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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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They roped some poor mug into doing a load of work for them, for nothing one assumes, for the sheer glory of it all, and now he's gone and lost his iphone.

Some Greeks are struggling to afford food, rent or electricity and they want people to chip in and buy this bloke an iPhone, when they're both earning very good money.
Fucking wankers.
Unbelievable about the iphone stuff. Molly is selling paintings and prints for £250 each, Laura gets £500 for each of her Indie columns, both can afford regular foreign travel and airfares, and they ask for donations for a phone which costs about £200?!

Laura even had to resort to Twitter to ask people to STOP sending money in (MUGS!) because they had got too much. I'm sure all accounts will be published in full in due course and all money donated will be fully accounted for...
The money was just resting in my account...

Fucking hell, what an utter waste of words that "article" is" :facepalm:
fucking hell! Just read that. I thought the Telegraph had started up a spoof website or something!

She and Laura would probably get on well....if they could avoid talking about themselves for more than a few seconds.

I don't really go out clubbing these days.
- yeah, this 19 year old obviously banged it far too hard for 20 years during the rave scene

[getting my job]...was all down to luck.

It hasn't been easy though, getting used to living without the routine of lessons. I've had to make my own schedule and that was tough at first.

I love quietly flicking through some of the many books we have in our house, looking at all the pictures.
I am waiting for a head to head over too many tequila cocktails at a loft party for destitute artists between Laurie and this one: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/cel...ect-weekend-Tali-Lennox-model-and-artist.html
This one is just plain creepy. My perfect weekend: Lisa Watson, editor of Penguin News, Falkland Islands
If I'm feeling adventurous, I'll end up at a house party, where I'll invariably bump in to my 18-year-old son, Jacob. That's the nice thing about the Falkland Islands, it's the same size as Wales but everyone knows everyone and all ages mix together.
not to forget the other subject of this thread; the good doctor has opined on the matters of import in the new International socialism journal http://www.isj.org.uk/index.php4?id=819&issue=135 among other gems he explains why the SWP supported the clerical fascism of Muslim brotherhood in Egypt:

"The second round of the presidential elections saw yet another boycott, this time led by Sabbahi. But the implied logic, that there is no difference between Shafiq and Morsi, is badly flawed. Shafiq is the open candidate of counter-revolution. The Brotherhood, by contrast, is a bourgeois party with deep social roots built up in opposition to Mubarak, which hoped the revolution would lift it into the role of manager of Egyptian capitalism. But it is now in SCAF’s firing line: the dissolution of parliament directly targets the Brotherhood, which ineffectually dominated the People’s Assembly. If Morsi does indeed become president, hedged in by a military reasserting its dominance, and with the pressures for austerity measures becoming stronger, these contradictions will probably become severe.
Putting the “revolutionary house in order” therefore requires a revolutionary left that combines a principled opposition to SCAF with the understanding that building a road to the majority of the working class means working with everyone threatened by the counter-revolution."

whilst it voted against Syriza in greece because Syriza is apparently a radical left of reformist origins which needs to be opposed; the delusional self aggrandisement of this his beyond parody:
This situation naturally poses the question of how the revolutionary left relates to the radical left parties. This has provoked the most debate in the case of Greece. Syriza is simply one strand in what is, in relative terms, the largest radical left in Europe. The other two main strands are represented by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), historically the most powerful organised force in the workers’ movement, and Antarsya (the Front of the Anti-Capitalist Left), a coalition of far-left groups of which the most significant are the New Left Current (NAR) and the Socialist Workers Party (SEK), the Greek sister organisation of the British SWP. Antarsya’s decision to stand in the 17 June elections, after a low score of 1.2 percent on 6 May, which was predictably squeezed down to 0.33 percent five weeks later, provoked a hubbub of condemnation, This has been particularly intense in those parts of the blogosphere inhabited by armchair strategists whose confidence in pronouncing about Greece seems in inverse relation to their proximity to the country.
no worries, the CC is never wrong, its reality that's at fault, and if it wasn't for those moaning minnies on the internet then everything would be fine.
Callinicos said:
"This has been particularly intense in those parts of the blogosphere inhabited by armchair strategists whose confidence in pronouncing about Greece seems in inverse relation to their proximity to the country."

Looks like a direct slap at Richard Seymour.

A couple of pages back. Big slahging sesh and butchers or someone called you a tory.

Just wondered what that was all about. It could be true, or it could be one of the massive leeaps of logic that occur in p&p because a poster says something off-message. But id like to know why it was said.
or it could be one of the massive leeaps of logic that occur in p&p because a poster says something off-message. .

See meth lab being denounced as a tory on the jimmy carr thread for a particularly fuck witted example of the above. Funny, but fuck witted.
A couple of pages back. Big slahging sesh and butchers or someone called you a tory.

Just wondered what that was all about. It could be true, or it could be one of the massive leeaps of logic that occur in p&p because a poster says something off-message. But id like to know why it was said.

I'm not tory or labour, I think they are all cunts, I dont even vote.
Now there's a man I'd lıke to see ın the cabınet.

You say that, but if the day ever came, his neo-liberal views and self serving nature would swiftly bring IDSs tenure as top cameronite lick spittle and toriest tory in a cabinet full of torys to a spectacular end.

I mean, have you heard methlabs views on the deregulation of the financial sector? His stance on the eu? Scary stuff...
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