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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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"all politics are identity politics"...if all identities are political identities...and every action is a political action...and every object is a political object

All of which become true when 'political' abandons its role as an adjective and transforms into a kind of rhetorical device signifying 'this writer is perceptive, analytical and...like...y'know totally in-tune and switched on'.

As in: "this is Jez, he's really political.
"all politics are identity politics"...if all identities are political identities...and every action is a political action...and every object is a political object

All of which become true when 'political' abandons its role as an adjective and transforms into a kind of rhetorical device signifying 'this writer is perceptive, analytical and...like...y'know totally in-tune and switched on'.

As in: "this is Jez, he's really political.

i guess what it's supposed to be about is having empathy for another's situation, recognising that someone else's experience is not the same as yours, and not deigning to assume that the change that suits you will suit everyone.

of course, what we end up with is middle class privilege claiming socialist bragging rights over actual real alienated labour.
'I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and modes of expression. '

Seriously, thank you. This is all I needed to read to understand that this thread a total and utter reactionary irrelevance.
'I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and modes of expression. '

Seriously, thank you. This is all I needed to read to understand that this thread a total and utter reactionary irrelevance.

And that's your get out clause well done.
'I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and Modest of expression. '

Seriously, thank you. This is all I needed to read to understand that this thread a total and utter reactionary irrelevance.
Some critical engagement would be nice. Like an explanation of why this thread is reactionary?
@lauriepenny, can i ask whether the disabled reader you responded to in your recent artice also asked you to publish your response and details of their letter/life? if not, did you get their consent?
'I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and modes of expression. '

Seriously, thank you. This is all I needed to read to understand that this thread a total and utter reactionary irrelevance.

Brilliant! Again picking out posts you can take issue with in order to avoid the substantive points raised by others.

Bit dishonest don't you think?

And although the first sentence might be a bit dodgy I think the second is perfectly valid in terms of the kind of identity politics you appear to be so fond of.
'I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and modes of expression. '

Seriously, thank you. This is all I needed to read to understand that this thread a total and utter reactionary irrelevance.

Who is this in response to? If you click 'reply' at the bottom right hand side of a post it creates the text in quote tags which makes it easy for readers to follow.
it means love detective's a great big naughty misogynist.

not only that, but apparently i'm a racist as well for sending laurie penny a link to an IWCA article on why identity politics are reactionary

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed
@LoveDetective1 @spineynorman78 oh. Oh, I see. You're racist. That makes this so much easier *blocks*

It certainly makes it much easier for her to block people who question her shit reactionary politics

you didn't even read the article did you laura?
From my limited knowledge of the Samaritans I'd say they don't proof read or edit copy for the likes of Laurie Penny.
'I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and modes of expression. '

Seriously, thank you. This is all I needed to read to understand that this thread a total and utter reactionary irrelevance.
I don't particularly blame you for not wanting to engage with anyone in the thread, as it all probably just segues together, though it's not fair to say everyone here is reactionary. Only a few are.
thanks for the speedy answer.

Interesting how that one gets an immediate answer but Delroy's and Butchers's perfectly reasonable and polite questions remain unanswered isn't it?

And can you explain why you blocked me and another twitter user for 'racism' after he posted this article (IWCA piece on the reactionary consequences of state multiculturalism)on twitter and I retweeted it please @lauriepenny?

I hope you realise that the person who posted that is a well respected veteran antifascist - seems libelous to me.
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