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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Some spokes should be longer than others.

Concept design for the special anniversary edition of Privilege: The Intersectioning.. this is a 3D version of the privilege "wheel" taking better into account the often confusing and multiple intersectioning nature of oppression and privilege better than any 2D model ever could:


All that is needed now are some motors so that the spikes can move in and out over time as our understanding of the heirarchy of oppression deepens, allowing us to more closely define the interlocking matrices of domination that exist in the world around us.
Funnily enough, I'm reading Iain M Banks' The Player Of Games, which is about a hierachical civilisation in which whoever wins an absurdly complicated game becomes Emperor. Their 3D model of a privilege wheel would be even more complicated cos they have three sexes
Nah, made in 1980, out of production shortly after I should imagine - still around on ebay occasionally though by the looks of things - one "near complete") went for $30 in October:

I've seen a kickstarter in the past year or so for a game based on a demonstration/riot where on side plays the police and the other the demonstrators, looked kind of interesting but I can't remember what it was called.
There was also one based on the Seattle 99 WTO meeting: http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/4190/battle-of-seattle.

I'm vaguely working on a game called "Trot Wars" where each player plays as a trot, starting together in the same group. The game can be won under co-operative conditions (bring about revolution) or individual conditions (get the most glory for yourself and the group you are going to create through splits, mergers and more splits.).
Glory comes through selling papers and building the party obviously.

I have no idea about the mechanics of the game yet, I just like the tension you see in any political grouping really, but I know trot groups and it seems particularly bad there, between the aims and desires of the groups as a whole and the aims and desires of the individual groups within them.
So I'm envisaging a game which forces splits on people and then gets you points by doing things like hijacking other groups demonstrations, declaring losses as victories etc... people coming together in broad fronts on particular campaigns but then each trying to grab the glory of all the points available from that campaign and stuff.

I've sourced an appropriate image for the box cover, if that helps at all...

the fact is though that its not surprising they thought that wheel was so fucked up because it is. who the fuck says "old" and "unattractive" and "deviancy" are signs of a lack of privilege? could they not have chosen more pc terms to describe their theory in?
No, because in reality not all lines are equal :mad:

:D That's why I said "base". Also, I don't really know what a hypercube is, except that it's some kind of hypothetical multi-dimensional mathematical shape thing with weird and confusing properties that can't really be expressed in the real world (much like a Klein Bottle) because we don't have enough dimensions or something.
But I'm sure that communist aliens have the technology to create multiple dimensions - another sign that Posadas was right comrades! When the commie space aliens come, they will be able to give use the technology to create the multi-dimensional privelege matrix wheels that we need to properly classify the heirarchy of oppression and all be able to check our privileges appropraitely. It'll be kind of like confession for catholics.
just wait til LP get to work on this retweet, then you will be sorry

She was online at about 4am this morning or yesterday morning, just me and her. So she too has insomnia or she's off swanning about NYC again. Doesn't she worry about her carbon foot print? Not only does she live a jetset life she wastes paper every time an article is printed. Polar bears are up in arms about it, but that is their white bear privilege.
She was online at about 4am this morning or yesterday morning, just me and her. So she too has insomnia or she's off swanning about NYC again. Doesn't she worry about her carbon foot print? Not only does she live a jetset life she wastes paper every time an article is printed. Polar bears are up in arms about it, but that is their white bear privilege.

and their right to bear arms
Someone needs to leave a breadcrumb trail to this thread again, am not sticking my neck (hoho!) out again.
it's brilliant that anyone could be so lacking in self-awareness that they should accuse an attack on lefty journos of being "smug and entitled"
Back in Suzanne Moore land - she's deleted her twitter, and Moran, Jones etc are circling wagons.

Caitlin Moran@caitlinmoran
When someone who's generally for the good uses one word you disagree with & you destroy them,you terrify the next generation of commentators

@caitlinmoran: For those who thought they were furthering social progress by abusing Suzanne Moore until she left Twitter: you weren't.

Caitlin Moran@caitlinmoran
Suzanne wrote this brilliant piece on the future of feminism http://bit.ly/UFQJ0w & got picked up for her use of "Brazilian transsexual."

Caitlin Moran@caitlinmoran
Which I think is a perfectly valid, non-prejorative descriptor of female body ideals. And she was hounded by a very small, vocal group.

Given the flak Moran's copped for her own white cis gendered brand of feminism (check me out, shibboleth me up) - basically, that's going to make it worse.
@OwenJones84Re: Suzanne Moore. Some of us on left need to find way of disagreeing with / educating each other which doesn't mean declaring all out war
Incidentally, this month, which has involved me starting an exciting new job at The Independent, has also been full of more than the usual catalogue of attacks, rapebombing, slut-shaming, death threats, professional slanders, right-wing trolls, libertarian trolls, soi-disant radical trolls and mad people with vendettas, including former comrades, trying to push false stories about me into the gossip press. I try not to let it get to me, but sometimes it does get difficult. Despite all this I've managed to keep producing, but that might not have been the case without the support of a lot of wonderful people, friends and colleagues and near-strangers. I am massively grateful to everyone who has offered me their solidarity over the past few weeks - you know who you are, and I hope you know that your efforts are more than appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you.

all the way back in april last year. barf

@OwenJones84Re: Suzanne Moore. Some of us on left need to find way of disagreeing with / educating each other which doesn't mean declaring all out war
It's another meltdown for 'lefty' columnists right now. Others like David Banksy and Fleetstreet Fox are fighting to defend Moore.
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