely to spiral into a proper doomsday scenario in very short order.

Around 74 million people voted for Trump in the 2020 general election and although a lot of those aren't armed crazies, there are a significantly prolematic number of them who are and they are distributed throughout the continental US. Even if only 4% of them are genuine armed nutters, that's still 3 million under arms. Even if all of the army reserves and national guard were brought into the mix, the regular us military would still be outnumbered more than 2:1 by the militants (of which there are tens of thousands of 'disorganised' militia in their number, a lot of which are comprised of ex-military personnel). Yes, these irregulars do not have an airforce or heavy armour but, you know, it's not like the regular US military has an unblemished track record against lightly armed insurgent and guerilla forces...

If you recall in the 2020 election, a significant number of statehouses and counting centres had an overtly peaceable, but nontheless heavily armed, contingent of walts and dickheads amassed outside the doors (and in some cases (Michigan), gained entry). How do you reckon those AR-toting Yahoos and Boogaloo boys are going to react if the National Guard or regular Army started mowing down their fellow insurrectionists in their hundreds? Especially as a lot of these statehouses and counting centres are poorly defended... The trumpist rot is also present within the ranks of the armed forces. How many soldiers do you reckon will turn their weapons on their own side as they see a bunch of people they are ideologically wedded to get wiped out in front of them?

A big, splashy show of force is generally successful against an outnumbered opponent with shaky morale. It tends to backfire against an opponent that presents a credible threat and is actively seeking a civilisation-ending conflagration so they can rebuild the world anew from the ashes in their image. The trumpist movement for years has been charicatured as a fascist one but in recent times it has moved from one that has cosplayed fascism to one actively embracing it and becoming fanaticised in the process. A massacre of their numbers will not break them like it might have done 4 years ago, this time around it might be just what some of them a looking forward to in order to get the ball rolling and start the second civil war proper.

The best you can hope for is that they shrug and go home when confronted by ranks of military personnel protecting the capital. Any step-up in violence from that point could prove disastrous -and not just for the US.

This is how I’m seeing it too.
Except that even if they shrug and go home, that’s not the end of this story. The suppurating wound will still be there and could erupt into something foul and dangerous that can infect the entire system in the future.
this kind of thing genuinely scares me.... I know he's a fool but I dont take it as a joke

He tried to get Michael Flynn's brother to call out the National Guard on 1/6. I'm pretty sure they didn't intend to use it to clear out the capital. They intended to use it to seize power.
Whilst that seems like the best 'fantasy football' outcome with the state making an emphatic and terminal show of strength to remind the trumpists who they're fucking with, the reality is that something along those lines is likely to spiral into a proper doomsday scenario in very short order.

Around 74 million people voted for Trump in the 2020 general election and although a lot of those aren't armed crazies, there are a significantly prolematic number of them who are and they are distributed throughout the continental US. Even if only 4% of them are genuine armed nutters, that's still 3 million under arms. Even if all of the army reserves and national guard were brought into the mix, the regular us military would still be outnumbered more than 2:1 by the militants (of which there are tens of thousands of 'disorganised' militia in their number, a lot of which are comprised of ex-military personnel). Yes, these irregulars do not have an airforce or heavy armour but, you know, it's not like the regular US military has an unblemished track record against lightly armed insurgent and guerilla forces...

If you recall in the 2020 election, a significant number of statehouses and counting centres had an overtly peaceable, but nontheless heavily armed, contingent of walts and dickheads amassed outside the doors (and in some cases (Michigan), gained entry). How do you reckon those AR-toting Yahoos and Boogaloo boys are going to react if the National Guard or regular Army started mowing down their fellow insurrectionists in their hundreds? Especially as a lot of these statehouses and counting centres are poorly defended... The trumpist rot is also present within the ranks of the armed forces. How many soldiers do you reckon will turn their weapons on their own side as they see a bunch of people they are ideologically wedded to get wiped out in front of them?

A big, splashy show of force is generally successful against an outnumbered opponent with shaky morale. It tends to backfire against an opponent that presents a credible threat and is actively seeking a civilisation-ending conflagration so they can rebuild the world anew from the ashes in their image. The trumpist movement for years has been charicatured as a fascist one but in recent times it has moved from one that has cosplayed fascism to one actively embracing it and becoming fanaticised in the process. A massacre of their numbers will not break them like it might have done 4 years ago, this time around it might be just what some of them a looking forward to in order to get the ball rolling and start the second civil war proper.

The best you can hope for is that they shrug and go home when confronted by ranks of military personnel protecting the capital. Any step-up in violence from that point could prove disastrous -and not just for the US.
they arent an organsied force though - more a flash mob of blowhards, nazis and loons. sure they could cause A LOT of pain, chaos and bloodshed - but the state has comms, orgnasiation, hardware, logistics and trained personale on a level many many levels above the MAGA mob.
they arent an organsied force though - more a flash mob of blowhards, nazis and loons. sure they could cause A LOT of pain, chaos and bloodshed - but the state has comms, orgnasiation, hardware, logistics and trained personale on a level many many levels above the MAGA mob.
True, but it has also been infiltrated by them. That's not conspiracist thinking btw, it's something that the US military and all the so-called 'alphabet boys' are very concerned about. The trumpist MAGA rot also extends into militarised civilian orgs such as the police and their SWAT teams. Whilst the militias are a disorganised, distributed group, that does not mean they are to be taken lightly or dismissed out of hand. A lot of their number are ex-miltary and a significant number of those are ex-special forces. The "flash mob of blowhards, nazis and loons" can still be put to use by the more cynical and dangerous members of such groupings, happily sacrificing them in distraction actions so they can go in against more 'high-value', 'mission critical' targets.
they arent an organsied force though - more a flash mob of blowhards, nazis and loons. sure they could cause A LOT of pain, chaos and bloodshed - but the state has comms, orgnasiation, hardware, logistics and trained personale on a level many many levels above the MAGA mob.

While this is true, and the force of the US state would presumably prevail in the end, it most likely wouldn't happen before a hell of a lot death and destruction had taken place, which is why anyone who seriously posts

Best outcome of this election, Trump loses but is dumb enough to incite another insurrection, which this time is met with unremitting violence and mercilessly put down - his piece of shit fascist supporters mowed down in the street and Trump sentenced to death for high treason.

is a bit of prick IMO.
It's a worrying thought but the situation has been created by the legislature not acting quickly enough the first time around with Trump and his calls to storm the capitol. If anyone else had made those announcements they'd be sitting in a jail cell and not out and about, spouting shit on social media and on his campaign trail. Nearly 4 years on and still not one of the major cases has been heard in a court of law.
If only it were just the legislature and what's happened over the past decade that was at fault, then the likes of RW talk radio, RW thinktanks, fundamentalist pressure groups, christian nationalist and fundamentalist churches, RW cable TV media, various billionaires, various 'personalities', 'tech bros', 'influencers', 'opinion leaders', 'the intelectual dark web' and other associated basement-dwellers plus a whole host of other cunts not mentioned here would be let off the hook for where the US has been led to.
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