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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I usually try and wait until I get to work. Never have a crap on your own time if you can help it.

There was a time when I'd have considered that sage like advice. However, since the outbreak of the worms epidemic at Jacobs' Bakery in 1997 I've had to re-assess.
Erm...no. Someone told me about it. How obsessive and creepy it was..."208 pages of abuse" etc. Instead, I found it a joy...a thing of beauty...and a useful testament in years to come that there really was reluctance to enlist in the non-judgemental, non-offensive, non-threatening, pan-inclusive, therapeutic, relativistic fuckin utopia to which the Pennys of this world would condemn us.

Also...I'm quite certain I look, sound and write like plenty of other people. I just don't know any of them...either.
I think you may just have outed yourself as a "PC gone mad" type. Please tell me I am wrong.
Erm...no. Someone told me about it. How obsessive and creepy it was..."208 pages of abuse" etc. Instead, I found it a joy...a thing of beauty...and a useful testament in years to come that there really was reluctance to enlist in the non-judgemental, non-offensive, non-threatening, pan-inclusive, therapeutic, relativistic fuckin utopia to which the Pennys of this world would condemn us.

Also...I'm quite certain I look, sound and write like plenty of other people. I just don't know any them...either.

One last question, promise.

What are your thoughts on the boffin Dr. Alice Roberts?
It's misogyny to repost this interesting election result analysis, so stand clear.

lauriepenny said:
Nothing can take the shiteating grin off my face today.

There will be no Tory majority government. Labour kicked back. The Lib Dems held the line, although they didn't make the gains they hoped. The worst-case scenario here is a hobbled Tory minority dragging its bloated, stinking carcase around the Commons until progressives throw enough rocks at it to make it squeal out another election. Yes, they can and probably will do some damage. No, it won't be as bad as it might have been.

Other bloody brilliant things: Greens get their first MP in Brighton, with party Leader Caroline Lucas taking the seat. UKIP and BNP vote surge isn't as high as predicted, and Griffin suffers a punishing defeat in Barking.
Rockthrowing 'progressives' and the Greens yo. And the BNP's vote increased in Barking by 1500 or something didn't it?
It's misogyny to repost this interesting election result analysis, so stand clear.

lauriepenny said:
I'm not interested in change. I'm interested in specific transformation: transformation of the parliamentary system through direct challenge to the two-party orthodoxy in this election, transformation of our creaking, illiberal democracy; transformation of the state's attitude to women's issues; nuclear disarmament.

It is for these reason that I am going to be voting, in my constituency of Leyton and Wanstead, for the Liberal Democrat Party.

....the Lib Dems represent the best chance this country has for transformation on a structural level.
I think you may just have outed yourself as a "PC gone mad" type. Please tell me I am wrong.

Nope. I simply have the dubious honour of affirming an objective reality, one history and an ever diminishing opportunity to establish the return of such notions as solidarity and a genuine civil society. Though she'd claim likewise, Laurie Penny is an obstacle to such aspirations. She doubtless appeals to a small demographic of one-time pony-owning radical feminist pseudo-prole 'activists-and-bloggers', but outside of that circle, she's a bit of a turn-off.

I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and modes of expression.
I'm also a self-destructive drinker and don't wear a hat on my bike...also, the tyres on my car are so thin I don't drive the kids anywhere so they have to walk about in the dark in my none-too-law abiding neck of the woods. And I keep passing out randomly...and fuck knows what that might lead to...so, you're right in the sense that I'm not exactly 'Joe Safety-employee-of-the-week'.

And just now...I'm nipping down the pub...the wife's watching 'the Killing'. Not that I don't like it...just that I can't watch it 'live'...no patience.
I attach no more credence to 'feminist epistemologies' or 'queer histories' than I do to 'Jewish Physics'. I don't think you make cohesive societies by erecting fences and demarcating debates in terms of 'valid' participants and modes of expression.
I'm also a self-destructive drinker and don't wear a hat on my bike...also, the tyres on my car are so thin I don't drive the kids anywhere so they have to walk about in the dark in my none-too-law abiding neck of the woods. And I keep passing out randomly...and fuck knows what that might lead to...so, you're right in the sense that I'm not exactly 'Joe Safety-employee-of-the-week'.

And just now...I'm nipping down the pub...the wife's watching 'the Killing'. Not that I don't like it...just that I can't watch it 'live'...no patience.

This would be a great opening for just the kind of novel I like.
This would be a great opening for just the kind of novel I like.

Three points:

1)not sure whether to take that as a compliment...or take offence that my life seems fit for nothing more than providing a narrative source for a putative novel that you'd 'like'...I'd probably have to know what sort of novels you like to call that one.

2)on second thoughts...I'm betting you like unreliable narrators who come to an unfeasibly gory end...so..erm...fuck you etc.

3) I might have given the impression earlier that I'm pretty libertarian in my take on public morality...I hold to that...yet I'm drawn sometimes to an identity card scheme for Geordies watching football in the pub. It's wrong...dogs/ two legs/ Dr Johnson etc. where do they get their delusions from?
Three points:

1)not sure whether to take that as a compliment...or take offence that my life seems fit for nothing more than providing a narrative source for a putative novel that you'd 'like'...I'd probably have to know what sort of novels you like to call that one.

2)on second thoughts...I'm betting you like unreliable narrators who come to an unfeasibly gory end...so..erm...fuck you etc.

3) I might have given the impression earlier that I'm pretty libertarian in my take on public morality...I hold to that...yet I'm drawn sometimes to an identity card scheme for Geordies watching football in the pub. It's wrong...dogs/ two legs/ Dr Johnson etc. where do they get their delusions from?

No need to be so touchy-it was meant as a compliment. In fact, I might nick it and have a go at writing it myself.
No need to be so touchy-it was meant as a compliment. In fact, I might nick it and have a go at writing it myself.

Oh shit. I've get a terrible feeling I've passed out and woken in the middle of an HBO mini series where my life gets 'written' by an online self-publishing fan of picaresque low-life-noir.
La plus ca change...and whatnot.
Here's the arrangement: I gift you 'my' novel as long as your plot gives me 10 years in the tropical socialist paradise I deserve, shacked up with Beyonce...with a talking otter in the nearby swamp who's the reincarnation of Rosa Luxembourg and Spencer Tracy's secret love child. Also, there's a big mystery explosion.
Oh shit. I've get a terrible feeling I've passed out and woken in the middle of an HBO mini series where my life gets 'written' by an online self-publishing fan of picaresque low-life-noir.
La plus ca change...and whatnot.
Here's the arrangement: I gift you 'my' novel as long as your plot gives me 10 years in the tropical socialist paradise I deserve, shacked up with Beyonce...with a talking otter in the nearby swamp who's the reincarnation of Rosa Luxembourg and Spencer Tracy's secret love child. Also, there's a big mystery explosion.

If I write it, you're more likely to end up as Beyonce's online stalker.
If I write it, you're more likely to end up as Beyonce's online stalker.

If I wrote it, he'd be on the train on the way to meet Beyonce where he'd make eye contact with a drunken squaddie. Anyway, the squaddie'd get up and head off towards the bogs but not before giving an almost imperceptible head gesture to our eponymous hero who, against his better judgement, follows the squaddie into the bogs. Anyway, our hero enters the bogs to find the squaddie smearing that pink squirty soap onto the head of his proud purple manhood before unceremoniously gripping our hero's shoulders, turning him round and ramming his face up against the mirror over the sink where he's confronted with the image of the agonised contortions of his own red & panting face and the thrusting khaki shillhouette behind him as he's brutally sodomised beyond his wildest imaginings of neither pleasure nor pain.

Later on, as he gets off the train, he's confronted by the horrified shriek of Beyonce who goes "What's that dribbling out of the bottom of your trousers onto your shoes? Is that spunk? Don't you know that's really bad for shoe leather?".

That's how my script'd go.
If I wrote it, he'd be on the train on the way to meet Beyonce where he'd make eye contact with a drunken squaddie. Anyway, the squaddie'd get up and head off towards the bogs but not before giving an almost imperceptible head gesture to our eponymous hero who, against his better judgement, follows the squaddie into the bogs. Anyway, our hero enters the bogs to find the squaddie smearing that pink squirty soap onto the head of his proud purple manhood before unceremoniously gripping our hero's shoulders, turning him round and ramming his face up against the mirror over the sink where he's confronted with the image of the agonised contortions of his own red & panting face and the khaki shillhouette behind him as he's brutally sodomised beyond his wildest imaginings of neither pleasure nor pain.

Later on, as he gets off the train, he's confronted by the horrified shriek of Beyonce who goes "What's that dribbling out of the bottom of your trousers onto your shoes? Is that spunk? Don't you know that's really bad for shoe leather?".

That's how my script'd go.

Shut up!
SpineyNorman said:
Well I for one would like to welcome you Ronnie. So long as you don't turn out to be a UKIP supporting Brian Gerrish enthusiast or anything like that.

Or a particularly well programmed spam-bot.
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