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BBC presenter Huw Edwards suspended over paying for sexual pics.

so, if this story was in Scotland (where you point out that 16 = adult citizen in the law) you'd have no issue with it?
If that's not the case - and i just assume it's not, because theres no suggestion that any crime has been committed here- can you explain how the legislation for age of majority is actually relevant?

Legality is key.
It may come as a shock, but you do know Scotland as well as the rest of the UK left the EU a while back?
Which was why I quoted the third paragraph which is UK law.
You must have missed that in the rush to respond..

Here it is again..

"In the UK this recommendation was accepted and on January 1, 1970, the age of majority was reduced from 21 to 18 years. (See Family Law Reform Act 1969, for England and Wales, the Age of Majority (Scotland) Act 1969, for Scotland, and the Age of Majority Act (NI) 1969, for Northern Ireland.)"
Fairly sure a number of the twitter mob would be delighted if it had been Lineker, after his stance on the government and migrants.

yes - much of the speculation seems to be based on [presenter] being either known gay / bi, and / or a 'woke leftie' (and not quite sure how anyone managed to include jeremy vine in the latter - the odd times i have heard his show, it comes across as the daily mail set to bland music...)
so, if this story was in Scotland (where you point out that 16 = adult citizen in the law) you'd have no issue with it?
If that's not the case - and i just assume it's not, because theres no suggestion that any crime has been committed here- can you explain how the legislation for age of majority is actually relevant?
If the 17 yr old was being asked for photos when they were 17 then it's very much relevant.
Yes. I remember in basic training an apprentice sgt trying to push in in front of me in the lunch queue, claiming that he was higher rank. He sat on his arse quite rapidly. :)
He was in the wrong dining room. Should have tried his luck in the Sgts mess. :D
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yes - much of the speculation seems to be based on [presenter] being either known gay / bi, and / or a 'woke leftie' (and not quite sure how anyone managed to include jeremy vine in the latter - the odd times i have heard his show, it comes across as the daily mail set to bland music...)

An older person forming a liaison with a much younger person may be legal, but it is distasteful, in fact, downright repulsive.

There have been successful and long lived partnerships, and indeed marriages, where there has been a great age disparity, but they are the exception, rather than the norm.

In the case where the elder man (and it generally is a man) is in a position of prominence and wealth, it makes it even more revolting.

I reckon that who ever it is (there appears to be a consensus on Twitter) is finished as far as career goes, and rightly so. Sexual exploitation is about the only thing that I'm prudish about, it is utterly revolting.
Fairly sure a number of the twitter mob would be delighted if it had been Lineker, after his stance on the government and migrants.
Lineker is about the last person that I would think it was, I don't much like the guy, but would be beyond astonished if it was him.
As mentioned above, I think we need to wait and see what comes out here. Why would someone pay 35 grand for pics, when similar are available on the internet for free, and not illegal? According to The Sun, the mother complained to the BBC in May that this person was still paying the boy for pictures and he's 20 now. So this presenter continued to pay for pictures (and the boy continued to send them) after the parents and his employer had been made aware.

Hmmmmm ...
Having been stalked in the past and abused when much younger I do know that infatuation plays a significant part and even back then before the internet "similar , legal and free" wasnt the same but I thought that was obvious and doubt it is any different now to these people especially when they have spare money and some standing in the community or otherwise
It may start with pictures or less but I doubt that is all that went on or was requested or demanded

I was still very much a child at 17 with pretty much no idea what to do or which adult to trust to tell or ask for help without it ruining my life when I was just starting out in my first job etc
Luckily I found help and perhaps this child or vulnerable young adult or whatever state of mind he or she was in didnt find help before turning to drugs too I can certainly see how that could happen these scum bags can be very persistent especially if you have no real parenting with little world experience or are vulnerable in some way
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17 yr olds now are that bit different to back in the 70s or 80s...even the early 90s. Wr grew up relatively free to roam and come home by 10.30. Or whatever.. many 17 yr olds now are growing up via phone apps. Are rarely off outdoors with their buddies

The only reason someone would pay for photos is if they are incriminating. Maybe the BBC person is also in the photos.
I dont think that is the only reason and they dont haveto be in the photo if they "have" to have something and are infatuated or otherwise a photo is a start that may or not lead somewhere else it also serves as another tool to get to somewhere else
Stalkers , groomers and perverts can be very calculated and determined to get exactly what they want even when cheaper similar options are available to them easily.

Its also a thing if in a similar situation when young with no help or world experience besides school that "just a photograph" may stop all the shit so you can sleep at night again or perhaps money offered may help you get you away from it all
I most certainly was not thinking like an adult at 17 when in a "situation" Id only just left school too and cant blame my parents as my father died when I was 11 things were complicated

But I guess we have to wait for facts some of the speculation on twitter is very worrying but I guess a sign of the times , it might be a lot more complicated than it seems of course also sometimes full facts of abuse cases are often never made public to protect some the vulnerable , families etc involved too anyway
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You don't have to fucking click the link to see from the text that comes across the shite game they are playing

You have read the article, took one for the team (as it were) so you could have cut and paste, though?

Posting the link benefits the grubby fuckers.
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