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Do you disapprove of people who are planning an overseas holiday this summer?

Is planning an overseas holiday this summer the right thing to do

  • Yes - I’m already booked and will go away regardless of the rules

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • I’d be booked if the testing regime was more relaxed

    Votes: 7 5.1%
  • I would like a holiday abroad but not until Covid restrictions are over

    Votes: 56 41.2%
  • No they’re selfish bastards thinking only of themselves

    Votes: 32 23.5%
  • NA - I always holiday within the UK

    Votes: 11 8.1%
  • What’s a holiday? I work 400 days a year down the mines

    Votes: 25 18.4%

  • Total voters
I'd personally take a wet weekend at a British beach over an all-expenses-paid fortnight in Dubai - but I've been a little less judgy about Dubai tourists after hearing that some British Muslims favour Gulf holidays to get away from racism and Islamophobia in Britain.

Get away from racism and Islamaphobia by embracing different racism, homophobia, extreme classism, misogyny, religious intolerance, and a judicial system not fit to piss on. .

Nah, fuck 'em.
Hmmm I want to go away to drink cheap booze in the sunshine, mess about in the pool and get a tan but I will also follow all the rules.

I don’t have any x factor stories as to why I should go and I accept that I won’t be this summer (we’ve a place in Wales booked) but I’m booking my girls weekend in November as soon as I can afford it and if we’re allowed to go I’ll be off like a shot!
Theres an idea for a new reality show...who deserves to go on a foreign holiday?

Hopefully you'll be lucky and get nice weather in Wales. I got a tan working in Swansea for the summer!
...and this is yet another example of how the Government has washed its hands of responsibility. preferring instead to place that in the hands of individuals.

We are not epidemiologists.

Yet, they place the onus on us "to make the right decision" whilst - still - putting out confused and contradictory guidance.

I've just had a look at the travel advice stuff.

"You really shouldn't go, but if you do here's loads of details about how to do it..."


Yes. Particularly as this is an area where they genuinely do have control. If they say 'no meeting inside' or whatever then of course some people will continue to do it and to be fair the government's power to prevent that is limited. If they say 'this plane is not taking off' then the plane doesn't take off (plane doesn't take off!) and whatever risk there is is eliminated. If they don't want people flying they absolutely can stop them.
Yes. Particularly as this is an area where they genuinely do have control. If they say 'no meeting inside' or whatever then of course some people will continue to do it and to be fair the government's power to prevent that is limited. If they say 'this plane is not taking off' then the plane doesn't take off (plane doesn't take off!) and whatever risk there is eliminated. If they don't want people flying they absolutely can stop them.
They do want people flying because they want people buying flights and holiday clothes and goods and airport food etc.

They just want to be able to say it’s their fault if they die.
Yes. Particularly as this is an area where they genuinely do have control. If they say 'no meeting inside' or whatever then of course some people will continue to do it and to be fair the government's power to prevent that is limited. If they say 'this plane is not taking off' then the plane doesn't take off (plane doesn't take off!) and whatever risk there is is eliminated. If they don't want people flying they absolutely can stop them.

If only there was some way we could've taken back control of our borders...
School uniforms and dress codes are a classed, gendered and racialised imposition of mythologised white middle-class values.
I wouldn't say I disapprove of people taking foreign holidays but I don't have a lot of sympathy when I see them on the telly whinging about it's not fair they've had to cut it short and it's cost them hundreds for a flight back. Surely anyone with a modicum of sense would have factored that into their decisions and accepted the risk.
As for us, Even a small chance of having to fork out to rush back to avoid the possibility of having to spend a fortnight in a govt hotel (at my expense) just isn't worth it. A foreign holiday would be nice but not until it is long over.
Get away from racism and Islamaphobia by embracing different racism, homophobia, extreme classism, misogyny, religious intolerance, and a judicial system not fit to piss on. .

Nah, fuck 'em.

Yeah, fuck Dubai - still, I can understand why some people's desire to go somewhere that isn't Britain for a holiday might extend a little beyond a lack of appreciation for the country's varied landscapes.
I don't disapprove but there's no way I'm leaving the country/getting stuck on airport/quarantining for the sake of a holiday. Some people have found themselves in nightmarish situations trying to get back and I'm not prepared to risk it. Would I rather people just didn't go anywhere in the whole world until this was finished? HELL, YEAH Is it going to happen? HELL, NO! If there had been a complete travel ban unless extremely necessary from the start we all know things would have been different by now. Less deaths, less cases, less variants.

Edit: I do think the whole world should have stopped international travel at the start though, not just the UK.
I'd love a usual week in Corfu, but with the constantly changing government crap, testing and hiked flight prices then it's really not worth the aggro.
I seldom go on foreign holidays, the last time was about 15 years ago. I did go to trade shows and to factories if and when needed but certainly not now. I think folk must be desperate for a foreign holiday if they're booking holidays to go this year. My brother and sister in law are booked for Sepetember. I know people who have got stuck somewhere, a friend got stuck in Portugal for 5 months, my brothers mother in law got stuck over here 3 months and one of my ex-clients who is Canadian but works all over the world has been in Dubai since November with no sign of being able to leave yet. I hope people have thought this through and can afford quarantine and being stuck somewhere indefinitely.
I don't think people going on holiday abroad are "selfish bastards", I understand people needing a proper break from the monotonous daily reality...
But I think it is misguided and I wouldn't do it...
But I also think it's the governments wishy-washy handling of the whole mess that is letting people act in a misguided way.
I have 3 nights accomodation booked, in Rome in September, no flights. I have absolutely no idea if that will happen or not but i do like thinking about it, imagining that it might is nice in itself (haven't booked anything else at all since Feb last year).
Yeah, being stuck somewhere indefinitely with our cat at home is a major discouragement at the moment too.
My best mates mum is dying of COPD in Brisbane. Paying for quarantine and how she'd cope if there was a travel ban - she has 3 dogs and one is ancient - imagine the kennels bills- mean it's unlikely she can get back to Aus until end 2022 when they lift the restrictions. I'm spending a lot of time caring for my father, I can't afford to get stuck anywhere.
Yeah, fuck Dubai - still, I can understand why some people's desire to go somewhere that isn't Britain for a holiday might extend a little beyond a lack of appreciation for the country's varied landscapes.
Dubai must be more unbearable than ever, my ex client is a fashion model and the entire industry & all the influencers appear to have decamped there, because it's about the only place they can carry on with their photoshoots regardless.
Im not well enough to travel abroad so Im def not thinking of going currently. I can understand the desire to though! I'd love to go to Madeira at some point or to France and see some family/friends but it's not going to happen any time soon. Cos of Covid ive missed the wedding I was best man at... it was postponed and then happened with just the close family last month.

Frankly yes, I think anyone travelling for pure leisure this summer is a bit selfish, yes. That includes people leaving virus hotspots in the UK as well as folk gadding off abroad. Sure I recognise this judgement is problematic and unfair in many ways. They def have a different idea of acceptable risk to me anyway. It's all nonsense anyway - all non essential travel should be banned for the forseeable and quarantine made free and much much better quality etc. La la land fantasies eh.
I disaprove of anyone who flies anywhere just for a holiday (not to visit loved ones, for example) or any employer that sends staff on an unnecessary flight (I'd make an exception for a specialist surgeon going to help treat or teach people that can't otherwise be treated or taught, for example).

I think it is selfish and wrong because of climate change etc, even when there is no pandemic. Especially now we have so many ways of communicating online (which I know are not carbon neutral either but...).

I don't object so much to train travel, but I still think not right now, not going abroad.
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People who use trains are cunts. Just not as much as the plane cunts. Not sure where the bus wankers factor in.
I disaprove of anyone who flies anywhere just for a holiday (not to visit loved ones, for example) or any employer that sends staff on an unnecessary flight (I'd make an exception for a specialist surgeon going to help treat or teach people that can't otherwise be treated or taught, for example).

I think it is selfish and wrong because of climate change etc, even when there is no pandemic. Especially now we have so many ways of communicating online (which I know are not carbon neutral either but...).

I don't object so much to train travel, but I still think not right now, not going abroad.
Alternatively, if communication is so good now, people wanting to travel just to visit loved ones should just stay at home and facetime them, reducing the carbon footprint for us holiday goers who need a break in a hot country.
Alternatively, if communication is so good now, people wanting to travel just to visit loved ones should just stay at home and facetime them, reducing the carbon footprint for us holiday goers who need a break in a hot country.

I'm thinking of my Brazilian friend, who has yet to hug her 2 year old nephew, and who wants to go help physically care for her dying, 84 year old, dad.

Also my Indian friend whose mum was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's - that friend's dad died last year and she'd really like to visit his grave with her mum and to give her mum some hugs.

It gets pretty hot here in England in the summer, nowadays.
I think the whole concept of "holidays" - that going for a week somewhere else, with the attendant stress of having to book it and do the travelling, is supposed to make up for the rest of your shit year - is inherently bankrupt.

But I wouldn't criticise anyone for going abroad right now even if I wouldn't advise them to. I'm not going to fall into the bollocks curtain-twitching trap of blaming other people having fun for the spread of covid when, you know, the Tories still exist.
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I think the whole concept of "holidays" - that going for a week somewhere else, with the attendant stress of having to book it and do the travelling, is suppose to make up for the rest of your shit year - is inherently bankrupt.

But I wouldn't criticise anyone for going abroad right now even if I wouldn't advise them to. I'm not going to fall into the bollocks curtain-twitching trap of blaming other people having fun for the spread of covid when, you know, the Tories still exist.

People who voted Tory AND fly off on foreign holidays during a pandemic, though...
I don't fit well into those categories because I'm not UK based.

I suppose I'm a "going abroad, if the restrictions allow." I'm going to Scotland and England hopefully.
In January this year we booked on a late August trip to Thailand . The vaccination programme was rolling out and we were feeling optimistic.

Our belief in whether we were going away fluctuated with the pandemic and vaccination, right up until May, when we found out the airline had cancelled the flights back in February.

The airline has refunded the money, the hotel hadn't asked for payment, so financially we're square. And we had four months of thinking we may get away.
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