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Are you planning to do anything differently when all this is over?

Buddy Bradley

Pantheistic solipsist
(Yes, there was another similar thread but that was back in March when we didn't realise we were facing 1-2 years of restrictions.)

Is there anything you think you might change about the way you live your life and spend your time, once this is all over? I've been thinking I might take up hiking as a way to spend more time outdoors in nature and see more of the world.
I'm planning to change my lifestyle in many small ways. I shall work online, I'll continue as an examiner but not travel more than I'm forced to. I will move, but not sure where to yet, certainly within Spain, possibly to France or Scotland.

But most significantly I will apply for my Spanish citizenship so I can stay in EU without let or hindrance.
Continue to stay away from people - a lot easier since I no longer work in a petri dish.
I will be reluctant to stop wearing a mask in the shops as I have done since the start - my one regular unavoidable close point of contact with strangers.
I will certainly still make sure I wash my hands when I return home - and doubtless still put my groceries in quarantine.
I've always been antisocial but just walking down a busy-ish street feels unbearable now. Only thing keeping me in the city was jiu jitsu and I've realised I don't miss that enough to stay here. It means losing my local connection and having to deal with agents / private landlords but soon as I can find somewhere crap enough to be affordable I'll be moving.
I hope I'll keep up reading more books, that's all really. I far preferred my life before and can't wait to get back to it. Been in a low-level depression since the first lockdown in March (here in Berlin) and I only started to get my energy back once the vaccines came along and there was a light at the end of the tunnel in sight. I enjoy big city life and this has been like being stuck in the most boring suburb imaginable.
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I've always been antisocial but just walking down a busy-ish street feels unbearable now. Only thing keeping me in the city was jiu jitsu and I've realised I don't miss that enough to stay here. It means losing my local connection and having to deal with agents / private landlords but soon as I can find somewhere crap enough to be affordable I'll be moving.
The irony for me, was that part of my retirement planning was for meaningful human contact - though I always held limited optimism that I would find people I could gel with out in the sticks - after 30-something years of living in something of a liberal bubble and working in another and still not having any close friends ...
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I hope I'll keep up reading more books, that's all really. I far preferred my life before and can't wait to get back to it. Been in a low-level depression since the first lockdown in March (here in Berlin) and I only started to get my energy back once the vaccines came along and there was a light at the end of the tunnel in sight. I enjoy big city life and this has been like being stuck in the most boring suburb imaginable.

You’ve put into words what I’ve been struggling to grasp and express.

I love living in a big city, and lockdown etc has obliterated all that good stuff.

I moved into my new flat in Oct 2019, and winter was obviously quieter than summer months; but then lockdown happened and it wasn’t til it eased in the summer that I realised my neighbourhood is really buzzy and busy. All gone quiet now of course. Except that this street is a cut through for ambulances, and I can see the Covid curve fall and rise again with the blue lights moving through here.
Except that this street is a cut through for ambulances, and I can see the Covid curve fall and rise again with the blue lights moving through here.
Ambulances and skateboards for me.
I'm already massively resenting the increase in arsehole rat-runners since the lockdown dissolved into government encouraged anarchy ...
OK, a bit off-the-cuff ... "eat out to help out", moving areas in and out of arbitrary "zones" - it's apt to try the patience of even averagely sensible people ...
With regard to this pandemic, I suppose I might be considered an anarchist myself because I take no notice of the rules because they are rarely sufficiently stringent.
I want to move out of this tiny little flat. Fuck knows where.

We'll be visiting a few places next autumn I suspect, day trips to scout out. Scotland might be the most realistic destination given the prices of housing in England. If I can get the Irish passport sorted and she can find work over there (medical sector is miniscule so not much hope) we can consider Ireland. Or Europe tbh.

I expect wfh to be quite prominent in my future, it'll be weird going back day to day, it'll also be somewhat intimidating just being out at this point. We'll also likely eat out a lot less as now both of us can cook meals each other will eat.
I want to move out of this tiny little flat. Fuck knows where.

We'll be visiting a few places next autumn I suspect, day trips to scout out. Scotland might be the most realistic destination given the prices of housing in England. If I can get the Irish passport sorted and she can find work over there (medical sector is miniscule so not much hope) we can consider Ireland. Or Europe tbh.
Even Edinburgh (which is very expensive in Scottish terms) is much cheaper than London (housing and transport wise, pubs and restaurants are probably similarish). And it's a very nice place. And Glasgow is cheaper and pretty happening.
I don't really understand the question. Differently than now, yes, I hope to get my life back, to be able to get about the place seeing and interacting with family friends and strangers without current restrictions.
i think it means different to what you did before all this shit started.
It has been a year, I almost forget what life was like before! :(

in which case, yes, try and go out more, be more sociable, see people more often.

which in turn means trying to get a job that doesn't involve working silly bloody hours so often, and move somewhere a bit nearer civilisation.

It has been a year, I almost forget what life was like before! :(

i know the feeling...


it occurred to me recently that in 2020, as far as i can recall, i have been outside a 5 mile radius of home once, that was for a job interview in london at about the point when the news was starting to talk a bit about some new bug in china.

i got offered the job, then (i suppose fortunately before it had got as far as a firm offer) it didn't happen...
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