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9/11 media happenings

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That aircraft is represented on their radar scope from the time it takes off to the time it lands. Even little puddle-jumpers out of our local airports. NORAD tracks all these aircraft. They have the world’s most sophisticated radar.

He clearly missed the Pentagon's uncovered wriggling regarding this and budget cuts then...
kyser_soze said:
He clearly missed the Pentagon's uncovered wriggling regarding this and budget cuts then...
paimei01's post just proves the desperation of his cause.

What possible relevance can there be to the five years too late mumblings of an ex-air traffic controller who's been retired for quarter of a century?

There's loads of ATC's still in active service. Why he's ignoring all their opinions in preference to this blokes?
Coincindences about 9/11 :
1. Rumsfeld changes the preocedure
2. The new procedure does not work
3. The old procedure was better.
In 2000 there were 60 planes intercepted over the US because all in less than 20 minutes. They were not hijacked and none of them were shot down.
MiekMcc, yes crowded for me, for someone who works as an air traffic controller no. I am sure they have enough people, there is not just one there who is overwhelmed by the number of planes.
Ok he is 5 years late - better than never, and you say he is retired for 25 years. That does not change what I wrote above about what Rumsfeld did and the other "coincindences". If I start searching I am sure I will find so many coincidences about 9/11 that I don't know where to put them
All "coincidences"
Rumsfeld made many, many changes to the US military and how it operates, mainly to concentrate power away from the Joint Chiefs and into the White House, or more specifically him which was completely tied into his personal vision for the development of the US military both from a technological/materiel POV - it's not like his decision to change this was made in isolation.
paimei01 said:
Ok he is 5 years late - better than never, and you say he is retired for 25 years. That does not change what I wrote above about what Rumsfeld did and the other "coincindences". If I start searching I am sure I will find so many coincidences about 9/11 that I don't know where to put them
All "coincidences"
You haven't answered why you're taking time to cut and paste the half-a-decade late ramblings of an air traffic controller who has been retiured for half a century while ignoring all the opinions of the current, serving ATCs, some of whom were working during 9/11.

Why is that, exactly?

You see that kind of highly selective quoting makes it look like far from being an honest 'truth seeker,' you're desperate to skew the truth and try and misrepresent events.

Why is that exactly?
Andy the Don said:

Now after the first plane crashed. Let's see what the screen would look like after all planes were ordered to land at the nearest airport & the hijacked planes had turned off their transponders.

I can't remember at what point the planes were ordered to land, I'll have to look at the timelines later.

But even when that was given, the planes have to be given new routes, stacked as each lands in turn, finding parking for the landing aircraft on the fly. All of that takes time, so no it wouldn't clear for some time.

IIRC, the aircraft I was travelling in started circling and was doing so for at least an hour before we got diverted to Halifax. There were 44 airliners diverted there (I posted a pic of them parked on the runway earlier), that lot to a long time to land.
You call what he says "ramblings". Why ? Give me a link with what a flight controller from today says about 9/11.
From what my link says, they could have easily intercepted those planes 25 years ago.
Imagine enemy planes, or nuclear missles. Sure thing they have no transponders and do not inform anybody about where or when they come. That is what they can track and intercept. With all the civil traffic that will be in the sky at the time (because the enemy does not announce them to land), they can still find and intercept them, that is their purpose
paimei01 said:
You call what he says "ramblings". Why ? Give me a link with what a flight controller from today says about 9/11.
From what my link says, they could have easily intercepted those planes 25 years ago.
Imagine enemy planes, or nuclear missles. Sure thing they have no transponders and do not inform anybody about where or when they come. That is what they can track and intercept. With all the civil traffic that will be in the sky at the time (because the enemy does not announce them to land), they can still find and intercept them, that is their purpose
25 years ago the budget for NORAD was far higher. The number of centers was far higher. The readiness was far higher. Does none of that register? Have you not read a single thing about the state of NORAD in 2001?
paimei01 said:
You call what he says "ramblings". Why ? Give me a link with what a flight controller from today says about 9/11.
From what my link says, they could have easily intercepted those planes 25 years ago.
Imagine enemy planes, or nuclear missles. Sure thing they have no transponders and do not inform anybody about where or when they come. That is what they can track and intercept. With all the civil traffic that will be in the sky at the time (because the enemy does not announce them to land), they can still find and intercept them, that is their purpose

Right final time I am saying this..

NORAD tracks missiles coming into continental North America using tracking stations dotted around the globe (eg Fylingdales). Therefore the NORAD radar system is like a doughnut with continental North America being the hole in the middle ie they do not expect missile attacks to be launched from inside continental North America. Therefore there is no NORAD radar coverage pointing inwards.
paimei01 said:
You call what he says "ramblings". Why ? Give me a link with what a flight controller from today says about 9/11.
From what my link says, they could have easily intercepted those planes 25 years ago.
Imagine enemy planes, or nuclear missles. Sure thing they have no transponders and do not inform anybody about where or when they come. That is what they can track and intercept. With all the civil traffic that will be in the sky at the time (because the enemy does not announce them to land), they can still find and intercept them, that is their purpose
You're an idiot.

Have a nice day :)
paimei01 said:
Who believes them ? They got home changed clothes and come back ? and know nothing about the extent of the damage ? Then they say they just escaped from WTC 5 ?
Sorry. Is this supposed to prove something? The clip hasn't even got a time stamp on it.
And they say they "dug their way out" of WTC 5 basement - which means they got out of there after the collapse if we trust them.
No dust on them, no shock, they look fresh, and say "we know nothing about the extent of the damage", and "We don't know if there are rescue workers there" and "we are going there to see the sitiuation"
paimei01 said:
And they say they "dug their way out" of WTC 5 basement - which means they got out of there after the collapse if we trust them.
No dust on them, no shock, they look fresh, and say "we know nothing about the extent of the damage", and "We don't know if there are rescue workers there" and "we are going there to see the sitiuation"
By Christ you're stupid. Or dishonest. Or blinded by a desire to be the Clever Guy Who Knows The Big Secret.

They look visibly shaken. They could have taken their jackets off. Even on that low res clip you can see dirt on the guy's collar and on the guy behind. And most people didn't have a fucking clue what was going on at the time.

But go on. make your big fact free point. What do you think this is all supposed to prove, Einstein?
Look, unless you're going to take the basic step of accepting when you've been proved wrong (as you have here with NORAD) people are going to get pissed off with you. Well, we're (meaning i and probably a few others) going to get pissed off with you anyway as you seem to have a list of all the stupid fruitloop videos ever made and keep posting them up, but if you ignore us then we're going to get annoyed quicker. Engage in reasonable debate rather than dropping a point like a rock as soon as you look like you might have been talking utter shit and you're going to wear out any good will very, very quickly.

Frankly i don't think you're going to last more than a month at the outside before you get banned for being incredibly thick and claiming the ed did it all but this wouldn't be the first time i've been wrong.
Look again at that video , they lie.I don't know what it proves. First gather the evidence then find what happened - that is how it should work.
Do you want me to show you a confession from Bush to believe me ? That would be on the news before I could post it here.
I cannot discuss with out some videos, they are the best proof I have, I don't have steel from ground zero to attach here.

Here. Rumsfeld confesses that flight 93 was shot down. He knows the truth and he slips.
paimei01 said:
Here. Rumsfeld confesses that flight 93 was shot down. He knows the truth and he slips.
You're getting really, really boring now, fantasy boy.

Stop posting up random clips and try producing some real, compelling evidence from credible, grown-up sources.
Tell me how would that real evidence look like ? I told you, Bush confessing would be first on the news ,then here.
The videos above are clips from tv, very credible
paimei01 said:
Tell me how would that real evidence look like ? I told you, Bush confessing would be first on the news ,then here.
The videos above are clips from tv, very credible
I got it wrong, i give you two weeks.

Are you really so stupid as to not understand why your links are worthless? If so i'll explain in small words for you.
Why does Rumsfeld say "shot down over Pennsylvania" ? Did he watched "conspiracy" videos and got the ideea from there ? Why are they worthless ? You want to go with the official explanation which does not investigate nothing, just "terrorist attack ! Boom ! We go to war !"
You're spouting this shite on other sites too. Above top secret, peak oil, the same C&Ps the same lack of response the same date of creation of account.

Serrial troll?
paimei01 said:
Why does Rumsfeld say "shot down over Pennsylvania" ? Did he watched "conspiracy" videos and got the ideea from there ? Why are they worthless ? Y
Al this has been discussed to death already. If you haven't got any new, credibly sourced evidence (and that doesn't include random YouTube clips) then kindly desist regurgitating the same drivel.

From Above Top Secret I found out about these, it was not I who posted there first. I am not the only one in the world who thinks 9/11 was an inside job, check that forum you will find out more.
In 2006 I saw some 9/11 videos on google video, until then I was pro Bush, when others said to me that he is stupid and the war is wrong I said "he is a good president, gets things done, kills the bad guys" . After I saw those videos my view about the world changed.
As you have seen Bob the Lost I started posting on many forums, in most cases it was not I who opened the first thread about 9/11
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