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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Sunny Hundal is on his own plane of extreme arrogance.

Any idea who the person is in the bottom right?

London School of Economics
Women Writing History @ LSE and Gender Institute Literary Festival
Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building
The London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I’ll be speaking about Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, and ideas about men’s and women’s art. Free, but you have to reserve tickets online"
The Story all sold out (how?) at £65 tickets for 6 hours is to listen to these people:
Incidentally, well done for LSE for taking the brave decision to have an event on Women Writing History without any historians at all, despite it being a discipline in which there are many prominent women.
Incidentally, well done for LSE for taking the brave decision to have an event on Women Writing History without any historians at all, despite it being a discipline in which there are many prominent women.

It's not about history as such.

"In celebration of LSE’s acquisition of the Women’s Library, our distinguished panel will discuss the role of women in literature, the arts and academia today."


which makes Crabapple's topic of Rivera and Kahlo even more baffling.

This blog gets weirder and weirder:
"Meet our new crush: Fred Holston, son of Alabaman communist Henry Holston and the ultimate solidarity sartorialist. He has an unending collection of beautiful boots that truly ice the cake of his ravishing, revolutionary look."

Not sure he's saying himself he's a revolutionary.

Does the word revolutionary mean something else, like a style or something, these days? Damn young 'uns *waves fist at sky

someone described me as being "prole kitsch" the other day coz I was banging on about Luddites or something, that's what you get called if you're into class politics.

Molly Crabapple's thing is all hype. Crabapple does use galleries and has use exhibitions based on sales repeatedly. As this from Laurie Penny's friend back in 2006 Warren Ellis proves


BUT the image she likes to project is this:


"Molly Crabapple - visual artist, and Kim Boekbinder - musician, are both champions of the crowd funding age. Both have received international praise and recognition for their groundbreaking work in their respective mediums, as well as the way they run their careers. Though they work in different fields what the two have in common is that they have both built their careers on their own: no management, booking, labels, or galleries of any kind have made possible what they do. Yet they both make a living as full time artists in a world where we are told that fewer and fewer people are paying for music and art.

Molly Crabapple discusses circumventing the rigid gallery system which favors the sale of large and expensive works of art over the quick, passionate, and current work of such a prolific artist."

The game is given away with the "Hacking the Crowd: Artists as Entrepreneurs" title.
Also her manifesto is meaningless. Quick art is not necessarily socially important art or "good" art (whatever that means). As this demonstrates IMO of course.

http://arrestedmotion.com/2009/02/dr-sketchy-anti-art-school-with-ron-english (NSFW)

These people - Sunny, Molly and the rest - want celebrity status.

They try to softly attach themselves to established leftie/liberal/bohemia celebrities so that they all cross-big up one another. That's the only way I can understand LP tweeting that she is moving to Dalston to Diane Abbott.
From sihhi's link:

We also found out that the anti-art school was not only a sketch party with some very attractive peeps hanging out, drinking and sharpening their drawing skills localized to New York. Dr. Sketchy’s is actually all over the globe. From London to Melbourne, Tokyo to Scotland, there may be a Dr. Sketchy’s near you. Throw in the fact that every Dr. Sketchy’s in NYC happens to be at a burlesque bar with plenty of “liquid inspiration” flowing to keep the drawing party kicking. Make sure to visit their website and join in the fun.

"Peeps hanging out"


I am more tolerable to Molly because unlike her mate I do think she is very obviously talented and does have a real skill. I wouldn't call her a good artist - she's no better or worse than many an art student. She is very lucky, most "artists" can't afford to prance about the way she does. I don't believe she actually needs to produce anything to live - that is her 'art' is not her main source of income. She must do a few hours behind a bar or cleaning like other artists? (pfft!)

The photos on that website are so typical of what to expect too.

Why you wearing a hat indoors and jeans obviously too tgiht

(Never heard of Dr Sketchy and I sort of follow arty stuff)
From sihhi's link:

"Peeps hanging out"


I am more tolerable to Molly because unlike her mate I do think she is very obviously talented and does have a real skill.

LP is also talented. She does write well, step-by-step investigation is not her deal. But for stoking up middle-class passion / anger "it's time to get angry" she's one of the very best - that is a real skill.
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