Nigel Irritable
Five, Ten, Fifteen Years
I'm willing to give "critical support" when it comes to Starkey-baiting.
Wow. An annoying middle class brat.
Wow. An annoying middle class brat.
Oh ffs. Can't we discuss female crap political activists without mentioning how they look?Well, Molly Crabapple's oil painting may not be much of an oil painting, she on the other hand....
I take it all back. I'm just jealous Penny is sleeping on her floor.
Oh ffs. Can't we discuss female crap political activists without mentioning how they look?
You would though.
And so would I.
once again the disgusting chauvinism of the be-webbed soi-distant left rears its ugl..hang on, theres a knickers shot?
does nothing for me (except annoy)
And actually also this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in an inverse sense.
Oh ffs. Can't we discuss female crap political activists without mentioning how they look?
Oh ffs. Can't we discuss female crap political activists without mentioning how they look?
Feminazis etc.
This reaction is unworthy of you.
The Bigotaurus Ridiculus? Hmmm if we're in that mode then might I suggest Penny to be a member of the hopefully soon to be extinct Pseudoradicalhipsteramous Rex?
Hardly jumped up, rather in her natural station. Private school oxbridge graduates have been dominating the media since ehte beginning of time.Nah, just a 'jumped up public school girl.'