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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Best bit was the home brew. I stopped a few years back when we needed the space. Mind you, I'm not sure if I know anyone who makes their own beer anymore apart from me dad.
Home brew is now popular with the middle classes. See the rather large ginger beer thread on this forum for evidence ;)

Oh shit...seems the bourgeoisie has appropriated my childhood.
Have they started hanging around bus-stops with Party 7s and bottles of Thunderbird and moaning about how shit everything else...cos that'll be next...mark my words.
It always happens eventually. Oysters used to be poverty food.
the increase in expense in oysters is down to their relative scarcity now rather than trend though isn't it? you can still pick up pigs trotters for 50p a pop at my local market. (mind you, it's only £1.75 for three oysters on the stall opposite, so they aren't that expensive...)
When I was a kid my dad used to make a fucking bang on hotpot with neck of lamb. I'm drooling just thinking about it. It was that cheap that the butcher used to sometimes give him it free with his bacon and sausages. Thanks to Jamie fucking Oliver every middle class tosser in the world's buying it now and the price has gone through the roof. So it's gone from being a really cheap dish to a luxury one, he hardly ever makes it any more.
Oh shit...seems the bourgeoisie has appropriated my childhood.
Have they started hanging around bus-stops with Party 7s and bottles of Thunderbird and moaning about how shit everything else...cos that'll be next...mark my words.

I'd argue that it was down to the proletarianisation of the MC but it's not as if these things are cheap. The fact the MC desire them is usually enough to increase the price of something.

If the MC are pricing the WC out of foodstuffs, then what will the WC do? :mad:
When I was a kid my dad used to make a fucking bang on hotpot with neck of lamb. I'm drooling just thinking about it. It was that cheap that the butcher used to sometimes give him it free with his bacon and sausages. Thanks to Jamie fucking Oliver every middle class tosser in the world's buying it now and the price has gone through the roof. So it's gone from being a really cheap dish to a luxury one, he hardly ever makes it any more.

And lamb shanks...they're fuckin 3 or 4 pounds a piece these days.
I'd argue that it was down to the proletarianisation of the MC but it's not as if these things are cheap. The fact the MC desire them is usually enough to increase the price of something.

If the MC are pricing the WC out of foodstuffs, then what will the WC do? :mad:

Yeah...some of them are even moving into 'hovels' for the erm..'authenticity'...looks like it'll holes and sceptic tanks for the rest of us.
If the MC are pricing the WC out of foodstuffs, then what will the WC do? :mad:

Wiring a plug was part of our physics curriculum too.

I remember a few days later the hoover bust and I checked the fuse by swapping it with the one in the kettle. My dad got home and I told him the hoover was bust and that it wasn't the fuse. He gave me a cynical look and asked me how I knew it wasn't the fuse and then he looked all proud. :D
My dad is proud because I have my own tool box and power tools. I think he is slightly concerned that neither of my brothers don't (they're not very practical). :D
I just looked at LP's latest piece in the NS, which tbf..isn't bad. However, why's it taken her so long?I would imagine there have been 20 such articles on CIF, Liberal Conspiracy etc.
Maybe that's all she does...summarise anything she agrees with, pick up on any opportunities to have a go at 'mainstream liberal commentators'...as though she's something different, then add a bit of outrage in florid prose. Fuckin money for old rope. Who couldn't pull that off?
That's probably the key to her 'smartness'...diligently doing homework, and actually reading the 'set texts'...which is fair enough..but not exactly 'gonzo' or a sign that she actually indulges in original thought.
With regards to decorating he was given the job of painting the ceiling and glossing. Everything else was my mum, especially the wallpapering. He'd still be there now if he was allowed to paper.

Gotta say though, the pair of them with the help of one of my friends decorated my house top to bottom in a weekend without my knowledge. I only told my mum what I wanted and she remembered it, came back on the Monday and everything was painted. Couldn't believe it. Second best present ever :D

My dad's still quite poorly so it's my mum / brothers that do it all now. Frustrating.
Oh no, nothing too serious I hope?

{{{firky's dad}}}
My dad is proud because I have my own tool box and power tools. I think he is slightly concerned that neither of my brothers don't (they're not very practical). :D

It's good that attitudes are changing with this sort of thing. When I lived with my ex-gf, all the tools belonged to her and I was fine with that.

Her Dad couldn't get his head around it , though, and constantly quizzed me on subjects such as why I wasn't interested in sheds.
It's good that attitudes are changing with this sort of thing. When I lived with my ex-gf, all the tools belonged to her and I was fine with that.

Her Dad couldn't get his head around it , though, and constantly quizzed me on subjects such as why I wasn't interested in sheds.
And why aren't you interested in sheds?

Sheddist :mad:
It's good that attitudes are changing with this sort of thing. When I lived with my ex-gf, all the tools belonged to her and I was fine with that.

Her Dad couldn't get his head around it , though, and constantly quizzed me on subjects such as why I wasn't interested in sheds.

The one great regret of my life is that I'm not a shed owner. Makes me suspect I'm not a real man...probably why I go around with my privilege unchecked and contributing to structural misogyny or whatnot. I hope you're listening Laurie Penny...when you finally get around to putting together an economic policy. Priority #1: buy every adult male a shed.
The one great regret of my life is that I'm not a shed owner. Makes me suspect I'm not a real man...probably why I go around with my privilege unchecked and contributing to structural misogyny or whatnot. I hope you're listening Laurie Penny...when you finally get around to putting together an economic policy. Priority #1: buy every adult male a shed.
Ah but look at the inbuilt gender privilege in your statement - it should be: buy every adult regardless of gender a shed, not just the men.
My 3 year old nephew had wanted a shed for over a year and was over the moon when he got one for Christmas. On Christmas day the whole family were taken for a tour round the shed - I felt like Gandalf in Frodo's house.

I only use my shed for storing the barbecue.

Horses for courses.
Ah but look at the inbuilt gender privilege in your statement - it should be: buy every adult regardless of gender a shed, not just the men.

Au contraire...I had in mind the complete reverse. While the men are in their sheds, brewing their beer or whittling their salad stirrers, the babes can be organising down the pub for their assault on the board-rooms as a precursor to the dismantling of capitalism from within.
I think you're too much in thrall to identity. Giving everybody a shed is accommodationist and symptomatic of the sort of futile gradualism which undermines us all...how long would it be before the colour supplements would be advertising fair-trade ethical sheds?
your right, the shed has been written out of the majority of discourse on contemporary marxist dialectics, which is a shameful distortion of Leninist writings. Where else are we going to put the hammers and sickles in?
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