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James Cleverly’s unpleasant turn of phrase

Is there a thread anywhere on the decline of Popbitch? It’s the Private Eye of our generation and its turn-of-the-century fixations look as shabby, cruel and outmoded now as the Eye’s had begun to, even back then.
Consider this, in previous days politicians were there seemingly by intelligence and leadership qualities. Quoting other great minds and using historical facts to back up their arguments.
Or at least that was the impression I got from all the pomp and imperialist wank.
Now I am off a similar age as some of these clowns, and the realization that the Home Secretary is the type of bellend that the character Jay from the inbetweeners is lampooning, who can’t see it himself, and thinks that quoting Jay from the Inbetweeners is cool because that’s what Jay from the inbetweeners would think was cool and he’s the Home Secretary.
Fuck’s sake.

If he did say that. Which is sadly believable .
He's a tosser. And he's clearly pissed that he hasn't kept his cushy foreign sec job flying around the world going to World Cups as a VIP and lavish international receptions, and generally not dealing with tiresome shit like immigration and small boats.
How's that work then? That by making an unpleasant misogynistic thread title based on what Cleverly's alleged to have said, shows us Urban don't like unpleasant misogynistic thread titles... Astounding.
i can explain it to you but i cannot understand it for you

i don't know why you direct your ire at me, it's not like i've said i am really happy with the thread title is it.
Thing is about Cleverly; I accept that he can come across as a (relative) 'safe pair of hands'; and manages to stay 'on message' but...I've always been left with the impression that he has to concentrate very hard on not letting his inner boorish/army-barmy/public school cuntishness come out when he's speaking. I think the outburst in the commons was the real deal.
Thing is about Cleverly; I accept that he can come across as a (relative) 'safe pair of hands'; and manages to stay 'on message' but...I've always been left with the impression that he has to concentrate very hard on not letting his inner boorish/army-barmy/public school cuntishness come out when he's speaking. I think the outburst in the commons was the real deal.
Yeh he's a safe pair of hands perhaps but they're attached to a deeply unpleasant brain. If only there was some way of separating them
The Tory party only managed to keep the nutters out of Parliament through tight control of selection via Central Office.

Cameron changed that and that results in pricks like Cleverley, Lee Anderson, Gullis et al getting into positions where their stupidly commands media attention.

I look forward to the day when they just scream 'cunt' at each other. All the rest is just wigs, theatre and archaic conventions.

Cleverley just has big balls syndrome. He should piss off to some Fulham pub where his banter might be acceptable to his tribe. Tosser.
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