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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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The sign is a position of desire; but the first signs are the
territorial signs that plant their flags in bodies. And if one wants to call
this inscription in naked flesh "writing," then it must be said that speech
in fact presupposes writing, and that it is this cruel system of inscribed
signs that renders man capable of language, and gives him a memory of
the spoken word.
But that's not necessarily a good thing they felt that way to be fair. Just the 'limits' of the time and world they lived in. As you know many things have changed as regards what w/c women feel able to do. Most for the good id' argue. Some for the bad a la Laurie Penny.

It could be-or it could be said that a dumbing down or degradation of taste has taken place. I mean, let's face it, of all the freedoms that my mother's generation didn't have that are available to women today, choosing to have a couple of massive, unsightly tattoos is a pretty impoverished way of indulging yourself, especially if you're merely following the dictates of fashion.
You're an ex-public school boy aren't you?

As such you might want to ask yourself whether this is really the thread for you. On this thread we mock and deride people such as yourself, on the grounds that their education has rendered them annoying twerps, incapable even of grasping the fact of their own ignorance.

Don't you think you might be happier on a thread not devoted to your own denigration? I certainly do. It is therefore in your own interests that I must recommend you be permanently banned from this or similar threads. Goodbye.
Dwyer, why do you think you can decide who is to be banned from threads or the boards? Perhaps you have that arrogance because of your own public school background. You seem to feel threatened by minor challenges. Incidentally you are also wrong about my educational background; I was a state grammar school boy.

Sorry about the time it has taken to get back to you. In contradiction to your post to Greebo, I have not run away. I have only been on the boards today for a few minutes and saw the alert.
FWIW, most of the people with visible tattooes I see around here are mid-30s to early 40s, meaning they grew up under the GDR. Their tats would be a bit of post-1989 euphoria.

Seeing the wee girl in my building with her septum pierced did bring out my inner LLETSA, though.

I was trying to hold two conversations at once whilst slightly half cut at a local festival yesterday . One with my mate who used to drive trains but now works at the Job Centre about East Germany and films we had seen and a parallel one with a quite attractive single mum form Woodhouse Park about her coming botox ,tummy tuck treatment and the fact that her former partner had been murdered over what she thought may have been mistaken identity ( she had finished with him long befire that). Imaging myself as Laurie Penny and over some Strongbow whilst the jukebox was playing Aztec Camera I took the opportunity to ask her what would bring about radical change, funnily enough it was botox, tummy tuck and doing a bit more for charities. Still toying with the idea of asking if she wants to go to the flicks, but it might be my hangover and craving for a pint later.
Drop the bomb = the cockroaches to power.

Never could quite understand why rather than justify a lifestyle of drug , astrology and tatoos on the basis of some ancient hunter gatherer tribes that we don't use the cockroach as a bit of life coaching
All this talk about dropping the Workers Bomb has probably brought these boards up higher on the MI5 list of suspect websites. Don't forget that security people are literal-minded people with no sense of humour. They probably think that 'the cockroaches' are some sort of militia group. [listens for boots on the stairs]
OK not rip off, but similar. maybe theres an intentional allusion I am missing

It could be-or it could be said that a dumbing down or degradation of taste has taken place. I mean, let's face it, of all the freedoms that my mother's generation didn't have that are available to women today, choosing to have a couple of massive, unsightly tattoos is a pretty impoverished way of indulging yourself, especially if you're merely following the dictates of fashion.

I doubt it's the first thing they went for in fairness.
It could be-or it could be said that a dumbing down or degradation of taste has taken place. I mean, let's face it, of all the freedoms that my mother's generation didn't have that are available to women today, choosing to have a couple of massive, unsightly tattoos is a pretty impoverished way of indulging yourself, especially if you're merely following the dictates of fashion.

It's not for you to dictate how we indulge ourselves. That's rather the point.
<snip>I have not run away. I have only been on the boards today for a few minutes and saw the alert.
You might not have noticed, Hocus Eye, but there's a pattern. A lot of the time, soon after Dwyer says he doesn't want this poster or that one on *his* thread, he buggers off for a couple of weeks. It's happened a few times before, the last time was a couple of months ago.

I realise that it's pretty insulting to be on the receiving end of, but it's almost a running gag, albeit a weak one.
Dwyer, why do you think you can decide who is to be banned from threads or the boards? Perhaps you have that arrogance because of your own public school background. You seem to feel threatened by minor challenges. Incidentally you are also wrong about my educational background; I was a state grammar school boy.

Sorry about the time it has taken to get back to you. In contradiction to your post to Greebo, I have not run away. I have only been on the boards today for a few minutes and saw the alert.

The correct response is "fuck off, dwyer". :)
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