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James Cleverly’s unpleasant turn of phrase

Fucking hell. Very Dodgy misogynist red flag alert. And the arrogance to think its OK to come out with "hilarious bantz" about rape drugs in front of a room full of people, including a large number of journalists, when you're the fucking home secretary.

Well it makes you wonder how often this kind of thing gets said really. Given the Mirror has made a point there of saying 'comments at these events are usually kept off the record'.

And why the Mirror was the only paper to report it given every other main paper would have been present.
It's not about how he positions what he says in relation to public opinion. It's that he thinks it's okay to joke about this. That he thinks it's funny.
I know, and I understand what you are saying. What he said was outrageous, particularly as - I hadn't realised it before - it was at the same time as the Home Office was releasing new guidelines on dealing with drink spiking. It seems to me that Cleverly has effectively, either deliberately (I wouldn't put it past them) or accidentally (nominative determinism really doesn't apply in this case), spiked his own department's announcement.

I suppose I was taking the outrage as a given, and focusing on the idea that coming out with offensive stuff like this, quite apart from being offensive, was also political suicide. Or should be, but probably isn't, which is also offensive and outrageous. It's quite conceivable that he, too, is playing to the hard right gallery, and utterly depressing that there is probably a sizeable minority of people out there who will have thought this was clever or funny.
I know, and I understand what you are saying. What he said was outrageous, particularly as - I hadn't realised it before - it was at the same time as the Home Office was releasing new guidelines on dealing with drink spiking. It seems to me that Cleverly has effectively, either deliberately (I wouldn't put it past them) or accidentally (nominative determinism really doesn't apply in this case), spiked his own department's announcement.

I suppose I was taking the outrage as a given, and focusing on the idea that coming out with offensive stuff like this, quite apart from being offensive, was also political suicide. Or should be, but probably isn't, which is also offensive and outrageous. It's quite conceivable that he, too, is playing to the hard right gallery, and utterly depressing that there is probably a sizeable minority of people out there who will have thought this was clever or funny.
I think, going by his previous remarks, that this wasn't him playing to a gallery, but cleverly being very much himself : i.e a vile misogynist who should probably be on some sort of watch list. If he was someone at your work or local pub you'd stay well clear, especially if you were a woman.
Can this trigger a byelection petition? :hmm:
Doubt it; simply being unfit for public office would trigger many hundreds of such petitions if that were all that was required. There's all the standards committee stuff to get through before anything could be done.

Really, anyone who has been employed by the state as a professional killer should be debarred from seeking office; those elected all seem like complete wrong'uns
Just when you thought he couldn't make your skin crawl more. :mad:

'He told female guests at the reception that “a little bit of Rohypnol in her drink every night” was “not really illegal if it’s only a little bit”, the Sunday Mirror reported.

Mr Cleverly also laughed that the secret to a long marriage was ensuring your spouse was “someone who is always mildly sedated so she can never realise there are better men out there”.'

What the fuck.

Like A) he thinks like that. That's quite shocking. And b) he thinks it's OK to say it in front of a room full of people.
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Innit. Mind you, he is the Home Secretary so we must respect the right honorable non elected prime minister’s decision to employ him as he is undoubtedly clever than any of us plebs since he works in finance and James cleverly (notice the name, that should tell you all to shut up) was merely playing to that crowd.
I think, going by his previous remarks, that this wasn't him playing to a gallery, but cleverly being very much himself : i.e a vile misogynist who should probably be on some sort of watch list. If he was someone at your work or local pub you'd stay well clear, especially if you were a woman.
If he was someone at my local pub, he'd be on a very stern final warning - "Say shit like that again, and you are barred". I like my woke local :cool:
Cleverly is a thug and a bully, and is clearly relaxed about date rape. Does anyone know what happened after this incident on the M11?
The lack of any follow-up reports suggests that the matter was dealt with by the parties' respective insurance companies and Cleverly avoided any OB involvement?
Well it makes you wonder how often this kind of thing gets said really. Given the Mirror has made a point there of saying 'comments at these events are usually kept off the record'.

And why the Mirror was the only paper to report it given every other main paper would have been present.

The BBC are reporting it now

Home Secretary James Cleverly apologises for 'ironic joke' about spiking wife's drink

But it appears that the event happening on 18th December, so I'm also left wondering why it's taken almost a week for anyone to report it.
The BBC are reporting it now

Home Secretary James Cleverly apologises for 'ironic joke' about spiking wife's drink

But it appears that the event happening on 18th December, so I'm also left wondering why it's taken almost a week for anyone to report it.

Well they're all reporting it now saying, 'Conversations at Downing Street receptions are usually understood to be off the record but the Sunday Mirror said it broke convention because of Cleverly’s position and the subject.'

Can't see him surviving this. Either politically or in his marital life.
Just when you thought he couldn't make your skin crawl more. :mad:

'He told female guests at the reception that “a little bit of Rohypnol in her drink every night” was “not really illegal if it’s only a little bit”, the Sunday Mirror reported.

Mr Cleverly also laughed that the secret to a long marriage was ensuring your spouse was “someone who is always mildly sedated so she can never realise there are better men out there”.'

Utter prick. They keep on getting more despicable.
Thing is, they know they are on the way out and so just don't care. Same reason they won't do anything about the doctor's striking. They don't care.
Saying jokes like this is still acceptable in military circles. But a definite no go for general public consumption.
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