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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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This is the golden girl, the smartiest pants in a drawer full of smarty pants.

You don't question her, she questions YOU...

I get the feeling that we are moving into territory where she feels most comfortable, playing the vulnerable ingenue under attack.

She should just fuck right off and continue to write her appalling articles, she will carry on regardless of any discussion here anyway.

Go indulge yourself somewhere else, you horrible, self-obsessed, middle-class... CUNT.

There, is that misogynyst enough for you now Dave?
Worth highlighting this wot Laurie said...about us all.

"I think the way you've all collectively behaved on the urban75 thread is stunningly sexist, as well as racist in its blanket writing-off of 'identity politics"
Yep now it's not just LD and SN that are racists we all are.

Truly pathetic. Earlier in the thread someone (TruXtra?) said that for whatever her flaws LPs heart was in the right place. It might be for that person but it certainly isn't for me. Her dismissal of the any anti-MC analysis as rascist, her defence of LibDems and Labour, her utter obsession with identity politics and her attacks on those outside the bubble all show that she, and her fellow soft left travellers, are as much part of the problem as the Tories, LibDems and Labour.

We might be able to work with them on specific issues/campaigns but they will never be comrades.
Since I largely agree with the article:

I am a racist and a sexist and have left-flavoured unexamined white male privilege.

My new fourteen words.
Sort of gets to one of may major beefs with identity politics - I'm embedded in racist and sexist processes and no less immune from them than the next man (bar my amazingly high level of communist consciousness, oh yes) but these are not essential features of anyone's being, and when you argue essentialism that's the same ground as nonsense like racism is it not?
@Lauriepenny is used to talking to audiences that already like her or who can only reply with 140 characters and spaces. It is beyond her smart kid in a smart school ability to address people and their questions on an individual basis. She's frightened of being challenged, proved wrong, exposed as a liar, etc. and she interoperates that fear as misogyny.

Fuck her.

TBH I don't think this type of post really helps. It just allows LP to evade the questions.
She was never and will never answer them.
Sort of gets to one of may major beefs with identity politics - I'm embedded in racist and sexist processes and no less immune from them than the next man (bar my amazingly high level of communist consciousness, oh yes) but these are not essential features of anyone's being, and when you argue essentialism that's the same ground as nonsense like racism is it not?

Can you define essentialism:confused:
Fuck sake, I wanted to watch that documentary on typography and I've missed it.

Cheers Laurie :mad:
TBH I don't think this type of post really helps. It just allows LP to evade the questions.

Do I care what you think of what I think of what Laurie thinks?

Do I fuck. You can engage with the 'clever girl' if you like. I choose not to.

I think the way you've all collectively behaved on the urban75 thread is stunningly sexist, as well as racist in its blanket writing-off of 'identity politics'.
She's a CUNT.
Can you define essentialism:confused:
I'm no philosopher so probably have it round my neck - but it's this saying 'it's just inherent in being this or that sort of human being that you will be this or that sort of thing, rather than looking at social processes (I mean I don't think the individual is that fixed at all) in history.
She ain't gonna last long as a journo or as an activist if she runs in fear from this thread.

This board has no power, chilango, only interesting/thoughtprovoking posters (bar conspiracists and right-wingers:D)
She's been in journalism for a fair few years, and as LLETSA correctly predicted, she will carry on.
Probably the worst thing to say framed

Why are people calling her Dave?

LIke Trigger called Rodney, Dave, I refer to Ms Barnett as such.

If she doesn't know her own name we may as well give her one arf arf (a name that is!) :D

This board has no power, chilango, only interesting/thoughtprovoking posters (bar conspiracists and right-wingers:D)
She's been in journalism for a fair few years, and as LLETSA correctly predicted, she will carry on.

We know this board has no power.

She knows this board has no power.

Yet she's still too chicken to deal with it.

Wait till she goes up against an editor, or a tabloid, or a politician or anyone with real power.

She'll shite it and pick an easier path.
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