happy mew year
Just to give you some idea of what's worked for me, I answer the basic questions (in terms of the tick boxes), then add (in the "tell us more" section) "please see additional sheet #...", and give them chapter and verse on the additional sheet. I do this for every section of the form that requires it. It's a fair bit of extra work, but it allows you to inject some nuance. You should also aim to note what you're capable of as what you're able to do on your WORST day, not your best or your average day (despite what they ask). Also, try to write from the POV of "what I'm unable to do, unless", rather than "I can sometimes do that, but..." as they'll only pay attention to "I can do that".
Also, w/r/t walking, I always put exactly what's up - that I can't walk at all without pain, and that the pain (and the additional fatigue that the pain causes) gets worse (and more fatiguing) the more I walk. I then put down my worst time and distance. I don't mention what I can do on a good day, because they will automatically apply that to ALL your days.
Only thing with this, is there a risk that some snooper will then watch you on a (possibly quite rare) 'not so bad day' and you get done for 'fraud'? (or that some cunt of a neighbour will shop you)?
Some time ago (we've lost contact now so I don't know how he's doing in the ATOS era) I had a friend who had a condition where he could occasionally walk unaided (although not often and not for very long), often used a walking stick, sometimes used a wheelchair, and on some days could not move at all and was on so much morphine that he really didn't know what the fuck was going on. I think he had some bother about it a few years back.
The system does not seem able to cope with variable conditions at all. And as I've said before, the prevailing attitude seems to be that you' shouldn't get benefits unless you're 100% sick / disabled, but you shouldn't get / keep a job if you're anything less than 100% well. Which leaves a lot of people in no-person's land.
(and incidentally, cross posting from another thread - don't have a heart attack during your ATOS medical - you are likely to get sanctioned for 'withdrawing from the assessment'. more here)
I really have run out of swear words for this lot.