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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Now that narrative is collapsing, threatening to bring the whole thing crashing down. So let it come down. There is more than enough room for us to build new lives in the rubble.
It goes without saying that there have been numerous PMs of support but then there's this sort thing as well, gratuitous Vaneigemism and all.
nothingiseverlost says:
July 5, 2012 at 8:29 pm (Edit)

Next time you want to hang an entire article off a throwaway paragraph, you might want to make sure the point you’re making is a bit better. Once you strip away the oh-so-interesting-and-original point that Penny’s a bit posh, which is definitely a fascinating insight that no-one has ever come up with before, all you’re left with is the observation that you can’t have communism in capitalist society. That’s true, of course, but it’s also the case that you can’t have communism at all unless it’s to emerge out of existing society, so I think it’s legitimate enough to look for tendencies within this world that point towards a rupture with it.

Communism will certainly have to involve the destruction or total transformation of all institutions that exist in this society, but if you think that’s all it is, then we’re left with an idealist abstraction, rather than the real movement. Are wildcat strikes an expression of the tendency towards communism? How about groups of workers getting together – often during a smoke break, as it happens – to grumble together about work conditions? If you’d say yes to the first one, but not the second, then where do you think strikes come from? And if communists are legitimately allowed to approve of expressions of conflict with the existing order of things, why not examples of the kind of solidarity and mutual aid that the new world will have to be based on? When Kropotkin banged on about lifeboats, was he just another posh idiot as well?

Smoking isn’t full communism, but then that’s never existed; if we’re interested in talking about things that do exist, then libraries are expressions of the tendency towards communism, and families are simultaneously sites of horrific patriarchal repression and expressions of some features that would be absolutely vital to a communist society, and making cups of tea for the people you work with, partly to be nice and partly cos it’s a decent excuse for skiving off work for a few minutes, that definitely is double-plus communism with bells on. If you deny that, and reduce “communism” to some futuristic paradise that cannot be admitted to have any similarity to anything that exists for fear of tainting its purity, then it’s just another corpse in the mouth.
Oh wow, the t-shirt thing is going to run now - i see hordes of DG in their spear of destiny t-shirts..

I understand John Lydon is on#bbcqt tonight. He might be interested in the number of Sex Pistols tshirts on Greek immigrants at this rally.

A scary fascist encounter is already written up, before even leaving home i bet you. One of communal work in some old shop. One of no-future graduates. All done by t-shirt.
They're going on about the graffiti. They're that stuck.
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