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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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It's alright, the referee stops it before the KO.

What I want to know is how Starkey and Penny managed to get each other's accents.
You get an ear for it, but lipreading helps as the consonants don't change.
she's already told us how her privileged position in life makes her a more committed leftist than the rest of us - so surely we'd expect a bit more consistency, and erm..commitment from one so unfeasibly committed

Well then if you've already decided you can't trust her word why both analyzing every single one she utters? Once you got someone sussed does anyone really need to continue document every single action?

It's not like LP is actually influential in any real shape or form...
And even for an old cynic like myself it is gobsmacking how serious journalistic entities like the Independent and the NS have bought into her fantasy self and made her a figurehead for a movement and so on.It is shockingly bad judgement

No it ain't. It's very good judgment indeed.
In a few years she'll still be writing a column or two, and now and again saying how embarrassed she is when looking back at her 'radical' phase.
No she'll blame the normals for being too thick and cowardly to orbit her star properly.

Look at the painting.


Look at it.

(no doubt soon to be seen as a supersized cardboard promo cut-out in a bristol bookshop near you)
Well then if you've already decided you can't trust her word why both analyzing every single one she utters? Once you got someone sussed does anyone really need to continue document every single action?

It's not like LP is actually influential in any real shape or form...
Well stop whinging about her then.
Well then if you've already decided you can't trust her word why both analyzing every single one she utters? Once you got someone sussed does anyone really need to continue document every single action?

It's not like LP is actually influential in any real shape or form...

because as has been pointed out previously, while this thread is nominally about her, it's more about what she represents, the increasingly emerging phenomena of people like her

as to not being influential, i would dispute that, she's corrosively influential in a number of ways and as such threads like this are fair game in my opinion

she puts herself into play through her own ego & desire for self publicity, using collective/progressive politics as cover for her own valorisation

and more generally, none of us here trust capitalism's 'word' and generally have it 'sussed' - does that mean that we shouldn't continue to analyse & understand it, in order to be in a better position to fight it?
As for that party and those boho entrepreneurs she struggled through New York life with - puke puke. The reason she can blend in so well with those and yet has no w/c ties is the same as Owen Jones. They just don't know any w/c people and wouldn't feel comfortable around them.

Precisely. More to the point, the editors who hire her are all from the same background, so they don't really know any better. The people who hire them are the ones who know better.
Maybe in her head. Otherwise, new jokes thread ------------------------------------------>

No, you're wrong about this. Burchill's one of the top ten journos of the C20th. She really is what Laurie Penny used to think she might be one day.
No, you're wrong about this. Burchill's one of the top ten journos of the C20th. She really is what Laurie Penny used to think she might be one day.
One of the top ten journos, maybe. Radical now? Not convinced. She wrote as if she was when that was fashionable. Tbf I haven't seen any if her more recent material. *goes off and googles*
I did enjoy reviewing her book last year.

Please tell me you made this bit up: "of the women I spoke to who had found a workable solution to the sharing of domestic work in their household, 90% employed some sort of home help, from a weekly cleaner to a live in au-pair..."
One of the top ten journos, maybe. Radical now? Not convinced. She wrote as if she was when that was fashionable. Tbf I haven't seen any if her more recent material. *goes off and googles*

Don't bother, the recent stuff is crap. I'm talking about when she was 17-18 years old, slagging off the likes of Dylan and the Stones in the NME and always hitting the nail exactly on the head. That took serious courage (and/or an awful lot of amphetamine sulphate) and remains some of the best writing I've read by anyone ever.
Don't bother, the recent stuff is crap.
Too late, I've just found her recent bits (readable yes, radical no) on the DM site - where's the decontamination shower?
I'm talking about when she was 17-18 years old, slagging off the likes of Dylan and the Stones in the NME and always hitting the nail exactly on the head. That took serious courage (and/or an awful lot of amphetamine sulphate) and remains some of the best writing I've read by anyone ever.
A has been in other words, she's 52 now. Although better than being a never was. FWIW I didn't get my hands on the NME at that time. It's not exactly the sort of thing an 11 year old would read, even if they could afford it.
Too late, I've just found her recent bits (readable yes, radical no) on the DM site - where's the decontamination shower?

Try The Boy Looked at Johnny. Completely mad, which is presumably why it's out of print, but stirring stuff. At least when you're 11.
I didn't believe it either. But look...googlebooks.

Jesus. Just skimmed through it. Horrid stuff. The ending: 'Most of all, we refuse to be beautiful and good." Basically everything that's wrong with her type of thinking encapsulated. Notices that what is called beautiful and good is not so. But response is not to seek out what is truly beautiful and good, but rather to attack the very concepts of beauty and goodness. Makes me sick.
I've never rated Burchill either, if I'm honest. If she ever had any particular talent then she lost it long ago and has to resort to that 'I'm a professional contrarian, I try to provoke aggro for the sake of it, I'm still here, look at me, look at me, please validate my existence and make me feel I still matter in some way to anybody' approach that most readers nowadays tend to spot pretty quickly and treat for what it is.
Yeah, there seems to be a huge internalising of neo-liberal/individualist values under the nominal cover of progressive/collective politics these days - although i wouldn't lump Owen Jones in with Hari & Penny in that criticism

Despite other criticisms I think Jones genuinely deep down has the right politics and is deeply passionate about them whereas for the likes of Penny and co it's just superficial & convenient cover for their own ego & self aggrandisement

The Culture of Narcissism-Christopher Lasch.
Try The Boy Looked at Johnny. Completely mad, which is presumably why it's out of print, but stirring stuff. At least when you're 11.
Thanks for the tip. Still available on Abe. It'll have to wait though. The library's shut until Monday and my payment card's more or less maxed out until Tuesday.
Oh man, been reading her stuff on Amazon now. I once thought a whole thread about her was a bit much, but I can see why you lot are so obsessed.

"How many times have you heard a man refer to taking care of his own children as "babysitting?"'

Huh? What else is it then? I call it "babysitting" all the time, in fact I'm babysitting at this very moment (it's nap-time). What's wrong with calling it "babysitting?" Just what is wrong with it? What are we supposed to call it then?

And then this: 'the most brain-bleedingly pointless domestic tasks have, for some young women today, become so alien and fantastic that they are now a lifestyle option."

Bloody hell.
She needs to go and get a proper job for 5 years somewhere, live out of the limelight and do some growing up. But she obviously won't, she'll just be a shouty professional controverseur and we'll all have to listen to her opinions for decades and be told she's speaking for us*. Christ what a country.

She should also get herself a better hairstyle with a natural looking colour. Make the most of herself while she's still young.

And start calling herself Laura again-it's nicer. Who the fuck's called Laurie anyway? Has anybody ever met a Laurie?
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