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James Cleverly’s unpleasant turn of phrase

Well, one of the rooms he wasn't reading was general public opinion, which is overwhelmingly that those are disgusting and completely unacceptable things to come out with, so yes.
Not if you listened to all the apologists phoning LBC this morning including a surprising number of women. However if you are phoning LBC on Xmas eve …. ?!?!
Doesn't the naval use of 'gash' to mean rubbish/surplus come from the French word gâché, meaning spoils/waste?
that's my understanding of and consequently flowed into other military settings the emergency services and otherp laces where SNCOs or Officers were likely to have second carrers after they hads ddone their 20 years in green/ blue
I used to live in Woking. It was amusing watching the redcaps rounding up blind drunk squaddies on the weekend. Not so amusing dodging said pissed up squaddies.
The defence that is a private conversation being made by Cleverley is disgusting. “Jokes” about rape are unacceptable whether the setting is private or public, and should be called out regardless.
The "in private" bit almost makes it worse. After all, what people say or do in private is often a truer reflection of that person. As for the "ironic joke" bit, how the fuck is that ironic? Does Cleverly know what ironic even means? I doubt it, the thick cunt. Irony is abolutely not about saying something appalling, misogynist, racist, etc but then getting a free pass because it was "ironic".

That arsehole Cleverly needs a serious battering.
The "in private" bit almost makes it worse. After all, what people say or do in private is often a truer reflection of that person. As for the "ironic joke" bit, how the fuck is that ironic? Does Cleverly know what ironic even means? I doubt it, the thick cunt. Irony is abolutely not about saying something appalling, misogynist, racist, etc but then getting a free pass because it was "ironic".

That arsehole Cleverly needs a serious battering.
What he needs is to go for a drink and wake up the following morning, terrified, in a doorway, with no recollection of how he got there. Perhaps that might prompt a bit of empathy for victims of drink spiking, because he clearly has none.
The "in private" bit almost makes it worse. After all, what people say or do in private is often a truer reflection of that person. As for the "ironic joke" bit, how the fuck is that ironic? Does Cleverly know what ironic even means? I doubt it, the thick cunt. Irony is abolutely not about saying something appalling, misogynist, racist, etc but then getting a free pass because it was "ironic".

Irony is meaning the opposite of what you say.
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