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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
For your information Dhimmi - I'm Jewish, and my great-grandfather escaped the nazis. How does that square with your list?

It's squares well, because I'm Sir Jonathan Sacks and my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother invented blintzes.

Jazzz said:
Maybe you should think a bit before posting something ridiculous.

I'll have to go to A&E now you just split my sides. :D :D :D :D :D
Dhimmi said:
It's squares well, because I'm Sir Jonathan Sacks and my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother invented blintzes.

I'll have to go to A&E now you just split my sides. :D :D :D :D :D
Hilarious. Your tagline is 'accept no bigotry' yet you have accused me, a man of Jewish decent, and only alive because my grandfather escaped nazi Germany while it was still possible to do so, of being a 'neo-nazi' - based purely on 'guilt by association' reasoning so tenuous that even pk wouldn't dare make it.

Fuck off, bigot!
Oh I see, you're accusing me not only of being a neo-nazi, but of lying about my family history? Please clarify.
Jazzz said:
Hilarious. Your tagline is 'accept no bigotry' yet you have accused me, a man of Jewish decent, and only alive because my grandfather escaped nazi Germany while it was still possible to do so, of being a 'neo-nazi' - based purely on 'guilt by association' reasoning so tenuous that even pk wouldn't dare make it.

Fuck off, bigot!
Do you reckon your grandfather would be chuffed to know you hang out with chumps who deny the holocaust?
Loki said:
Do you reckon your grandfather would be chuffed to know you hang out with chumps who deny the holocaust?

Alternatively how would your fascist chums take your posing as a Jew?
Loki said:
Do you reckon your grandfather would be chuffed to know you hang out with chumps who deny the holocaust?
Everything that happened in pre-war nazi Germany is happening right here and now. And back then anyone that thought Jews were going to face death in concentration camps - well that was dismissed as 'conspiracy theory'. One bloody good reason why people should be wary of using those words in disdain. Millions died in Germany because the truth was laughed away.

Perhaps people think they are going to stop a repeat of fascism by crowbarring into accusations of anti-semitism wherever they can find. Well no that's not going to stop it because this time it won't be the Jews that are targeted. It will be stopped by people becoming wise to the tricks and propaganda of the state because that's where it all comes from. And just as the Reichstag Fire was used to cement the powers of Hitler so is 9/11 being used to strip away all our basic freedoms here. Time is of the essence to stop this, before we all have to submit to the microchip or face a trip to .

And I think my great-grandfather having seen it all once before would see it this time also.

I don't 'hang out' with holocaust deniers.
Dhimmi said:
Alternatively how would your fascist chums take your posing as a Jew?
You realise what sort of person makes lazy accusations based on prejudice, Dhimmi?

Last time this came up I produced my grandmother's passport. Here it is again. I feel somewhat tainted having to show it for a bigot like you, but here it is.

Now would you like to apologise - profusely I suggest - or are you now going to suggest that I'm pulling some kind of further fraud? Don't think I'm letting go away. After all, your tagline demanded 'accept no bigotry'. :rolleyes:
Sigh... Nobody is accusing Jazzz of being a neo-nazi, just accusing him of promoting the neo-nazi agenda, unwittingly, fuckwittingly... barnes report you muppet, 100 percent nazi bollocks, Christopher Bollyn, nazi bollocks, grow up and get a fucking life.
Lazy accusations? Hmmm I wonder who's the master at that?
Here's a photo of the first ever blintz.

I accept your apology.
Dhimmi you are quite the most contemptible poster I've come across. Even pk is attempting to cover for you. And that says a lot. :rolleyes:
pk said:
Or you could look at it another way: pk takes pleasure in ripping apart offensive anti-semitic theories and paranoid conspiracy myths that are exposed as such within 3 minutes Googling.

If that offends you - good. Fuck you and goodnight.

Nah, your violence has not been limited to jazzz. And nah, it don't offend me one bit mate. But if i see it, i call it.
Jazzz said:
Everything that happened in pre-war nazi Germany is happening right here and now.

The Reichstag burnt down? Hitler got elected? Germany annexed the Sudentenland? That's just three events and none of them are happening neither here nor now.

Can't imagine a Jew making such a cheapshot to make a point for fear of the noise from those millions of bodies spinning in their graves. How shockingly disrespectful.
Dhimmi said:
Can't imagine a Jew making such a cheapshot to make a point for fear of the noise from those millions of bodies spinning in their graves. How shockingly disrespectful.
You can't imagine it because you are just as small-minded as the soldiers that did the rounding up. What I am referring to, dimwit, is the descent of a functioning democracy with checks and balances to safeguard against power abuses, into a fascist state. This is done by means of scaring the populace by means of the threat that it may be attacked. If you haven't seen this happening, well you better rely on others to wake up for you, while you charge down the path of being a fascist 'anti-fascist' - throwing around contemptible, made-up accusations, that's okay for you, because you're one of the 'good guys' - all fascists believe that.
Dhimmi said:
The Reichstag burnt down? Hitler got elected? Germany annexed the Sudentenland? That's just three events and none of them are happening neither here nor now.

Bush got elected (twice, fraudulently)
US & UK illegally invade Iraq
Fancy taking the suffering of millions of people and using to make a cheap point on a bulletin board, how shamed your ancestors might be...

Especially when you can quote that suffering so lightly and to promote theories generated by neo-nazis to promote anti-semitism. Shame on you.

As I type hundreds of long dead German soldiers goose step through long destroyed streets in support of a discredited political movement because you say that's all happening right now.

The one part you missed was about the guy who posed as a jew but supported the Nazi's, not aware it ever happened until I turned up a rock and found you. Just how do you bring yourself to support those whose ancestors would have killed yours? I can see why you're here so late, you just can't sleep at night.

You're almost as entertaining as a cheap movie channel, but not quite as well written, nor acted, nor filmed.
Dhimmi said:
The one part you missed was about the guy who posed as a jew but supported the Nazi's, not aware it ever happened until I turned up a rock and found you. Just how do you bring yourself to support those whose ancestors would have killed yours? I can see why you're here so late, you just can't sleep at night.
What the hell are you on about?

Here's a clue for you: nazism came from the state. They're the ones you have to watch. If you want to guard against fascism you must - can only - guard for human freedoms and guard them religiously. And you must take great care not to allow yourself to point fingers and make ridiculous accusations based on guilt by association, just like you are doing now.

I do not support racism in whatever form. How dare you accuse me of making 'cheap shots' while you say I'm lying about my family. Really.
And why don't you watch the footage of the Dhimmi? Check out the furnaces.

God you are really going to save us from the new fascism ain't ya. By doing what you are told. What the papers tell you. Weeding out the 'bad' citizens like you think's right. Dismissing those with 'wacky conspiracy theories of the state'. i.e. everything that over-zealous Germans did that allowed fascism to take hold.
TheArchitect said:

Before I make a tit of you yet again, do you want to comment on the original version of Rodriquez' storey?

Ohhh Jazzz........Answer please....
Jazzz said:
And why don't you watch the footage of the Dhimmi? Check out the furnaces.

God you are really going to save us from the new fascism ain't ya. By doing what you are told. What the papers tell you. Weeding out the 'bad' citizens like you think's right. Dismissing those with 'wacky conspiracy theories of the state'. i.e. everything that over-zealous Germans did that allowed fascism to take hold.
Oh dear you are really cluthing at straws.

Americans refer to boilers as furnaces. Are you really suggesting that the USG are planning Naziesque extermination camps.

The film was so full of crap is ridiculous. I don't pretend to understand the signage, without knowing the potential usage, supposition is ridiculous. The only place I have personaly experienced that had three concentric fences was designed for nuclear weapons storage. The mast and helicopter landing area evidence is unimportant, so what if helicopters can land there - they can do that at virtually all military camps in the UK . The mast is identical to ones used by most guardrooms in any camp in the UK. All this film shows is that there is a facility that has recently been upgraded to be able to be used 24/7 by the federal government, but doesn't show evidence for use.
Jazzz said:
You can't imagine it because you are just as small-minded as the soldiers that did the rounding up. What I am referring to, dimwit, is the descent of a functioning democracy with checks and balances to safeguard against power abuses, into a fascist state. This is done by means of scaring the populace by means of the threat that it may be attacked. If you haven't seen this happening, well you better rely on others to wake up for you, while you charge down the path of being a fascist 'anti-fascist' - throwing around contemptible, made-up accusations, that's okay for you, because you're one of the 'good guys' - all fascists believe that.
What you said in this post is utterly dispicable, are you really suggesting that those who disagree with your viewpoint are as bad as the Nazis that participated in state santioned murder and terrorism?
Dhimmi said:
It's squares well, because I'm Sir Jonathan Sacks and my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother invented blintzes.

I'll have to go to A&E now you just split my sides. :D :D :D :D :D
Dhimmi, please back off of this tack. I fully accept Jazz's background, I still think he is wrong in his assumptions though. We must try and keep the thread on track though.
I can't wait for Jazzzs analysis of that Protec report - considering the time it's taking him to prepare it must be quite a superb bit of research :)
Jazzz said:
And why don't you watch the footage of the Dhimmi? Check out the furnaces.
Now that I've wasted six minutes of my life listening to some woman aimlessly go on about barbed wire fences and new concrete floors, would you care to explain the supposed link with "concentration camps" and "furnaces"? Are you saying that they're constructing Nazi-style gas camps?

Rarely have I heard such a load of sloppy journalism. And the "excellent watchtower" that idiot woman goes on about is anything but.

Oh, and I love the "black helicopter" that was supposedly sent out to "observe what they were doing" while, err, flying straight past and going some place else.

Sorry Jazzz, but you are a moron for uncritically swallowing this agenda-driven, analysis-free drivel. Naturally the same author had a load of 9/11 shit in his/her profile too.

Oh, and about the Protec report....

Imagine yourself at a circus, a fair, a crowded sports event. You have in your hand your little child of five or six, you’re amongst hundreds of people and you turn around and see that your child is gone. How do you feel at that moment? You feel panicked. You feel that this is the worst thing possible, so what you do is you engage. When ATCs lose an aircraft, all hell breaks loose. They flip right into motion. We take action and do not wait for other things to happen.

This is exactly what’s written in our manuals. We alert our immediate supervisors, we get another set of eyes on the scope. We have, two feet away from us, a little button that says ADC, Air Defense Command [nowadays NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector)]. Bing, hit the button. ‘Hey, this is me at the Boston Center air space. I just lost a target or I have an erratic target. He is twenty-five miles west of Keene, last reported at such-and-such location.

That aircraft is represented on their radar scope from the time it takes off to the time it lands. Even little puddle-jumpers out of our local airports. NORAD tracks all these aircraft. They have the world’s most sophisticated radar.

After eleven eventful years as an ATC, Hordon naturally reacted with shock when he first heard that fifty years of tried and true in-flight emergency protocol was abruptly altered in June of 2001, just two months before the attacks.

“Rumsfeld put a third party in between the ATC and the Air Defense Controller responsible for scrambling interceptors —the Pentagon."
paimei01 said:
So that's some retired bloke's opinion. So what?

What about the opinions of those people who were actually working on the day or the transcripts proving the stunning incompetence and confusion going on?

Or were the ATCs on duty in the Boston, Long Island and Newark control rooms on 9/11 all in on it?

Strange how he took five years to come up with this too.

Oh - hang on - here's the research you didn't bother to do "truth seeker".

He hasn't worked as an ATC for a quarter of a century!!!!

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