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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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anyway, laurie has gone from a tiny little column to a full page in the independent.

a full page in the indy, well it may be an earner but leave your principles at the door before you check in. The fucking indy- I was young and foolish enough to cheer their 'legalize cannabis' stuff then genuinley gutted when they u-turned into 'oh no, this isn't the bits we smoked at uni folks, this is schizo-inducing SUPERSKUNK'

all the more because I know older smokers of herb and they all told me 'utter bollocks, you just had better hash back then, leb and squidge' and 'the only good green was thai, there were none of these homegrown femminized from seed jobbies- we knew bushweed when we saw it'

and while there may be an element of 'we walked over broken glass to school in barefoot and when we got there sir beat us fo it and we were grateful, kids thse days'

it does not make the shite peddled by the indy any less amazingly fucking false.
Like this.

In a capitalist world, smoking is a little sub-economy of communism. You share cigarettes, matches, lighters, papers. When strangers come up to you in the street and ask you for a cigarette, you give them one, because you understand. I once gave a homeless man half a Lucky Strike out of my own mouth, even though he was wearing a Libertarian T-shirt.

I think that's my quote of the year.
is it 25 grand then? doesn't sound that much for a full page in a national newspaper, even if it is the indie.

Laptop's thing on freelance rates - per 1,000 words (the more Xes, the more underpaid):

Independent travel piece _INM 2012
200 X
Independent _INM 2012
200 XX
Independent feature, no expenses, syndication pays 50/50 _INM 2012
150 XXX
Independent feature, no expenses all rights _INM 2012
Independent _Lebedev 2012
200 XXX
Independent family section - 1300 words @ £300 _Lebedev 2010
231 X
Independent _Lebedev 2010
200 X
Independent _Lebedev 2010
231 X
Independent FBS _INM 2010

you can't buy luckies in normal people shops. Not round here. You have to go to specialist tobacconist shops to get them imported smokes. And they taste fucking average. Mind you, there are these new lambert and butlers that have a menthol tab in the but, you just squeeze it and lo! menthol

can't report on how they taste firsthand cos I just smoked it. I'm told its like bubblegum. Stop smoking if you don't like the flavour
She'll be looking to syndicate this crap, that's where the money is, also I suspect it's more about building connections at this stage anyway. Lots of opportunities once labour get back in probably.
you can't buy luckies in normal people shops. Not round here. You have to go to specialist tobacconist shops to get them imported smokes.

I assumed the Lucky Strikes reference was just a clever and/or pretentious way of dropping the fact she's been spending time in America into the article.
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