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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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The coalition "squatting" in Westminster. The Olympics "squatting" in the East End.

Clever. :rolleyes:

I'd suspect that she was ironically aping the Dave Spart school of journalism, except that she hasn't demonstrated having enough of a sense of humour to do so, so the studentish rhetoric is probably in earnest. :(
And she lost "meaningful" (apparently this means naked!) pictures. She carries naked pictures of herself around? This wouldn't surprise me.
She might have to just make something up; how unlike all her other columns. Oh yes.

What, you mean she might have to desperately cobble together some piece of 'teenage diary'-style crap involving excessive hyperbole, desperate attempts to sound like a committed 'activist', a few buzzwords and bits of political jargon that sound great in her head but she doesn't really understand, throw in a couple of suitably-bowdlerised quotes ripped off from interviews done by other hacks and then successfully string all this garbage round some entirely fictional event that happened to her at exactly the right moment, leaving exactly enough time to make another pisspoor effort at stringing 1500 words together..?

Well, I hope she can adjust to this entirely new experience.
What, you mean she might have to desperately cobble together some piece of 'teenage diary'-style crap involving excessive hyperbole, desperate attempts to sound like a committed 'activist', a few buzzwords and bits of political jargon that sound great in her head but she doesn't really understand, throw in a couple of suitably-bowdlerised quotes ripped off from interviews done by other hacks and then successfully string all this garbage round some entirely fictional event that happened to her at exactly the right moment, leaving exactly enough time to make another pisspoor effort at stringing 1500 words together..?

Well, I hope she can adjust to this entirely new experience.
It'll be tough but she's nothing if not a soldier is our Laur.
Okay, which one of you nicked her bag from the Bree Louise? It had all her notes and laptop in. She might not be able to write next column!
and her make up! how on earth is she supposed to be able to write without it? :(

but wait! the bag came back!
Spent all afternoon in Islington police station waiting to recover my rucksack. Laptop and phone gone, precious jewelry and for some reason

...the thieves also took a rather nice lipgloss and my favourite purple-brown eyeliner. But they left the rest of my makeup.
i love* that somebody chose the second status, rather one about the missing phone/laptop, to suggest setting up a donation page for replacements.

*even though i probably shouldn't and will go to hell for it.
Billy Bragg ‏@billybragg said:
@PennyRed still there? I'm about to sound check at the Roundhouse. Fancy a coffee?
Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed said:
@billybragg yes!
Over at the processing station, sub-level three, under the main cooling towers. Looks like a god damn Libdem branch meeting.
What, you mean she might have to desperately cobble together some piece of 'teenage diary'-style crap involving excessive hyperbole, desperate attempts to sound like a committed 'activist', a few buzzwords and bits of political jargon that sound great in her head but she doesn't really understand, throw in a couple of suitably-bowdlerised quotes ripped off from interviews done by other hacks and then successfully string all this garbage round some entirely fictional event that happened to her at exactly the right moment, leaving exactly enough time to make another pisspoor effort at stringing 1500 words together..?

Well, I hope she can adjust to this entirely new experience.

An experience known to its afficionados as "doing a Hari".
Came across this gem.

I still think I fancy her a wee bit, I know it's wrong, I'm like one of those desperately lonely middle age women who write to convicted murderers and rapists, it's like I lack all self esteem and need validation from the smartest girl at a very smart school.

oh the shame...
she could've made more of his "i came from the bottom" line. ...no, not like that!

starkey might be an odious ratbag in various ways but he's quite succinct there..
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