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Amber Rudd resigns and then returns (and resigns again)

What is that stance supposed to signify? Who is telling them to do this? Are there undercover Corbynites working in the Tory PR/Media team? It just looks fucking weird. Is it some sort of signal for other lizard people? It doesn’t look like something meant for humans.
According to The Guardian today they are possibly copying the stance mentioned by Amy Cuddy in a 2012 TED talk that suggested adopting "high-power poses" for several minutes a day led to increased confidence in how they act.

I think someone was having a laugh by telling them to stand with their legs so wide apart.
What will be fun now is just how bitter Rudd feels now - and how loyal the Tory heavy mob can induce her to be.
If ever anyone was fantastically placed to cause all sorts of hell from the back benches, it's her (alongside Morgan, Soubry, Grieve and God knows how many other ex - ministers).
Bearing in mind the root cause of this scandal is the 2014 Act pushed through by her predecessor - that is, the current PM - she really has taken the rap for her.
This could be great fun...
I'm thinking of the scenario where they all end up fighting like ferrets in a sack - which is what happens when this famously disciplined and United party really loses it.
e2a:like under Major or during the referendum
Well that's not going to happen. Most of them are too fat to get out of their cars anyway.

Some famous person said society gets the police force it deserves. Well I hope the British bobby makes the come back, walking the streets, knowing the locals again, being the friendly face of law enforcement.

I think the people would welcome the bobby back on the beat. Will cut out a lot of mindless violence and vandalisims. I remember living and working in the countryside where I knew the bobby, as he knew me, and often sorted out local disputes hands on before it festered and erupted.
I'm thinking of the scenario where they all end up fighting like ferrets in a sack - which is what happens when this famously disciplined and United party really loses it.
e2a:like under Major or during the referendum
An ambitious young politician like Amber Rudd (she's only been in parliament 8 years) is not going to make trouble on the benches.
Some famous person said society gets the police force it deserves. Well I hope the British bobby makes the come back, walking the streets, knowing the locals again, being the friendly face of law enforcement.

I think the people would welcome the bobby back on the beat. Will cut out a lot of mindless violence and vandalisims. I remember living and working in the countryside where I knew the bobby, as he knew me, and often sorted out local disputes hands on before it festered and erupted.

OK, when I got to your last sentence, yes, that makes sense. Genuinely, it does. But it probably won't surprise you much to learn that, to me, at first your message sounds a bit rosy-tinted Daily Mail and Sunday Post nostalgia for that which never was.

Oh, I'm sorry, try thought I might, I do think your view does seem a bit "things were better at some unspecified number of decades ago. Bring back "Dixon of Dock Green."

And this is the point at which I have to admit to learning things: I just googled the thing and I find that "Dixon of Dock Green" actually was on telly until 1976. Oh! :confused: I had thought it was a very ancient thing. (OK, it is, and I am more ancient than I had thought.) :( :D

I'm all in favour of getting the police to learn to be civil and pleasant and so on, but I don't hold up much hope, not in cities anyway.
I think Dixon of Dock Green was fiction. Have to admit never seen it but what I know, no, it is not a wish to go back to those nostalgiac days.

More police on the beat has naught to to with that. I think most people woudl agree the streets arer getting more lawless now. Certainly on my local FB page everyday there're reports of gands ripp[ing up fences to steal from back yard, smashing of cars, beating people up etc. And I live in so called suburbia.

I'm not for getting heavy handed policing in, which I feel is happening now, because of, lack of police on the beat. Now the only time the police gets involved usually when it's too late, it is reactive rather than proactive, which menas by the time the police gets involved things have spirralled up to heavy confrontation.

But if we have beat police, and for sure there will be a few bad ones, in any occupation there're bad ones, but enough good ones to start rebuilding trust and confidence in communities and stop the current downwards trend of mistrusts and lawlessness.

My very simple and optimistic 2c worth
Well no it's true, well seems to be. We have a generally uncaring selfish society at the mo, police force reflects that.
my brother literally spent 2 and a half hours looking for a mate who had left the house 'in some distress' two nights ago, he's got a history of scizophrenia and was clearly going off the rails. He's safe now and getting treatment (this happens every few years) but did we even think to call the police? yeah, we were discussing how much we didn't want to do that cos our mates black and mentally ill. Thats not even a look at history or a 'political' point (although it kind of is). The police were a thing to be called only if really really desperate. Niether my brother or I had to say why we wouldn't call them to each other. Shit is known, closest to it was 'not calling the police, he'll get tazered'
'or worse'

Niether of us picked that attitude up from nowhere.
Sorry to hear about that DotCommunist. I find it distressing that normal folks do not find the police approachable. Same here, a lot of the guys I know in my area would call police only as a last resort.

Maybe what I wish for won't happen. The image of the friendly local police, who people knows and knows the local, I guess just won't work at the mo. But if we did try it, put more police on the beat, maybe over time trust will come back again. Yes will have to weed out the bad ones, but in theory if the beat does happen and it is all transparent, then trust will come back.

I example from home. Look at Melbourne police. Known as Dodge City cause they tend to shoot first then ask questions later. But Melbourne is known as the city with more hard core gangs and criminals. Police where I am from, the bush, knew you and you know them. They are no more likely to let you get away with criminal acts then the city police, but the dialogue is so much better. Then again outback redneck towns also have harder police.

Not going to happen overnight. But maybe a good goal to aim for?

I have to end shift now so please don't think I am dodging the topic.
Well no it's true, well seems to be. We have a generally uncaring selfish society at the mo, police force reflects that.

And what about folks in countries where the police habitually murder people? Do they deserve that?
Sorry to hear about that DotCommunist. I find it distressing that normal folks do not find the police approachable. Same here, a lot of the guys I know in my area would call police only as a last resort.

Maybe what I wish for won't happen. The image of the friendly local police, who people knows and knows the local, I guess just won't work at the mo. But if we did try it, put more police on the beat, maybe over time trust will come back again. Yes will have to weed out the bad ones, but in theory if the beat does happen and it is all transparent, then trust will come back.

I example from home. Look at Melbourne police. Known as Dodge City cause they tend to shoot first then ask questions later. But Melbourne is known as the city with more hard core gangs and criminals. Police where I am from, the bush, knew you and you know them. They are no more likely to let you get away with criminal acts then the city police, but the dialogue is so much better. Then again outback redneck towns also have harder police.

Not going to happen overnight. But maybe a good goal to aim for?

I have to end shift now so please don't think I am dodging the topic.

If there are more police on the beat they'll suddenly stop being nasty racist thugs because...
She is obviously shitting herself on this. Good.

with her background as an uninspired control freak worker drone of a HS, she know the mechanics of what is out there in her time and what has been hidden.

Seems like the media is having an awfully hard time finding some tory louse to make a statement on why a 3LW is being imposed
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