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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

good question cesare.

In the political climate that we live in, no worries at all.

But in the world i prefer, personally, quite a lot actually. I'd rather criticise the opinions than the person that holds them.

An tell me, what is the difference as you're claiming it's been happening here on this thread.
Fela, its emotive and distressing to you, another one of your truther twats is exposed as a Jew hating facist supporting cunt.

Its hilarious to me.

when it comes to holocaust denial these people are fair game. sorry. they are scum.

two members of my family were jailed and one of them was killed for opposing fascism.

they are fair fucking game. i dont give a fuck about his human rights or his free speech or anything else. he chose of his own accord to believe in that total shite.

he didnt lose anyone of his family in the war. he didn't have first hand experience of world war two, so there is no fucking excuse. Only people who lost someone have the right to feel that way. other people do not.
I actually suggest you wake up really. All this emotive ffs stuff is getting tiring.

Can you not hear so well? No, you can't, because you're just so emotionally involved in it all.

Are you pretending now that you are not emotionally involved in it all? After your posting on this thread? :D

Should people who have had direct personal experience of being attacked by holocaust deniers not mention it on this thread? Why not?

So the man said there was no holocaust...

Well, so bloody what.

Says it all.
He's clearly deluded. Why are you so fucked about it?

I'm not 'fucked' about it. I am pleased to finally be able to present incontrovertible proof of what I have long suspected about the deluded-ness, the unpleasantness of conspiraloons.

I think it's good that we can hear such views. They help cement more coherent views on the topic.

And do we need to see child porn or rape porn in order to cement our coherent views on that as well?

But you seem to want to censor thinking just because it doesn't coincide with your own views.

Oh do get real. The only people deleting or hiding Holocaust-denial threads are the people on the 9/11 Truth board!

And considering that you have a media job, i find that frightening to some degree.

You find it 'frightening' that I am freely writing on a bulletin board? What, like Nick Kollerstrom does?

Too fucking subjective you are.

What's subjective about the fact that 6m people really were exterminated?
Attack the views, not the person eh?

What the fuck do you think has been happening for 30+ pages? Are you even reading the thread?

Well, maybe not. Easier to get emotive eh?
Fela, its emotive and distressing to you, another one of your truther twats is exposed as a Jew hating facist supporting cunt.

Its hilarious to me.


However funny it is to you pk, it is not emotive or distressing to me. Nor do i have any sympathy with 'truther twats' either.

In fact i don't actually give a toss about such dreadful opinions. People have them, and however much hot air is blown about on these forums, such ideas ain't gonna go away.

My point is much more about objectivity than subjective shit. The ideas about the holocaust not having happened are patently absurd. So i just wonder why folk get so upset about patently ridiculous ideas?
Yeah, well i know where you're coming from mate, but it's not the best idea.

Best to attack the ideas than the person.

People come and go in history. It's ideas that stick or don't stick.

Yes. I believe it was the IDEA that Hitler was using as his justification for genocide - that the Jews were involved in a plot to take over the world - that was attacked in WW". When millions of people died.

Now this dangerous and disgusting idea is being peddled again. It is trying to climb into the clothes of free speech to get credibility. It is aligning itself with 7/7 and 9/11 to attain contemporary relevance. It is trying to be attractive to people. People like you.

Kollerstrom actively pushes this idea.

The same idea that when last pushed and touted about led to millions of deaths.

I think the idea needs to be attacked, for all it is worth, and the people pushing it outed.

People who want to dismiss it and those who push it as just a wacky idea held by wacky harmless loons are fools.
So is it a secret? Or are they simply in denial?

Not sure why you keep hassling butch on this subject as he has about as much sympathy for the Soviet system as he does the capitalist :D

Start a separate thread about the soviet union and I'll contribute my thoughts when I get a moment.
My point is much more about objectivity than subjective shit. The ideas about the holocaust not having happened are patently absurd. So i just wonder why folk get so upset about patently ridiculous ideas?

In some countries, they even put people in jail for peddling such 'absurd' ideas.
However funny it is to you pk, it is not emotive or distressing to me. Nor do i have any sympathy with 'truther twats' either.

In fact i don't actually give a toss about such dreadful opinions. People have them, and however much hot air is blown about on these forums, such ideas ain't gonna go away.

My point is much more about objectivity than subjective shit. The ideas about the holocaust not having happened are patently absurd. So i just wonder why folk get so upset about patently ridiculous ideas?

When Kollerstrom lies about the experiences and the deaths of thousands on 9/11 and dozens on 7/7, I suppose it is a short hop from there to lying about 6m dead in the Holocaust. Personally, I think he came at it the other way.

I think he always went for the Nazi far right stuff and the 9/11 and 7/7 stuff is just a handy way for him to dress up his 'Jews are the problem' drivel and try to attract people like you to his cause. But I can't prove it and I can only guess what the motives of holocaust deniers who leap on the 9/11 bandwagon are.

If you can't see why your fellow humans have an emotional reaction to monstrous lies being told about mass murder, the repeating of a monstrous lie that in fact LED to mass murder, then you might need to have a think.
However funny it is to you pk, it is not emotive or distressing to me. Nor do i have any sympathy with 'truther twats' either.

In fact i don't actually give a toss about such dreadful opinions. People have them, and however much hot air is blown about on these forums, such ideas ain't gonna go away.

My point is much more about objectivity than subjective shit. The ideas about the holocaust not having happened are patently absurd. So i just wonder why folk get so upset about patently ridiculous ideas?

You don't think ridiculous ideas (another euphemism for holocaust denial...why not just call it what it is?) can be powerful and produce effects? If you do, then perhaps attacking ridiculous ideas - in this instance that a fascist government and its state machinery sought to systematically kill certain sections of the population under its control - is not so much the 21st century thought crime you'd have us believe, but more of a duty.;)

If I were you I'd stop digging, step out of the hole and just walk away.

Louis MacNeice
when you believe something and spout it out to all and sundry you must face the consequences of your words. he is the one who said it. other people aren't making it up, he is the one who is saying this shite. so fuck his free speech. he has the right to say whatever he wants and other people have the right to react.

and for all this stuff about how its in the interest of the establishment to suppress the so-called truth about the holocaust, well, as i have said there are plenty of instances where it has been in the interests of those in power to deny - and very recently too. the activities of the ustasha/nazi run "independent state of croatia". the gypsies. the role of the catholic church and founder membmers of opus dei. the exaples that spring to mind most readily that most people do not even know about that have been symatically denied in order to maintain the status quo and justify ethnic cleanisng.

and somehow it is made to look like the deniers are the ones who are trying to expose the truth to the world and that if you oppose holocaust denial you're opposing free speech. what utter bullshit.

its always in peoples interests to deny genocide and downplay it. denying any genocide is like denying the holocaust and it is done for the same reason by people who want it to happen again.

we have a fucking duty to all those who died to make sure such ideas never take hold again. we have a duty to stop fascism and protect people from it. so fuck people like kollerstrom, the most i can say is that he should be grateful he's not living in a fash society where instead of denying the holocaust, he would be expected to glorify it or end up in a gas chamber.
Maybe i'll bow out. Too emotional round these parts.

You just carry on.

That's the other thing that conspiraloons always do - the 'emotional' slur.:rolleyes: Anyone who criticises them is 'emotional' or has some emotional investment in suppressing 'The Truth'.
Like they don't have deep, deep emotional involvement in the idea that the world is run by a shadowy cabal. Because it makes them feel better about their own high levels of paranoia and mistrust to project their own personal shit and feelings of inadequacy onto everything and call it proof of a conspiracy.
When Kollerstrom lies about the experiences and the deaths of thousands on 9/11 and dozens on 7/7, I suppose it is a short hop from there to lying about 6m dead in the Holocaust. Personally, I think he came at it the other way.

Yeah, it's a short hop for him.

But, c'mon, how many people that read this drivel are going to be swayed by it?

My point, which you seem thus far to miss, is that it's better to hear such crap out loud, so that we can reject it.

But emotiveness is the order of the day.
That's the other thing that conspiraloons always do - the 'emotional' slur.:rolleyes: Anyone who criticises them is 'emotional' or has some emotional investment in suppressing 'The Truth'.
Like they don't have deep, deep emotional involvement in the idea that the world is run by a shadowy cabal. Because it makes them feel better about their own high levels of paranoia and mistrust to project their own personal shit and feelings of inadequacy onto everything and call it proof of a conspiracy.

Don't forget BK emotions are bad...however intuition is great; 'there's just something not right about the whole official 9/11 and 7/7 stories...don't ask me how but I know it'.;)

Louis (glad he can't just turn his emotions on and off to order) MacNeice
Yeah, it's a short hop for him.

But, c'mon, how many people that read this drivel are going to be swayed by it?

My point, which you seem thus far to miss, is that it's better to hear such crap out loud, so that we can reject it.

yea, but if you'd been following this thread it would appear that an increasing milieu within the 9/11 truth groupings are in fact, NOT 'rejecting it' but, quite to the contrary seem to be digesting it and espousing it along with their other crack-pot concepts.

to that extent i'd say it is more insidious and dangerous than david irving et al as they are seen quite clearly for the nazi-apologists they are, where-as there is a dangerous cross-pollenisation between what would seem to be holocaust deniers and those who would probably regard themselves as libertarian or at least radical who have unfortunately fallen for this 'truther' bullshit.
That's the other thing that conspiraloons always do - the 'emotional' slur.:rolleyes: Anyone who criticises them is 'emotional' or has some emotional investment in suppressing 'The Truth'.
Like they don't have deep, deep emotional involvement in the idea that the world is run by a shadowy cabal. Because it makes them feel better about their own high levels of paranoia and mistrust to project their own personal shit and feelings of inadequacy onto everything and call it proof of a conspiracy.

Hey, you, fuck off. Reducing my whole argument to being a 'conspiraloon'. Look at you, just look at your whole point of reasoning. I come along, you don't like my opinion, so you pass me off as a 'conspiraloon'... job done.

You have reacted to me in exactly the same way as you are reacting to this man you don't like. And so, a label. You are a danger to the mass readership of the media in britain. You are prejudiced.

You're totally about emotional reactions and it's pretty boring/ugly really.
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