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I don't think I've ever read an article before where every single one of that many comments is in complete agreement! That's quite a feat, to unite an entire audience against the journalist, the editor and the magazine.
American CEO of bitcoin exchange firm dies in suspected suicide

A 28-year-old American CEO of a bitcoin exchange firm in Singapore was found dead in her apartment last week, and local media are calling it a suicide.

Singapore officials are waiting for toxicology test results to determine exactly what killed First Meta CEO Autumn Radtke.

Douglas Abrams, the company’s director and non-executive chairman told The Wall Street Journal on Thursday that he was “informed by the Singapore police about her death. The cause of death is still under investigation.”

Radtke moved to Singapore in 2012 and formerly worked in Los Angeles with Apple and other tech firms developing digital payment systems.

Her death brings the number of questionable financial-sector deaths this year to eight, the New York Post reported.
I was wondering whether, if it wasn't suicide if she had been bumped off by disgruntled Bitcoin drug dealer or similar who had been fleeced in the recent spate of Bitcoin exchange closures/frauds.
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Regardless of whether this turns out to be true or not, this must rate as a strong entry for Master Trolle 2014 from Mr Nakamoto.
It appears MtGox had some trading code running which artificially inflating the value of bitcoin by constantly buying a few bitcoins every couple of minutes.

Its hard to understand how 80% of the bit coin money went through this exchange for so long.
It appears MtGox had some trading code running which artificially inflating the value of bitcoin by constantly buying a few bitcoins every couple of minutes.

Its hard to understand how 80% of the bitcoin money went through this exchange for so long.
actually buying them, or a false buy of imaginary ones - just to add a purchase to the system?

the possibility of manipulated rates has been talked about on here a fair bit. unregulated free for all
Ok so I have a Visa card and want to get some bitcoin. Total newb. Would like to use Silk Road or similar...

Advise me up please urbanz
Ok so I have a Visa card and want to get some bitcoin. Total newb. Would like to use Silk Road or similar...

Advise me up please urbanz

Step one - don't let the seller know what you want them for. If they're sensible they'll refuse to transact with you since they'd expose themselves to risk of prosecution otherwise.
I wonder if it's ready for another mental couple of months. I have the same gut feeling as the last 2 times. Could just be trapped wind though.
Quick question - when I upgraded my laptop I installed Bitcoin and then copied the blockchain from where I'd backed it up to save downloading the whole darn thing again. Now I'd like to get the blockchain off of my laptop completely and reclaim the memory, so is it possible to move the blockchain to my NAS and have Bitcoin on my laptop point it there when I open it?
Quick question - when I upgraded my laptop I installed Bitcoin and then copied the blockchain from where I'd backed it up to save downloading the whole darn thing again. Now I'd like to get the blockchain off of my laptop completely and reclaim the memory, so is it possible to move the blockchain to my NAS and have Bitcoin on my laptop point it there when I open it?
You can create a symbolic link.
You can create a symbolic link.
Tried that - didn't work. If I can be arsed, may have a look into it to see why but don't really have cause to keep wallets up to date atm so may just delete them entirely... until they get hyped up again ;) or have more uses than simply buying illegal contraband via the internet :D.
Being as bitcoins are now trading at 1/3 of the rate they peaked at towards the end of last year, and have been falling almost continuously since the summer, is it now safe to assume that as predicted, Bitcoin was just an investment bubble and that the bubble is deflating?

And if so, how low will it go, is there enough intrinsic demand for bitcoin to retain a significant level of value or will it just fall back to 2011 levels?

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