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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Twitter informs me that The Unsinkable Molly Crabapple and LP are currently doing cigarettes in a cafe, it's LP's first time for that and therefore she must be in Europe.

Thanks twitter.
Wow, i was pretty close with my list. Note the absence of terms to allow these clowns to talk to normal people about how austerity is effecting them, what community/work based resistances have developed - what they're based on etc. But just ANARCHISTS.
it won't be france, those bastards went with the smoking ban some years ago. No gaulloisse with your crepe these days
Wow, i was pretty close with my list. Note the absence of terms to allow these clowns to talk to normal people about how austerity is effecting them, what community/work based resistances have developed - what they're based on etc. But just ANARCHISTS.

TBF, it's of a piece with her non-nuanced perspective on politics in general.
They roped some poor mug into doing a load of work for them, for nothing one assumes, for the sheer glory of it all, and now he's gone and lost his iphone.
We would really like to fundraise to get Yiannis a new IPhone - he’s as financially precarious as any young person in Greece and as a journalist he can’t really function without one. We can’t afford to buy him one outright, but we will both be contributing. Anything you can donate, however big or small, won’t solve the Eurozone crisis, but it will go a small way towards financing independent journalism in Greece. Anything extra that we raise over the cost of a phone will go towards a plane ticket so that Yiannis can come to the book launch in London in September.
That's it exactly. I lost the argument to shelf her book in the fiction section of the Hyrda bookshop.

I asked in there today about the Laurie Penny book. Much hilarity ensued :D

The counter-chap did mention he had unilaterally put Bone's biography in the fiction section, and seemed miffed that apparently no one had noticed this small act of autonomous defiance :(
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