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Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

Don't be calling me behind the times when you can't even work Wikipedia .

Singular they - Wikipedia

It states quite clearly " it typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender " . Something you most definitely failed to observe . Meaning I'm right and you're wrong . I've scientifically proven it .
Wrong wrong and so wrong

What is wrong with referring to someone as them? Or "they're the boss" rather than "she is the boss"
Or "they'll be back later" rather than "she'll be back later"??
Or "they said" rather than "she said"??
And that's a consistent position. You're not adding to your argument by pointing at shit farming practices, though, if your position is that all meat farming is shit by definition as it involves killing animals.

But this argument goes in circles really. I have no problem with the kind of farming outlined on that farm's website. More than that, I applaud it. So there's never going to be common ground, sadly.

Maybe you have no problem with boiling chickens alive? Would you bother checking where your chickens are unnecessarily slaughtered? Would you buy chickens from the boiling slaughterhouse? As a former meat eater I didn't give a shit. I didn't fully trust the process with all the bs they give the animals etc... If I was fine with animals being killed/mistreated only for financial purposes then I would still be eating meat/dairy etc
Chickens were being boiled at the premises for 9 months. I should imagine if you had chicken from a supermarket in that area during that time, the chicken would have been boiled alive.

I guess, 81 chickens is what they said in court...

Whatever your belief is, we are all agreed that chickens were boiled alive.

No, I' m not having this. You have deliberately twisted a true story to try and gain support and fabricate evidence for your point of view, ie killing things for food is wrong. If you have ever actually seen any video of a chicken slaughtering operation, or used your intelligence to wonder what it might be like, you would know that thousands of chickens are killed every day. If there were evidence of the systematic ignoring of animal welfare laws over a period of nine months, why didn't that get to court? Are you or your friends keeping evidence of criminality hidden? What sort of fucking creep can show that cruelty to animals takes place and doesn't share it with a court judging a case of animal cruelty?
Maybe you have no problem with boiling chickens alive? Would you bother checking where your chickens are unnecessarily slaughtered? Would you buy chickens from the boiling slaughterhouse? As a former meat eater I didn't give a shit. I didn't fully trust the process with all the bs they give the animals etc... If I was fine with animals being killed/mistreated only for financial purposes then I would still be eating meat/dairy etc
I have no problem with raising and killing animals for food. I am inconsistent wrt my meat-buying habits. Could certainly do better. But, and I know this is going to sound like a cop-out, changing farming practices takes more than individuals making different purchasing choices, particularly where the more ethical choices are a lot more expensive (often a lot more expensive than they should be, because shops know they can get that price from the small group of people who buy it). It takes collective action to change laws and systems, the kind of action this group, CIWF, does.
It is a cop out
You don't think a number of individuals, growing at that, making different choices and changes farming and other practices??
You think the farmers would spend more time and money ensuring higher welfare off their own back???

Get a fucking clue
Don't be calling me behind the times when you can't even work Wikipedia .

Singular they - Wikipedia

It states quite clearly " it typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender " . Something you most definitely failed to observe . Meaning I'm right and you're wrong . I've scientifically proven it .

Hitler was a stickler for grammer.

Just sayin'
I have no problem with raising and killing animals for food. I am inconsistent wrt my meat-buying habits. Could certainly do better. But, and I know this is going to sound like a cop-out, changing farming practices takes more than individuals making different purchasing choices, particularly where the more ethical choices are a lot more expensive. It takes collective action to change laws and systems, the kind of action this group, CIWF, does.

More ethically killed? It's hard to get my head around that argument? From the footage I've the seen the animals look like they know their time is up. It's horrible seeing cows try and escape their certain death. All for what? Making people money and appealing to people's tastebuds.

I can't understand the ethics from killing animals?
its animals fault for being well delicious tbh, maybe they shoulda evolved to taste like shit, thats on them.

like if nature itself didnt think eating other things flesh was alright then it'd have never been invented. science m8. cant really argue against it.
More ethically killed? It's hard to get my head around that argument? From the footage I've the seen the animals look like they know their time is up. It's horrible seeing cows try and escape their certain death. All for what? Making people money and appealing to people's tastebuds.

I can't understand the ethics from killing animals?
Temple Grandin has written extensively about her work improving slaughter practices. She is of the opinion that humane slaughter is possible, and works to change practices so that animals are not terrified prior to death. There's also no doubt that there is a lot of very bad practice out there - Grandin makes it clear that there is, hence her work.
"Humane slaughter is possible"
Have a proper think about that, go on

Temple Grandin has written extensively about her work improving slaughter practices. She is of the opinion that humane slaughter is possible, and works to change practices so that animals are not terrified prior to death. There's also no doubt that there is a lot of very bad practice out there - Grandin makes it clear that there is, hence her work.
"Humane slaughter is possible"
Have a proper think about that, go on
That website discusses the measures slaughterhouses need to employ in order to keep animals calm. Right up to the instant when they are killed.

You, and some others on this thread, think 'humane slaughter' is an oxymoron. I don't.
Why bother if it's ok to kill animals for your plate/tastebuds??
What purpose does it serve other than to alleviate the carnist fragility of people like you who on the one hand say they care about animal cruelty/welfare and on the other saying they've no issues with animals being unnecessarily slaughtered for food!?????
They'd be much calmer (and alive) if they weren't in the slaughter house to start with
Why bother doing anything? Why not just treat everything and everyone like shit? They're going to die anyway.

That's just teenage nihilism.
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