Bring back hanging
Most of it is simply reportage and old fashioned 50s-70s-style participant-investigation that the operaismo style approach was designed to get past - certainly not worker inquiries. The sort of thing that Toynbee does when she goes undercover poor for a week. For a start, worker inquiries are collective projects. Jamie Woodcock's (the main editor i suspect) book was the same. The overwhelming dominance of academia and academics is worrying and pretty far from the tradition of conricerca or co-research. I think they jumped the gun here and should have carried out (or helped organise) some actual long term WI then report back instead of getting carried away and padding a few bits of reportage with already published articles on the subject. And maybe reached out a bit more...even to people not from the 2010 student protests. Maybe that will happen now. Good to see at least some moves this way.
The work/rent bulletins are crap - they should be directed to AWW for lessons.
The work/rent bulletins are crap - they should be directed to AWW for lessons.