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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Are we talking Alan Moore? he's about the only other thing I know about the town.

He lives two doors down from my brother. Saw him in blue wifebeater with his hair tied back an beard trimmed while sticking some shit into a boot. I immediately leapt up and forced a copy of Workers Girder on him....wait no I didn't, I just sat and rolled another spliff while watching 'flog it'

as misleading titles go that one is on par with 'loose women'
"Every shop and cafe had an inscription saying that it had been collectivised; even the bootblacks had been collectivized and their boxes painted red and black."

Orwell sez Shoeshiners is communism. Fact.

For some daft reason this recent thread derail into the matter of shoeshines made me think of the passage below that I recently read in Manuel Vázquez Montalbán's 1989 novel, 'Off Side':

'People are beginning to want their shoes polished again, Pepe. Shoeshines are doing good business. The young ones, mainly, because I just do my usual customers, and three or four others a day. Why are people wanting their shoes shined, again, Pepino? Have you asked yourself that? You should think about it, because you've got a good brain, and it's worth some thought. If you ask me, things are changing. Everything. And I'm not talking about a change like in the 1940s or the 1950s, or the years when everyone was flush, the sixties and the seventies, up until Franco died. It's another sort of change. I see it from people's attitude to their shoes. For ten years people have been too ashamed to stick their feet under the nose of a shoeshine and say, "There you go, clean them." They didn't mind going to the dentist to get their teeth cleaned. But when it came to cleaning their shoes, they preferred to do it in the privacy of their own homes, with those shoeshine machines that put the likes of me out of a job. For years they all wanted to be so egalitarian, and it wasn't the done thing to have someone else shine your shoes for you. So what's it all about? What's happened is they they're not embarrassed any more, Pepe. So shoeshines are making money again . . . '

Apologies for derailing the derail.
Direct ref. to criticism of her style from not just the right, and not just personal abuse with a link to this here thread.
Crabapple's wiki appears to be her own press releases stitched together willy nilly. Are there no rules against this sort of wank?

"Spurred by a desire to de-sterilize the buttoned-up art school scene"
"Molly’s brand of off-grid entrepreneurship"
"it comes as no surprise that Crabapple’s celebrity fans include..."
Crabapple's wiki appears to be her own press releases stitched together willy nilly. Are there no rules against this sort of wank?

"Spurred by a desire to de-sterilize the buttoned-up art school scene"
"Molly’s brand of off-grid entrepreneurship"
"it comes as no surprise that Crabapple’s celebrity fans include..."
Wow, every single cliche from the the beatniks to bill gates regurgitated as personality. the spectacle has entered these peoples souls.
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