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9/11 media happenings

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Jazzz said:
No I'm not. That's your logic not mine. The number of people who will have had overall knowledge of such a plot need be nowhere near a thousand. And it's patently absurd you getting all offended on behalf of unidentified subjects anyway. What you are doing is crowbarring in righteous indignation however you can.

err, wake up editor. Labelling Rodriguez, an indisputable hero, a 'fraud' is not mere 'questioning'. This is a totally unjustified and shameful smear on the character of William Rodriguez whose character must be assumed above reproach. How you let it go by is shameful enough; that you defend it is astonishing.
Why 'must' we assume he is above reproach? No one is denying he risked his life to save survivors. The contention is that for some reason he changed his story from the initial versionj to one that highlights points that aren't supported by evidence.
Jazzz said:
You're having a laugh - Mr 'I can't understand the NIST report' Architect... if you think I feel any need to bother with you you are deluding yourself.
From Mr "several years on and i haven't even bothered to look at the document" that's a bit rich.
Jazzz said:
Labelling Rodriguez, an indisputable hero, a 'fraud' is not mere 'questioning'. This is a totally unjustified and shameful smear on the character of William Rodriguez whose character must be assumed above reproach. How you let it go by is shameful enough; that you defend it is astonishing.
Why should his subsequent behaviour be deemed "above reproach" just because of his actions on one day?

I hate to break up your comic book fantasies here, but even heroes can make mistakes. Or be confused. Or be liars. Or be cheats. Or be used by manipulative nutters who flatter then with their attention.

Rodriguez wasn't the only hero that day either, but I guess you've no problem completely dismissing their opinions of the rest of them because none of them support your lunatic fantasies.
editor said:
Rodriguez wasn't the only hero that day either, but I guess you've no problem completely dismissing their opinions of the rest of them because none of them support your lunatic fantasies.
Oh you dimwit. No-one is a 'fraud' for holding an opinion that may be wrong. You can't call Rodriguez a 'fraud' because you disagree with an opinion of his. It's a very strong character slur - it means someone is deliberately deceitful - and it's a breathtaking one in the case of Rodriguez because he has proven such exceptional character. The only evidence you have for this accusation (which I dare point out is certainly libellous) is a qualitative difference in his accounts of the first explosion. You need something far better than that.
William Rodriguez is a fraud.

Not saying he didn't rescue those people, and not saying he did terrific acts of bravery on the day.

Did you know he tried to make a career out of being an illusionist, Jazzz?

He failed, and ended up as a cleaner in the WTC.

And his story has changed dramatically since the initial interview he gave CNN.

And he's making a very good living now doing what he always dreamed of, touring the world with an illusion act that gullible people can believe.

William Rodriguez is a fraud.
Jazzz said:
The only evidence you have for this accusation (which I dare point out is certainly libellous) is a qualitative difference in his accounts of the first explosion. You need something far better than that.

I believe he is a fraud.

Feel free to contact him and tell him that I think he's a fraud.

And don't give me any jizzz about libel, you were the prick quoting the lies of anti-semitic Barnes Report neo-nazis until people here pointed it out to you.

Tell it to your handpuppet Jazzz. I'm sure he understands you.

pk said:
And his story has changed dramatically since the initial interview he gave CNN.
No it hasn't.

And he's making a very good living now doing what he always dreamed of, touring the world with an illusion act that gullible people can believe.
That's not the case at all. He passed up the chance of a very cushy life being used for political ends by the Bush administration. He threw the money back in their faces for the chance to tell his story instead. If he's making any money at all from his talks, it's an extremely modest amount.

William Rodriguez is a fraud.
You have no basis to be making this shameful accusation. You're a disgrace.
pk said:
And don't give me any jizzz about libel, you were the prick quoting the lies of anti-semitic Barnes Report neo-nazis until people here pointed it out to you.
I have never posted one word that is anti-semitic on these boards. I will freely state - you are a liar.
Jazzz said:
I have never posted one word that is anti-semitic on these boards. I will freely state - you are a liar.
You have a user tag that advertises a site that contains Holocaust-denying material.

I find that rather shameful myself, but I guess you'll forgive them their little foibles because that fuckwit, private email posting site one of the few places that let your post up your nutcase accusations of mass murder.

(*edit to add: I see that nutjob site even has stuff on chemtrails! Bwahaha!)
editor said:
You have a user tag that advertises a site that contains Holocaust-denying material.

I find that rather shameful myself, but I guess you'll forgive them their little foibles because that fuckwit, private email posting site one of the few places that let your post up your nutcase accusations of mass murder.

(*edit to add: I see that nutjob site even has stuff on chemtrails! Bwahaha!)
1) My user tag advertises no site; it's my own creation.

2) There is nothing anti-semitic on nineeleven.co.uk. So on a board open to anyone to post anything (as long as it isn't anti-semitic, etc) which is clearly going to attract all manner alternative thinking there's one on holocaust revisionism. Big deal. There was a thread on the topic here too not long ago.

3) People aren't under obligations to keep your emails confidential.

4) You're the one that has accepted an accusation of mass murder. Against Osama Bin Laden, remember him? And company. I don't accept this and am calling for a proper investigation. Then maybe people can be accused as a result of that.

5) You're attempting to defend an indefensible accusation on these boards by saying I've done wrong, which is no defense in any case. What I may or may not do has no bearing at all on how just pk's crap is, has it?

Really editor you should be one hell of a lot more responsible. :(
Jazzz said:
1) My user tag advertises no site; it's my own creation.

2) There is nothing anti-semitic on nineeleven.co.uk. So on a board open to anyone to post anything (as long as it isn't anti-semitic, etc) which is clearly going to attract all manner alternative thinking there's one on holocaust revisionism. Big deal. There was a thread on the topic here too not long ago.
1) the first result in Google for JO911B is that loon site.
2) You're lying. Or deluded.

Can't be arsed with the rest.
I haven't been on board for around three weeks- I'm amazed to see this thread still running. It's bloody obvious that quite a few folk know what they're talking about when it's comes to this subject and how Jazzz isn't one of them.
Dhimmi said:
I haven't been on board for around three weeks- I'm amazed to see this thread still running. It's bloody obvious that quite a few folk know what they're talking about when it's comes to this subject and how Jazzz isn't one of them.
Oh, how we missed you! Thank god you've returned to make exactly the same point
Jazzz said:
Oh, how we missed you! Thank god you've returned to make exactly the same point

Happy to delight you by not being quite as tedious as you've been by endlessly repeating inaccuracies whilst ignoring any point put to you throughout that time.

The business of promoting anti-jewish propoganda must be a lonely pursuit. I've always seen neo-nazi supporters as misguided, ignorant and socially inept.

Thanks to you I can add sad and lonely to that list. :p
editor said:
1) the first result in Google for JO911B is that loon site.
2) You're lying. Or deluded.

Can't be arsed with the rest.

Editor, i think that tagline of jazzz's is a good one, presumably you've worked out what it stands for?
Dhimmi said:
Happy to delight you by not being quite as tedious as you've been by endlessly repeating inaccuracies whilst ignoring any point put to you throughout that time.

The business of promoting anti-jewish propoganda must be a lonely pursuit. I've always seen neo-nazi supporters as misguided, ignorant and socially inept.

Thanks to you I can add sad and lonely to that list. :p

If you spent all your life getting things wrong this would be how you would always have seen neo nazis and then you would carry on being even more incorrect. You'll get promoted forever and never go wrong Dave. You can celebrate capitalism all you like but we're gonna get ya so you better fuckin watch it.
Dr Jazz is a fuckin good lookin bloke with a proper sized hooter .. it aint just us yids got em .. he's a gooner for example. So we aint exactly MATES. Fuck the holocaust is what we always sing.
Fackin fack off are we bollocks he's a fackin bubble :mad
Dhimmi said:
Happy to delight you by not being quite as tedious as you've been by endlessly repeating inaccuracies whilst ignoring any point put to you throughout that time.

The business of promoting anti-jewish propoganda must be a lonely pursuit. I've always seen neo-nazi supporters as misguided, ignorant and socially inept.

Thanks to you I can add sad and lonely to that list. :p
For your information Dhimmi - I'm Jewish, and my great-grandfather escaped the nazis. How does that square with your list?

Maybe you should think a bit before posting something ridiculous.
rorymac said:
If you spent all your life getting things wrong this would be how you would always have seen neo nazis and then you would carry on being even more incorrect. You'll get promoted forever and never go wrong Dave. You can celebrate capitalism all you like but we're gonna get ya so you better fuckin watch it.
Dr Jazz is a fuckin good lookin bloke with a proper sized hooter .. it aint just us yids got em .. he's a gooner for example. So we aint exactly MATES I don't think :confused:
Fackin fack off are we bollocks he's a fackin bubble :mad

quoted for prosperity :D
Jazzz: This thread has only harmed your cause as we've taken the time to pin down and obliterate the myriad of lies that you repeat without thinking. Are you really that far removed from reality that you can't see you're wrong?
Jazzz said:
2) There is nothing anti-semitic on nineeleven.co.uk.

From nineeleven.co.uk, it was one click to here:

Interestingly, the Hexagram is also used to represent Saturn, which has been identified as the esoteric name for, “Satan.” Would this not indicate that anyone killed in the name of Israel is actually a sacrifice to their God, Satan? Furthermore, the Jewish Sabbath is on Saturday, which was originally known as Saturn’s Day.

So, to recap, the hexagram on the Israeli flag represents the number of the beast 666, it is an ancient representation of Satan, also known as Saturn, and the Jewish weekly religious day is Saturn’s Day.

The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenburg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbruck, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt.

And plenty more at www.synagogueofsatan.com

Are you sure you want to throw your lot in with these 'truth-seekers'?
I don't accept this and am calling for a proper investigation. Then maybe people can be accused as a result of that.

That's just it Jazz, you don't. Just as with the 7/7 stuff, you don't want a full and frank enquiry, you want something to back up all your claims and assertions, and that unless said enquiry delivered on those you would proclaim it worthless - just like Fayed proclaimed the Met report into Diana's death as being worthless because he didn't agree with it's findings. Just the same as Kennedy assasination types won't accept the rebuttals of the magic bullet (the seating in the car was offset), or any of the other conspiracies that constantly get aired.

You've shown it on this thread, on the BBC thread and on others, that you have already concluded that it was an inside job, by the USG, and are trying to fit evidence around that idea - hell, for all I know you were probably calling 'inside job' ON 9/11, just as you were 7/7!
The only successful inside job here is Jazzz being used as a mouthpiece for anti-semitic lies and myths put forward by the Barnes Report and American Free Press, upon which most of his lies are based.
pk said:
Fela Fan is just the yapping lapdog outside the caravan of reality.

And pk takes pleasure in attempting to inflict hurt and humiliation on other people.

If i'm yapping, you're snarling and biting and ripping to shreds.
Bob_the_lost said:
If you have anything more than empty snipes and childish taunts then pony up. If not then don't waste my time and everyone's bandwidth.

No, you don't waste time by reading my posts. Bung me on ignore then you won't lose time. Meanwhile don't be so presumptious in speaking for everyone else. What are you, a mouthpiece?

Now just sort your act out man.
fela fan said:
And pk takes pleasure in attempting to inflict hurt and humiliation on other people.

Or you could look at it another way: pk takes pleasure in ripping apart offensive anti-semitic theories and paranoid conspiracy myths that are exposed as such within 3 minutes Googling.

If that offends you - good. Fuck you and goodnight.
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