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9/11 media happenings

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8den said:
He's not my expert. He's not published anything. He's your expert. I'm just pointing out your absurd paradox.

Event fuckwit. Event. He confirms other aspects. Do you see the problem here?
Yes I see the problem here - WTC7 was so clearly a controlled demolition that a CD expert who is no conspiracy theorist has pronounced it as such, despite him then being at a loss to reconcile that with the official theory. Give him a little while and he may very come round to changing his mind about the collapses of towers that were hit by planes. He may have done so already.

As for my beliefs, they have needed no expert; I posted that the towers were blown up long before we had Jowenko, Steve Jones, William Rodriguez et al speaking in support of the notion.
Jazzz said:
WTC7 was so clearly a controlled demolition that
...99.99999% of all demolition experts and specialists who have expressed an opinion on the matter think the conspiraloons are talking shit.

And the only person in the whole universe you can find who appears to agree with you only said what he said in rather dubious circumstances.

Way to go fruitloop boy!

Now, about Ryan. Any news?
editor said:
...99.99999% of all demolition experts and specialists who have expressed an opinion on the matter think the conspiraloons are talking shit.
I challenge you to name three who have confidently expressed a version of events in which it comes down without explosives.
Jazzz said:
I challenge you to name three who have confidently expressed a version of events in which it comes down without explosives.
Just as soon as you give me the full qualifications of Kevin Ryan.

Fair's fair, Jazzz - I've asked about 15 times now.

PS Can you name three experts who insist that it *was* brought down by explosives? After all, you're making the claim - why not back it up?

*credible, suitably qualified sources only, natch.
Jazzz won't answer, because that would require effort. He's fucking useless at doing his own reasearch. The more likely event is for someone else on fruitloops.com to do it and then Jazzz palm it off as his own, again.
editor said:
Just as soon as you give me the full qualifications of Kevin Ryan.

Fair's fair, Jazzz - I've asked about 15 times now.

PS Can you name three experts who insist that it *was* brought down by explosives? After all, you're making the claim - why not back it up?

*credible, suitably qualified sources only, natch.
So you can't name one, let alone three. So much for your 99.9999%

We can safely consign that to the wastebin of editor's fanciful statistics. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
So you can't name one, let alone three. So much for your 99.9999%
I see your dishonesty knows no bounds. Far from saying that I, "can't name one, let alone three" what I actually said - my little bubble of lying truth-distortions - is that I wanted you to answer my question first.

After all, I've been politely asking over 15 times now and you keep running away from it like the deluded dishonest fraud you are.

PS Can you name three experts who insist that it *was* brought down by explosives?
don't call me 'dishonest'. :rolleyes:

You claimed that over 99% of experts disagreed with Jowenko, a figure you simply made up based on 'what I haven't heard agrees with me'. So I invited you to name three. Unless you do so it's pretty obvious that you are just fabricating crap.

As I said, I haven't mentioned Kevin Ryan for weeks so have little idea why you keep bleating on about him.
Jazzz said:
don't call me 'dishonest'. :rolleyes:

You claimed that over 99% of experts disagreed with Jowenko, a figure you simply made up based on 'what I haven't heard agrees with me'. So I invited you to name three. Unless you do so it's pretty obvious that you are just fabricating crap.

As I said, I haven't mentioned Kevin Ryan for weeks so have little idea why you keep bleating on about him.
You don't bleat on for weeks because after about six hours or so someone's worked out how to show you being a dishonest little shit. Fabricating crap? Dear god.
Jazzz said:
Yes I see the problem here - WTC7 was so clearly a controlled demolition that a CD expert who is no conspiracy theorist has pronounced it as such, despite him then being at a loss to reconcile that with the official theory. Give him a little while and he may very come round to changing his mind about the collapses of towers that were hit by planes. He may have done so already.

As for my beliefs, they have needed no expert; I posted that the towers were blown up long before we had Jowenko, Steve Jones, William Rodriguez et al speaking in support of the notion.
If you look at the whole interview (it's in 3 8-minute parts on google video) you'll find that he finds if difficult to relate the work required to the available time and that the interviewer is feeding him bits of information, some of which is wrong (that the fires were minor). He admits he knew nothing about WTC7 prior to the interview and teh drawings being used were for the upper floors and didn't reflect the different construction of the lower area.

I take it by "towers" in the plural form, you are still contending that WTC1 and 2 were also demolished even though Mr Jowenko clearly states that they weren't.

ETA the second ststement
Jazzz said:
As I said, I haven't mentioned Kevin Ryan for weeks so have little idea why you keep bleating on about him.
Actually, you've been refusing point blank to explain the qualifications of the guy as part of your familiar strategy of dishonesty running away from tricky questions.

You are a fraud. You are dishonest. You pompously proclaim yourself to be a truth seeker, yet continue to act in a devious and evasive manner as witnessed and exposed above.

Why won't you list the relevant qualifications of Ryan?
editor said:
You pompously proclaim yourself to be a truth seeker,

Oh how you spit that term out with such venom. What on earth is wrong with looking for the truth? Are you against the truth? Do you dislike it? What's wrong with someone who seeks the truth? Is it any worse than the kind of self-denial you operate under?
fela fan said:
Oh how you spit that term out with such venom. What on earth is wrong with looking for the truth? Are you against the truth? Do you dislike it? What's wrong with someone who seeks the truth? Is it any worse than the kind of self-denial you operate under?
Nothing wrong with seeking the truth, but there's everything wrong with someone declaring themselves a 'truth seeker' and then embarking on a single minded campaign of ignoring evidence, selectively shunning research, dishonestly misrepresenting people's opinions, refusing to acknowledge expert testimony, refusing to back up their own claims and sources and elevating the incoherent mumblings of unqualified halfwit websites into The Truth That Over-rides Everything Else.
fela fan said:
I'm really not sure jazzz ever claimed to be a truth seeker.

In which case everything you've just said is invalid.
YOu mean to say that Jazzz does not routinely :
editor said:
embark(snip) on a single minded campaign of ignoring evidence, selectively shunning research, dishonestly misrepresenting people's opinions, refusing to acknowledge expert testimony, refusing to back up their own claims and sources and elevating the incoherent mumblings of unqualified half wit websites into The Truth That Over-rides Everything Else.

In which case i'm going to say that your oh so laudable skepticism for what you read on the internet is being taken just a little too far. The bad thing about being a truth seeker is the same problem that many religious fanatics have. Only they are right and if you disagree you're wrong, hence probably going to hell / in league with Satan. Again if you haven't noticed the appalling level of research carried out by self labeled truth seekers (irrespective of Jazzz's claim to be a member of this group) you have to admit they aren't accurately labeled.
fela fan said:
I'm really not sure jazzz ever claimed to be a truth seeker.
You're not really sure that he thinks he 'seeking the truth'?!!!

Maybe you're not really sure that he doesn't have an advert for the (guffaw) "British 9/11 Truth Campaign" in his user tag line too?

And maybe you missed the t-shirt he designed for that very same site (you know, the one that carries the Holocaust-denying posts)?
Jazzz said:
Give him a little while and he may very come round to changing his mind about the collapses of towers that were hit by planes. He may have done so already.

So to be clear you think your expert might ignore the years of experience that tells him it would be impossible to rig the WTC 1&2, and come around to your way of thinking.

Keep living the dream jazzz.

As for my beliefs, they have needed no expert; I posted that the towers were blown up long before we had Jowenko, Steve Jones, William Rodriguez et al speaking in support of the notion.

Ah so you admit you believed the towers were blown up even before the risible collection of dingbats, and liars came along and supported you.

Way to go Jazzz you've just shown yet again that you came to a conclusion, and have now twisted the facts to suit your conclusion.
pk said:
An interesting link for anyone who still doubts that Jazzz is talking 100 percent bollocks...


A floor by floor series of accounts from survivors of the WTC attacks.

Including William Rodriguez' Fraud account changing for some reason.

Did you read the one from Salvatore Giambanco?

"Then water started gushing in the elevator and I remember saying, 'God, please help us.' At that point, I was resigned to the fact I was going to die"

But like a miracle, Giambanco's plea to God was answered as all of a sudden he heard someone yelling from above, "How many people are down there?"

The miracle above turned out to be Rodriguez who had returned into the WTC after helping David to safety in order to help others after disobeying police orders to remain outside.

"I remember rushing past police, telling them to go to hell as I was going back to help my friends no matter what," recalls Rodriguez about his basement search for survivors before eventually only making his way to the 39th floor before being turned back in a desperate attempt to reach the top floors.

In the basement, Rodriguez managed to find a construction ladder, miraculously lowering it into the elevator after courageously entering the darkened shaft and opening the top hatch on the elevator where Giambanco and the other unidentified man now were standing thigh-deep in water from the broken or activated sprinkler system spewing water into the elevator shaft.

"I don't know he did it, but I felt him just pick me up and pull me out," said Giambanco about Rodriguez's rescue efforts. "I didn't know who he was then, but I do now and he definitely saved my life. If it wasn't for William Rodriguez, I wouldn't be here today."

"For me, William is like my brother. He single handedly saved my life."

Your repeated smearing of Rodriguez as a 'fraud' is shameful pk, it's perhaps the lowest behaviour I've seen from you yet and that's saying something. :(
Jazzz said:
Your repeated smearing of Rodriguez as a 'fraud' is shameful pk, it's perhaps the lowest behaviour I've seen from you yet and that's saying something.
What? Even lower than you making big claims and then rudely refusely to answer questions rasied in relation to your own points?

I'd say it's fairly low to constantly accuse thousands of people of being liars and complicit in murder on an almost daily basis when you haven't a shred of evidence to support those allegations, but then that's just you, isn't it?

So what do you think about the reports of kerosene throughout the building Jazzz? And how come there's no one backing up Rodriguez's invisibly installed invisible explosives theory?
I don't accuse 'thousands of people', that's your theory not mine editor. Don't put words in my mouth.

Rodriguez' heroics on the day of 9/11 are unquestionable. For pk to smear him as a 'fraud' is fantastically low, and if you had any concept of objectivity you wouldn't be defending it. The fact that I may choose not to engage with your interminable questioning is not comparable in the slightest. How ridiculous. :rolleyes:
TheArchitect said:

Before I make a tit of you yet again, do you want to comment on the original version of Rodriquez' storey?
You're having a laugh - Mr 'I can't understand the NIST report' Architect... if you think I feel any need to bother with you you are deluding yourself.
And sio Jazzz's withdrawal from the world* takes another step.

Can someone persuade him to get help, soon?

* For any definition of "the world", from naïve realism to tested intersubjectivity: makes no difference for our practical purpose here.
Jazzz said:
I don't accuse 'thousands of people', that's your theory not mine editor. Don't put words in my mouth.
So you don't think that the 9/11 planes were switched, the WTC building stuffed full of invisible explosives (incl basement and other floors), the WTC7 pre-wired and all the other bonkers shit you post up here?

You see, every time you dream up a wildly improbable fact-free 'theory', they would need the tacit complicity of thousands of people.

So every day you are indeed accusing thousands of people of being accompices to mass murder.

Jazzz said:
Rodriguez' heroics on the day of 9/11 are unquestionable.
He's not questioning his 'heroics.' He's questioning his highly dubious claims of a massive explosion caused by invisible explosives before the plane hit. And, frankly there's bugger all solid evidence to support those claims.
editor said:
So you don't think that the 9/11 planes were switched, the WTC building stuffed full of invisible explosives (incl basement and other floors), the WTC7 pre-wired and all the other bonkers shit you post up here?

You see, every time you dream up a wildly improbable fact-free 'theory', they would need the tacit complicity of thousands of people.

So every day you are indeed accusing thousands of people of being accompices to mass murder.
No I'm not. That's your logic not mine. The number of people who will have had overall knowledge of such a plot need be nowhere near a thousand. And it's patently absurd you getting all offended on behalf of unidentified subjects anyway. What you are doing is crowbarring in righteous indignation however you can.

He's not questioning his 'heroics.' He's questioning his highly dubious claims of a massive explosion caused by invisible explosives before the plane hit. And, frankly there's bugger all solid evidence to support those claims.
err, wake up editor. Labelling Rodriguez, an indisputable hero, a 'fraud' is not mere 'questioning'. This is a totally unjustified and shameful smear on the character of William Rodriguez whose character must be assumed above reproach. How you let it go by is shameful enough; that you defend it is astonishing.
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