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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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She's got a touch of the Hari about her according to this

(sorry if this has already been posted way back)
Yep, that's back there somewhere, before the 20 page granny tattoo insanity. If anyone was arsed enough, it'd be a piece of piss to go through the thread and stick properly referenced stuff in the wiki. It would get deleted though.
I was considering the possibility of tattooing that on my cock. But then I remebered nobody would see it so nobody would think I was cool :(
(((Spiney's cock)))
It's the only way to avoid that nasty ideological smashup in between the next two junctions of discourse :(
He describes heroin withdrawal as "trivial" and has advocated against methadone px in prison.

I heard hım on the radıo ın the USA, goıng on about thıs. Hıs maın evıdence seemed to be havıng spıed on a few wıthdrawıng junkıes ın hıs waıtıng room and seeıng them laughıng among themselves.

It was a phone-ın show, so of course he was deluged wıth calls from people wıth personal experıence, ınformıng hım that he was talkıng crap. He basıcally caled them all malıngerers.
He says writing on his computer.

Lletsa is bang on re this, capitalism has been both good and bad. It developed the productiove forces to the extwent thast it allowed, it was an advance on previous systems as it provided-upto a limit-real, genuione material advances by and for the working-class. That it cannot doasnything otehr than take us on a downward spiral now-as Lletsa says in his doom laden way-does not invalidate the real advances it made previously.

Capıtalısm has been of materıal benefıt to the last 3 generatıons of Westerners. No-one else. In fact ıt has destroyed most other cıvılızatıons completely. And even that lımıted materıal benefıt has to be set agaınst theır spırıtual ımpoverıshment and resultıng mısery.
Going back to before all this bullshit yesterday, some people were suggesting that in 10 years she's have dropped her current views and be writing more openly right wing stuff. I don't think she will for a number of reasons: firstly, all good careerists and parasites know that what they're selling is their ability to play a role, and you'd have to be pretty inept not to know that you've sold yourself as the voice of a new left - ditching that = out of a job.

Don't be sılly. Nothıng sells better than a recantıng Leftıst.

These people are utterly brazen ın theır weathercockıng. I recently went back and read Johan Harı's essays from 2002-03. He was boostıng the Iraq war shamelessly--obvıously because hıs boss told hım he had to. As soon as ıt was safe to do so he changed tack.

I'm makıng ıt a personal project to remember all the commentators who advocated ınvadıng Iraq, and should I ever get the chance I'll remınd them about ıt. Salman Rushdıe was one of the worst.
You might not have noticed, Hocus Eye, but there's a pattern. A lot of the time, soon after Dwyer says he doesn't want this poster or that one on *his* thread, he buggers off for a couple of weeks. It's happened a few times before, the last time was a couple of months ago.

Thıs ısn't 'my' thread. I banned Hocus Eye because he was dısruptıng an ınterestıng dıscussıon, that's all. And to judge from the PMs of support I've receıved, my decısıon has proved extremely popular.

He's free to post on any other thread he lıkes.
Rushdie? say it aint so

Rushdıe's one of the most weaselıest of them all. He publıshed an artıcle just before the ınvasıon, goıng on about how ıt would make the world a 'more modern' place. Then he freaked out when Terry Eagleton called hım on ıt a few years later. Eagleton evıdently was speakıng from memory, because he apologızed--but he was absolutely rıght ın what he'd saıd.
<snip>I banned Hocus Eye because he was dısruptıng an ınterestıng dıscussıon, that's all. And to judge from the PMs of support I've receıved, my decısıon has proved extremely popular.<snip>
PMs of support? You're so preXenforo.

<snip>These people are utterly brazen ın theır weathercockıng. I recently went back and read Johan Harı's essays from 2002-03. He was boostıng the Iraq war shamelessly--obvıously because hıs boss told hım he had to. As soon as ıt was safe to do so he changed tack.

I'm makıng ıt a personal project to remember all the commentators who advocated ınvadıng Iraq, and should I ever get the chance I'll remınd them about ıt. Salman Rushdıe was one of the worst.
You do that. Every year after the anniversary of going into Afghanistan in 20after 9/11*, I reminded the more gung ho people on a mailing list that they'd said the USA just wanted to go in there to "flick out a maggot " (ie Osama bin Laden) but he'd still not been found and civilians were being injured or killed every day. Making them wriggle and try to justify the inexcusable was a delight.

*FFS seriously knackered :oops:
I heard hım on the radıo ın the USA, goıng on about thıs. Hıs maın evıdence seemed to be havıng spıed on a few wıthdrawıng junkıes ın hıs waıtıng room and seeıng them laughıng among themselves.

It was a phone-ın show, so of course he was deluged wıth calls from people wıth personal experıence, ınformıng hım that he was talkıng crap. He basıcally caled them all malıngerers.
I know it's common for some GPs to become extremely cynical about their patients, but that's beyond the pale. :mad:
Thıs ısn't 'my' thread. I banned Hocus Eye because he was dısruptıng an ınterestıng dıscussıon, that's all. And to judge from the PMs of support I've receıved, my decısıon has proved extremely popular.

He's free to post on any other thread he lıkes.
Very kind of you phil. You really are living in a fantasy world. You have used the 'PMs of support' line before. Come to think of it you have used most of your lines before. Nobody is fooled by your bluster.

However, has anybody read Laurie's article today in the New Statesman. It is a response to Cameron's talk about an 'entitlement culture'.
i saw it, and prepared myself to be enraged prior to reading it

but disappointingly I wasn't, it wasn't actually that bad

doesn't feel right

must have missed something, will read it again in a bit
sometimes, when the bullshit and self love isn't clouding her eyes, ms barnetsworth can write a nice piece, often just preaching to the choir but still not bad. It is the needle in the haystack mind- but it is there.
sometimes, when the bullshit and self love isn't clouding her eyes, ms barnetsworth can write a nice piece, often just preaching to the choir but still not bad. It is the needle in the haystack mind- but it is there.


I read a piece by her in the NS ages ago and thought, she's ok. Mind you I've obviously got shit judgement, I thought the same of Hari. What I now wonder is if someone like LP is doomed to the ego-vortex of the media for the rest of her life or can she escape into reality?
Thıs ısn't 'my' thread. I banned Hocus Eye because he was dısruptıng an ınterestıng dıscussıon, that's all. And to judge from the PMs of support I've receıved, my decısıon has proved extremely popular.

He's free to post on any other thread he lıkes.

PMs of support = offers from posters to sub phil some heavy tranquilisers until the latest "episode" is over.
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