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James Cleverly’s unpleasant turn of phrase

Rab C Nesbitt was never the same after his youngest son was killed.

Although he was called Burnie.
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We used to use 'gash' meaning rubbish during the period 1995-1997, i.e. the 18 months or so after first seeing Trainspotting.

I always thought that saying something was gash was exactly because it referred to the female genitalia.

“He's a cunt, his music is gash”

Like saying someone is a pussy doesn’t mean they’re a pussy cat.
Gash is also a good descriptor for a slightly torn lacerated wound.

I’d always assumed it was this meaning that led to the horrible slang usage for female labia/vagina.
Although I notice that once again we now have a thread consisting of loads of men ( including me) saying why women shouldn’t worry about what vocabulary blokes use about women’s bodies.

Just saying like…

ETA, to fully keep within in the true traditions of Urban we should now have three pages of men doubling down…
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Although I notice that once again we now have a thread consisting of loads of men ( including me) saying why women shouldn’t worry about what vocabulary blokes use about women’s bodies.

Just saying like…

Is anyone saying that? I’m not. It should be obvious that when the etymology of a slang term is mixed or uncertain, and one clear connotation is offensive, good people drop it from their lexicons.
Although I notice that once again we now have a thread consisting of loads of men ( including me) saying why women shouldn’t worry about what vocabulary blokes use about women’s bodies.

Just saying like…

WhyLikeThis 's intention to spark a discussion about James Cleverly was obviously well judged though.

ETA tagged Urb corrected
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I have posted before about the prolific use of cunt on here to describe someone utterly appalling. Which really fucks me off.
How lovely to have part of my body used to describe the indescribable.
What a bunch of cocks you all are
i point out that often when the cword cunt is used to describe a dislieable individual that they have neither the warmth or depth of a cunt
WhyLikeThis 's intention to spark a discussion about James Cleverly was obviously well judged though.

ETA tagged Urb corrected

A lesson for posting on the internet I often forget is “explain, don’t assume”. This is a classic. The “obvious” to me and Pickmans was this thread to make sure the rising tory star Cleverly is tarred with misogyny. This is especially important as compared the culture warriors in Government he looks like a rational actor. However, he’s a try hard, private schooled, sexist, grifter. Using his own words as a foundation for discussing him and his ambitions should put that in perspective.

Instead we got “ooh gash is uglee werd sad face ‘member “meat curtains”? ooh yea, that was uglee too.”
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A lesson for posting on the internet I often forget is “explain, don’t assume”. This is a classic. The “obvious” to me and Pickmans was this thread to make sure the rising tory star Cleverly is tarred with misogyny. This is especially important as compared the culture warriors in Government he looks like a rational actor. However, he’s a try hard, private schooled, sexist, grifter. Using his own words as a foundation for discussing him and his ambitions should put that in perspective.

Instead we got “ooh gash is uglee werd sad face ‘member “meat curtains”? ooh yea, that was uglee too.”

It was obvious to me too. But we/Urban/some people generally don’t just let shit like this slide past as if it’s not significant.

It‘s a good thing if dodgy shit gets picked up and remarked on, no?

Ignoring your strapline would have been tantamount to accepting the language.

You set up a kind of trap: don’t comment on the language in the subject line would be to allow it to stand. As a thread title, in our community.

If we were in a pub and you came to the table saying “That bloke is a foaming gash” we’d all be going “ Eh? What? Who? Ew!” etc. You might follow up with “I heard him saying that to the woman stood next to him at the bar” but the main effect is… coming to the table and using gender-based insulting language.

The assumption is that you reported his speech correctly, so it’s blindingly obvious that the bloke you overheard is undeniably a prick of the first order (oh yeah him, he's a well known prick). Discussion then naturally turns towards “That’s such a nasty way to refer to women…. where did it come from… I’ve heard worse…. Yeah remember when Cyril used to say….” and so on.

Your opening was provocative and the discussion that followed was a general response to your provocation.
It was obvious to me too. But we/Urban/some people generally don’t just let shit like this slide past as if it’s not significant.

It‘s a good thing if dodgy shit gets picked up and remarked on, no?

Ignoring your strapline would have been tantamount to accepting the language.

You set up a kind of trap: don’t comment on the language in the subject line would be to allow it to stand. As a thread title, in our community.

If we were in a pub and you came to the table saying “That bloke is a foaming gash” we’d all be going “ Eh? What? Who? Ew!” etc. You might follow up with “I heard him saying that to the woman stood next to him at the bar” but the main effect is… coming to the table and using gender-based insulting language.

The assumption is that you reported his speech correctly, so it’s blindingly obvious that the bloke you overheard is undeniably a prick of the first order (oh yeah him, he's a well known prick). Discussion then naturally turns towards “That’s such a nasty way to refer to women…. where did it come from… I’ve heard worse…. Yeah remember when Cyril used to say….” and so on.

Your opening was provocative and the discussion that followed was a general response to your provocation.

Fair comment.
A lesson for posting on the internet I often forget is “explain, don’t assume”. This is a classic. The “obvious” to me and Pickmans was this thread to make sure the rising tory star Cleverly is tarred with misogyny. This is especially important as compared the culture warriors in Government he looks like a rational actor. However, he’s a try hard, private schooled, sexist, grifter. Using his own words as a foundation for discussing him and his ambitions should put that in perspective.

Instead we got “ooh gash is uglee werd sad face ‘member “meat curtains”? ooh yea, that was uglee too.”
Are you female? Maybe we just don't want to have to have a constant fucking reminder of how some men see us staring us in the face every time we scroll past it in new posts. This stuff might be a newsflash to you. It's not to me.
Just chipping in to say I have no real antipathy to 'cunt' as a term of disgust. I use it all the time, usually prefaced with 'Tory'. My daughter, grand-daughter and myself have a much nicer selection of terms to describe our womanly parts - fannies, quims, flowers, pearls, jade gates, sacred yonis etc.etc. I still feel that we have choice and agency over our use of language (thank fuck) and while I have no power to influence what other people say, I certainly decide what words are coming out of my mouth. Little fight-backs.

Gash is pretty disgust though.
Are you female? Maybe we just don't want to have to have a constant fucking reminder of how some men see us staring us in the face every time we scroll past it in new posts. This stuff might be a newsflash to you. It's not to me.

Point taken.
Are you female? Maybe we just don't want to have to have a constant fucking reminder of how some men see us staring us in the face every time we scroll past it in new posts. This stuff might be a newsflash to you. It's not to me.
Well said.

Am guilty of using the c-word many times, even dissing it ironically.

Going to drop it as it's poor way to engage in discourses.
Just when you thought he couldn't make your skin crawl more. :mad:

'He told female guests at the reception that “a little bit of Rohypnol in her drink every night” was “not really illegal if it’s only a little bit”, the Sunday Mirror reported.

Mr Cleverly also laughed that the secret to a long marriage was ensuring your spouse was “someone who is always mildly sedated so she can never realise there are better men out there”.'

Just when you thought he couldn't make your skin crawl more. :mad:

'He told female guests at the reception that “a little bit of Rohypnol in her drink every night” was “not really illegal if it’s only a little bit”, the Sunday Mirror reported.

Mr Cleverly also laughed that the secret to a long marriage was ensuring your spouse was “someone who is always mildly sedated so she can never realise there are better men out there”.'

How not to read the room.

Although, perhaps, he WAS reading the room.
Just when you thought he couldn't make your skin crawl more. :mad:

'He told female guests at the reception that “a little bit of Rohypnol in her drink every night” was “not really illegal if it’s only a little bit”, the Sunday Mirror reported.

Mr Cleverly also laughed that the secret to a long marriage was ensuring your spouse was “someone who is always mildly sedated so she can never realise there are better men out there”.'

Appalling; confirms my view expressed in post #52; still coming out with misogynist shite he learnt at Colfe's CCF
Fucking hell. Very Dodgy misogynist red flag alert. And the arrogance to think its OK to come out with "hilarious bantz" about rape drugs in front of a room full of people, including a large number of journalists, when you're the fucking home secretary.
Nothing to do with reading the room. Even if he'd read the room, those'd be disgusting and completely unacceptable things to come out with.
Well, one of the rooms he wasn't reading was general public opinion, which is overwhelmingly that those are disgusting and completely unacceptable things to come out with, so yes.
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