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Autumn Booster ? Have you had yours ? [plse change vote when you do]

Have you ? [not multiple choice, but you can change it]

  • No

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • Yes - AstraZeneca

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Yes - PfizerBNT

    Votes: 68 39.3%
  • Yes - Moderna

    Votes: 61 35.3%
  • Yes - other vaccine

    Votes: 7 4.0%
  • only having the Flu one

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • not having either

    Votes: 12 6.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


heckling from the back!
So, the Autumn Booster / 4th dose rollout is just beginning ...

How is Urban represented ? I'm not having votes public for this
Poll open until March
I've had a Moderna some months ago, as I'm in the Omicron variant trial.
But as yet, I've no idea if I got the either of the anti-Omicron variants or the normal version.
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No I've not had mine but I have had a text from the surgery telling me to book it but I haven't done so yet been a bit busy what with the Queen dying and such.
not yet, but as 50+ will be getting one at some point.

mum-tat (who's 80+) has had her invite to book today. she's a bit confused about whether it's better to go to the same place as last time (she has had pfizer for all three so far) on the expectation she'll get the same again, or what.

place she's been summoned to before is a bit awkward to get to - she lives almost in one corner of lewisham borough, this place is the opposite corner, so it's 2 buses on (by london standards) not that frequent 'back road' routes to get there.

anyone know what the best thing to do is?
Been texted by the surgery to say I can have the booster/flu jab but PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US JUST YET.

Their words and caps lock and seeing how busy they were last time I was there I can understand the sentiment.
Not yet, but as I am over 50 I expect to be offered one/them although I haven't yet received any info - but when I am offered it I will take it.

I voted No but will change that when I have been jabbed.
I am CEV so have but have only recently had my 4th jab and looking forward to my 5th and a flu jab.
not yet, but as 50+ will be getting one at some point.

mum-tat (who's 80+) has had her invite to book today. she's a bit confused about whether it's better to go to the same place as last time (she has had pfizer for all three so far) on the expectation she'll get the same again, or what.

place she's been summoned to before is a bit awkward to get to - she lives almost in one corner of lewisham borough, this place is the opposite corner, so it's 2 buses on (by london standards) not that frequent 'back road' routes to get there.

anyone know what the best thing to do is?
I cant give a omprehensive answer but I suppose I can come out with this sort of impression:

During the first 2 doses being rolled out, in theory there were places that would have struggled more with logistics of Pfizer storage/handing compared to Oxford AstraZeneca, and so sometimes location influenced which vaccine someone got. But timing of supply of the different vaccines within the system was a big factor too, and the timing of when the government went off Oxford Astrazenca vaccine, and initially the age of people during that transition away from the Oxford one.

And since then things evolved. Oxford AstraZeneca is not part of the UK picture these days, and lots of Moderna, which is the same sort of tech as Pfizer, was around from a certain stage onwards of later vaccination campaigns. My Mum ended up having three Pfizer, my Dad and brother ended up with two Oxford and then a Pfizer, I ended up with two Pfizer and then a Moderna.

On paper looking at various numbers in the UK vaccine surveillance reports, I'd say that those who had two Oxford doses to start with and then got a Pfizer or Moderna for a 3rd dose ended up with some better protection numbers on paper than they'd had after only receiving Oxford. And a Moderna third dose after two Pfizer doses also resulted in numbers that looked good to me. Three Pfizer wasnt bad either, and I cant say that I was left with a really strong sense that it would have been significantly better if my mother had had a Moderna third dose rather than a Pfizer one. But at a minimum I was happy to have received that combination myself, and would have been quite pleased if my mother had ended up with that combo too.

This time around we've got a situation where updated Moderna vaccine which now includes an Omicron component got approved, and then even more recently a Pfizer version of that new combo that includes Omicron also got approved. Some people are saying that there is enough supply of the newer vaccines that everyone should end up with one of those, although the plan does still allow for the original vaccine types to be given to people if thats what logistics in a particular time and place dictate. We wont get the fullest possible sense of how much difference these updated vaccines make compared to the old ones until that data is collected via massive amounts of real world data, including how well they end up working in practise when faced with whatever strain of Covid tries to take off in this country in the next wave(s) to come. And I dont know whether the available supply will be dominated by Moderna or Pfizer, or how the proportions may evolve over time.

Since the various unknowns mentioned there cannot be predicted, I would resort to other factors when considering what is best for your mother. She probably should not anticipate being able to control, or place high emphasis on, receiving the same vaccine as before, and should let other factors of practicality and confidence guide her I guess. Including going for the option that gives her the least personal unease even if that unease is not necessarily strongly routed in really significant factors. And as you can probably tell by now, some factors are not really within her control, they will come down to stuff that is indistinguishable from 'luck' and that cannot be accurately predicted or controlled by making a decision about location.
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Who is due one?
Currently this is the official thing, unless they find reason to expand it later:

People aged 50 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, those aged 5 years and over in a clinical risk group and health and social care staff will be offered a booster of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine this autumn.

No booster for me then, unless being fat (which I don’t think is recorded in an official clinical manner) gets me a jab.
I cant give a omprehensive answer but I suppose I can come out with this sort of impression:



it may not be comprehensive, but it's a bit more than i can manage this time of night. i'll try and digest it tomorrow.


it may not be comprehensive, but it's a bit more than i can manage this time of night. i'll try and digest it tomorrow.
The short version is that although location and timing has influenced what vaccines people received, this doesnt happen in a neat way we can predict, especially not these days. It was a bit easier to figure out and also potentially more significant in the first two vaccine rounds anyway, when Oxford AstraZeneca was still part of the picture. And since they are aiming to give the new vaccines that include an Omicron component this time, thats another reason people shouldnt be expecting to receive exactly the same vaccine as they had previously.
Not yet but I’ll get one through work. Booked for the… oh, possible bank holiday. Better change that then!

I wouldn’t get one if I didn’t work for the NHS, and given last time how it took me over 3 months to lose some worrying lingering symptoms, and my chronic headaches were possibly linked to both infections, I feel really jammy to get it. I would have thought it should be automatically offered to long covid sufferers, whatever age they are.
Mine's booked in for Saturday. Hoping I don't feel rotten and waste the long weekend.
Commenced last week in Portugal starting with the over 80s and working downwards so I expect I'll get a text to book November
Well, I'm getting my flu injection on 1st October so I'll ask if / when the Covid booster is happening - I'm just 61 so . . . maybe
Not got round to it. Not sure I will. I do a monthly ONS test which informs me I still have high levels of antibodies.
I went this morning to the vaccine station I got the previous jabs from, and it's closed :(
it looks like the municipal website has closed as well....so I think I'd better go to the health post I usually get mt flu jab from and see if they are still doing covid shots...I've only been putting it off as I had Covid at the end of May and I thought I'd wait 3 months
Booked for 2 Nov. Flu jab at the same time. Local doctors are still using a community centre here, which has been a very good set up.
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