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Amber Rudd resigns and then returns (and resigns again)

Have we always been obsessed with ensuring the same turds get the top jobs, surely more of a gap between "resigning in disgrace" and another appointment to cabinet used to exist?
Well, that didn't take very long, did it ?

I presume the rehabilitation is from loyalty to the maybot ...
Another one that just won’t flush. The party is full of them.
The party positively encourages them. What Rudd did was absolutely in line with Tory policy - "treat them like shit, make their lives miserable, but try not to get caught". And of course, if they get caught, there's some for-public-consumption show of half-hearted condemnation, then just as soon as they think the coast is clear, they're cheered back into the front ranks, having taken their lumps in the wilderness for doing what had to be done.

It's pretty vile, and shows just how cynically unconcerned the whole shower are for the crap they dished out - on Windrush, and everything else. Same with Duncan Smith, same with McVey lying in parliament - you can almost hear the sniggers as they mouth the necessary platitudes.
can't believe the awful Rudd is back in the game, shows how desperate May must be - can you imagine, for instance, getting fired from Dixons for calling a customer a c**t, then being rehired a few months later? it's the perfect analogy even if I say so myself
It should come as no surprise to anyone whatsoever. This is the party that thinks it is ok to rehabilitate Liam Fox, someone who really should have ended up in prison. I suppose also it is a reflection of of the dizzying array of mediocrity that May has to choose from.
It just seems wierd how unpleasant some of these characters are, like there’s something wrong with their brains. Why would you do that?
Rudd has fucking criticised the UN probing the poverty which is endemic in the UK. Fucking bollockheads.

Amber Rudd condemns UN poverty report in combative return to frontline politics

It uses 'political language' apparently. Well, you're a politician so that's probably something you should be able to deal with. Also a response to the actual content of the report might be appropriate in the circumstances.

Trouble is the likes of Rudd probably play well with the tory faithful. That quote that's doing the rounds about how people in Hastings just want a nice place to claim dole and shoot up, that's probably how a lot of people in her constituency genuinely feel. I'm not sure publicising that remark is going to damage her in the way people think it will. It may be abhorrent to us as decent people, but there are plenty of people who aren't remotely decent. Especially in the home counties.
It takes a special kinda person to want to take on a role like this in a toxic administration- they are losers - maybe not financially or whatevs - but there is something unhealthy and unsatisfied gnawing away at them inside.
She is still complaining:

"The work and pensions secretary, Amber Rudd, plans to lodge a formal complaint with the UN about the damning report on austerity in Britain by its special rapporteur on extreme poverty, Philip Alston ..."

Amber Rudd to lodge complaint over UN's austerity report


"Rudd is said to be particularly frustrated by Alston’s accusation that the government was responsible for the “systematic immiseration of a significant part of the British population”.
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