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Contact Tracing: Will You Self Isolate? (and related discussion)

Will you self isolate if told to by the tracing team?

  • Yes, I will self isolate

    Votes: 89 74.8%
  • No, I won't

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • Something else

    Votes: 18 15.1%

  • Total voters
Actually my mum has been involved in trying to organise testing and distribution of PPE (she's a retired doctor). I don't think I'm giving away any huge secrets if I say that, from what she has said, the whole thing is a bit of shitshow.

For the T&T program?
Actually my mum has been involved in trying to organise testing and distribution of PPE (she's a retired doctor). I don't think I'm giving away any huge secrets if I say that, from what she has said, the whole thing is a bit of shitshow.
The few medical people i know and step sister (works in care home) on the Isle of Wight have said it is a massive disaster.

Spoke to one ex-colleague who is working from home on this. Said he had no idea what he is doing and is just concerned the job won't be around long.
I found these two articles in the local paper interesting.
The Newcastle City Council Director Public Health says that local lockdowns would most likely take place by locking down a neighbourhood a single building, or even a single business - rather than the whole city - and that he would prefer these to be cooperative rather than enforced. He also says that schools won't necessarily close for one case - that they would use a policy similar to what they use for meningitus and other diseases to work out whether a class or group needs to isolate.

The Gateshead Council Director of Public Health on the other hand says that test results are taking weeks to get to them, and they simply don't have access to the up-to-date information they would need to make a decision on any local lockdowns.
Btw, for the record my answer to the thread question is "yes but it's all still fucked". Unless it turns out that there are massive false positives going on, if I get a message that I've been exposed to a covid carrier I should self isolate, that seems sensible. But I'd also want to be tested, which isn't going to happen apparently, and the basic setup is such that it ignores some of the important vectors like public transport, and also it just all seems hugely shoddy and likely to fail in a lot of ways.

So when it does work that's fine, but I have no confidence that it's going to work overall - and lockdown has been relieved when it's not even properly active yet. Which is just great innit.
So when it does work that's fine, but I have no confidence that it's going to work overall - and lockdown has been relieved when it's not even properly active yet. Which is just great innit.

It was worth listening to Chris Whitty at the briefing today. He corrected someone that said the lockdown had been relaxed very much at all. He said they'd relaxed very, very limited things that were the most onerous, and that it was the impression that the lockdown had been relaxed much more than it actually has.
But I'd also want to be tested, which isn't going to happen apparently, and the basic setup is such that it ignores some of the important vectors like public transport...

Because, as had been seen here, that people aren't very keen to use the app, and without that there's no way of tracking people using public transport without that, it can only be personal close significant contact of people you know and pass the details of to the T&T people. That's also not true about testing, there's testing available for people that have to self isolate.
If there was actual acceptable level of test preceding track and trace then (despite it being a failure tory ponzi scheme) I might have a small amount of support for it.

Because, as had been seen here, that people aren't very keen to use the app, and without that there's no way of tracking people using public transport without that, it can only be personal close significant contact of people you know and pass the details of to the T&T people. That's also not true about testing, there's testing available for people that have to self isolate.
Do you trust this government?

The app has failed dismally on the IOW and even if it had worked a bit better it is an appalling breach of GDPR. Data on Covid-19 has been handed over (sold) to the USA before this app appeared :rolleyes:

Testing available? Lots of results being logged before they have even been sent. The government has repeatedly lied about the testing figures among other shit.

Also a lot (is 2m+ correct?) vulnerable people just got a text (not a test) out the blue telling them they do not need to isolate :mad: over 350 deaths today.
It was worth listening to Chris Whitty at the briefing today. He corrected someone that said the lockdown had been relaxed very much at all. He said they'd relaxed very, very limited things that were the most onerous, and that it was the impression that the lockdown had been relaxed much more than it actually has.

Well, people are commuting to work, all the building sites are open, some of the schools are open, and so on. That is quite a significant relaxation of lockdown to me. I look out of my window and I see buses full of people (without masks) which I didn't see a couple of weeks ago. I haven't seen the precise details of what Whitty said but compared to previously, yeah lockdown has been relaxed a lot as far as I'm concerned.

Because, as had been seen here, that people aren't very keen to use the app, and without that there's no way of tracking people using public transport without that, it can only be personal close significant contact of people you know and pass the details of to the T&T people. That's also not true about testing, there's testing available for people that have to self isolate.
Testing is if you've developed symptoms as far as I can make out - NHS test and trace: how it works - basically the same as for anyone else. But they should be testing everyone.

The app hasn't been released yet, and even if it did it wouldn't help because it simply wouldn't work, though that's a matter for the other thread. Even if it did work, the fact that it hasn't been released is a slight downer. Yet somehow this system is supposed to be comprehensive? Not that even a working app would necessarily excuse the relaxations so far - there are always going to be issues tracking and tracing.
Because, as had been seen here, that people aren't very keen to use the app, and without that there's no way of tracking people using public transport without that, it can only be personal close significant contact of people you know and pass the details of to the T&T people. That's also not true about testing, there's testing available for people that have to self isolate.
There definitely are ways of tracking people on public transport where they're using Oyster cards or similar, just ad there are ways to track people using cards to pay in supermarkets, and if we were really serious about tracing potential contacts, that's the sort of thing we would be doing.
When I've done the 10 minutes of training (from a PDF) and I'm working on minimum wage while in the bath drunk phoning you cunts up cos one of your mates has decided their hangover is actually Covid and then they've blabbed your name, occupation, phone number, and sexual fetishes to me without a moment's thought I'll be the one laughing as I send the enforcement squad in.
How is that working out?
People seem to want it both ways. Hate the app, then moan about being phoned by a person.

After plenty of going on about how testing and contact tracing is the way forward.

What do you lot refusing to isolate suggest we do then?

Permanent complete lockdown forever? Let it spread through the population with no checks and fuck the consequences? Because there aren't many other options.
I still suggest the best thing is to blame the public :rolleyes:

This is a useful link:
How is that working out?

I haven't done the training yet as I've been busy with my other NHS work, so I haven't started shifts yet.

TBH I think some of the criticism is bollocks and coming from an understandably cynical but incorrect position.

People are on one hand complaining about privacy, then on the other hand asking for more intrusive tracking.

They're also over complicating the basic system, which is people that test positive provide their contacts (online or on the phone) then those of them that have had significant contact with the positive test case are asked to self isolate. If that's done then it really helps limit the spread of infection. Yes it's imperfect, yes it has teething problems, yes it's run on the back of the incompetence and profit motive of the government, but it's what we've got so not engaging with it risks lives.
Also a lot (is 2m+ correct?) vulnerable people just got a text (not a test) out the blue telling them they do not need to isolate :mad: over 350 deaths today.

A test? What? They don't need testing, they're the ones at risk of catching it, a test for them is neither here nor there, especially as they've been shielding for weeks.

My brother has had a transplant and has been shielding. What you're saying is bollocks and just headline shock nonsense. Some people with certain conditions who have been living in one room and have been having very, very limited contact with any other humans for 10-12 weeks have been told that they can relax things very slightly now, but still being have to be very careful.

Yes, it was done by text initially with follow-up, but it had to be done in some way, and letters are slow and shit, personal phonecalls are really not great - as has been said people often don't answer their phones to unknown numbers, and it's hugely resource intensive.
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Has anyone started yet?

Yes, they have. But it is a massive nationwide system that's never been done before. Of course there's been problems, it's not perfect, and it's been a bit fucked by all sorts of outside pressures. But it is working and will get better.
My brother has had a transplant and has been shielding. What you're saying is bollocks and just headline shock nonsense. Some people who have been living in one room and have been having very. very limited contact with any other humans for 10-12 weeks have been told that they can relax things very slightly now, but still being very careful. Yes, it was done by text initially with follow-up, but it had to be done some way, and letters are slow and shit, personal phonecalls are really not great - as has been said people often don't answer their phones to unknown numbers, and it's hugely resource intensive.
They will still get the government funded food deliveries then? Assuming the relaxing of lockdown (with 350+ deaths today) is only for their benefit?
Yes, they have. But it is a massive nationwide system that's never been done before. Of course there's been problems, it's not perfect, and it's been a bit fucked by all sorts of outside pressures. But it is working and will get better.
Shame that post was not written in March. Might have mattered then.
They will still get the government funded food deliveries then? Assuming the relaxing of lockdown (with 350+ deaths today) is only for their benefit?

My brother's been told he will if he needs them, I don't know who gets them to him, no idea who's been doing it so far. He was really struggling with the shielding, as were many people, so he's pleased it's been relaxed very slightly (he wasn't following it 100% anyway) and thinks it's worth the risk for him.
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