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9/11 media happenings

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detective-boy said:
So why do you encourage Jazzz in his hot air ramblings which are far more likely to prevent either of these things happening for the reasons previously posted ... :confused:

DB, nothing any of us on this tiny corner of the internet world will have the slightest effect on anything to do with 911.

I don't encourage jazzz, i admire his courage and the tonnes of work he's done on reading up on the attacks. Whether i agree with him or not is irrelevant. I notice how he politely calls his side of the story and i notice the bile that is thrown back his way.
fela fan said:
How funny. Do you realise this is just as barking as the conspiracy stuff you have so much contempt for?

You've turned into one of the people you so despise pk.

I understand you struggle with reading plain English so I'll be civil: nowhere have I stated any of my speculative theories as fact, nor tried to pass them off as fact.

I have offered logical and rational explanations, but you will see if you read back I use the phrases "may have" and "could have" rather than attempt to make statements of fact.

This is my whole problem with people who talk jizzz.

They are coming here and saying "this happened, that happened" or "it didn't happen like that" before scuttling off to search more anti-semitic websites to back up their bullshit definitive conclusions.
Starting threads like "9/11 - here's how they did it!", which infers at the very least a modicum of proven fact.

So I disagree, I have not gone bonkers and become a brainwashed sheep like so many otherwise rational members of the truthseeker cult - I am merely offering alternative ideas.

Interesting to see how you are quick to suggest that my ideas are "barking" even though I backed them up with pretty conclusive evidence in the form of photographs, yet you'll stick up for Jazzzbot with all his "Huntley Is Innocent!" bullshit.

In any case - I'd like you to point out precisely which part of the post you quoted is indeed "barking", because it makes perfect sense to me - having actually seen high quality enhanced footage of the plane hitting in slo-mo I can tell you for a fact you can 100 percent definitely definitely observe the cockpit emerge from the opposite side of the tower before the fuel ignites, blowing everything from the core of that ignition away.

See if you can do that instead of your usual trick of sneering from the sidelines yet adding nothing to the actual discourse.
pk said:
In any case - I'd like you to point out precisely which part of the post you quoted is indeed "barking", because it makes perfect sense to me - having actually seen high quality enhanced footage of the plane hitting in slo-mo I can tell you for a fact you can 100 percent definitely definitely observe the cockpit emerge from the opposite side of the tower before the fuel ignites, blowing everything from the core of that ignition away.

See if you can do that instead of your usual trick of sneering from the sidelines yet adding nothing to the actual discourse.

Keep yer 'air on mate. I've never said your post was barking. You tell me i've trouble reading plain english, but you seem to be having the same problem. I wrote: "this is just as barking as the conspiracy stuff". So, if i don't consider the conspiracy stuff to be barking, then nor is what you wrote. One equates to the other. It makes perfect sense to you, yes. But those 'barking' conspiracies you don't like i'm sure make perfect sense to them. Geddit man???

Now, as for that last paragraph of yours, it lets you down mate. When you're not doing your own sneering and denigrating of others (again, you call others for what you yourself do so much of), and calling for the electric chair, then you have pretty sound views.

But with such ridiculous subjective outpourings as these, you kinda block your good views.
pk said:
Interesting to see how you are quick to suggest that my ideas are "barking" even though I backed them up with pretty conclusive evidence in the form of photographs, yet you'll stick up for Jazzzbot with all his "Huntley Is Innocent!" bullshit.

I was talking about your ideas about the passport escaping from the cockpit. You showed no photos or evidence of this at all. And just look here mate, you see a photo and call it 'pretty conclusive evidence'. Is this not exactly what those pesky 'conspiranoids' do as well? Can you really not see you do just as they do? Your photo is evidence, their photo is photoshopped...

Incidentally, to continue with your conjecture about the hijacker's passport flying out of the cockpit window. How many people carry their passport on them rather than in a bag in the overhead locker? And where are the pilots' passports?

As for jazzz, i stick up for him yes at times (although i'm sure he doesn't need me to), and often i agree with him, sometimes i don't. I never wrote a thing about huntley, let's just stick to 911 eh.

You'd do yourself a favour by not getting so het up over a poster on an internet bulletin board.
fela fan said:
Now, as for that last paragraph of yours, it lets you down mate. When you're not doing your own sneering and denigrating of others (again, you call others for what you yourself do so much of), and calling for the electric chair, then you have pretty sound views.

I'll sneer at anyone who insults the biggest single loss of innocent life to terrorism ever witnessed just to sell t-shirts to holocaust deniers.

And nowhere have I ever, ever called for the electric chair, it's a disgusting device.

Tell a lie - I once suggested George Bush should be executed on it, seeing as he spent much of his time as Governor of Texas laughing at those on death row awaiting their turn to take a seat.

But no - my preferred methods of death for those people who are plainly surplus to the requirements of happy human co-existence I like to think are a little more creative than that.

Back to the photo - if you believe that the high resolution picture shows two men examining a seat cover then it stands to reason that a passport could have survived the blast and fluttered down to street level.

If you believe that picture was photoshopped in any way, then I suspect you are the only person on earth who believes that to be the case.

Oh and I never let my passport out of my reach, in most countries you need to be able to provide ID if stopped by cops, so I would never have it in an overhead bag, especially not in the USA.
pk said:
Back to the photo - if you believe that the high resolution picture shows two men examining a seat cover then it stands to reason that a passport could have survived the blast and fluttered down to street level.

If you believe that picture was photoshopped in any way, then I suspect you are the only person on earth who believes that to be the case.

Oh and I never let my passport out of my reach, in most countries you need to be able to provide ID if stopped by cops, so I would never have it in an overhead bag, especially not in the USA.

I haven't stated that i believe any particular picture to be photoshopped.

Incidentally you said that the passport could have blown free since it was in the cockpit which came out the other side before the fuel ignited.

Was the toilet seat in the cockpit too?

As for carrying your passport around with you everywhere, including on planes, well, the lad in the cockpit was about to kill himself, so he wouldn't need to act like yourself.

This is all conjecture, and i'm merely here to demonstrate that those who hurl abuse at the 'conspiranoids' are doing the very same things they accuse others of. Just like monbiot.
fela fan said:
I haven't stated that i believe any particular picture to be photoshopped.

Incidentally you said that the passport could have blown free since it was in the cockpit which came out the other side before the fuel ignited.

Was the toilet seat in the cockpit too?

Do what?? What would that have to do with anything????

As for carrying your passport around with you everywhere, including on planes, well, the lad in the cockpit was about to kill himself, so he wouldn't need to act like yourself.

How do you know this? Conjecture?

This is all conjecture, and i'm merely here to demonstrate that those who hurl abuse at the 'conspiranoids' are doing the very same things they accuse others of. Just like monbiot.

No. They aren't concluding blanket statements - unlike the conspiranoids who invent facts they are providing reasonable logicaal alternatives based uopn evidence.
You know what fela, none of us have a copy of the debris field map with little notes with forensic teams arrows with labels saying things like 'Item 1,00,017; 3x3x2cm section of desk' so banging on about this passport is pointless - they can and do survive, there are ample examples of paper documents surviving plane crashes - hell there are examples of human beings surviving severe plane crashes! Why is this so unexpected? Has anyone even thought to ask how many other items of personal effects from the planes have been recovered? It's not like Attas' passport is the only item to survive is it? If it was then yes, you could probably argue that it's dodgy, but it isn't, it's one of 000s, probably 00,000s of pieces of debris that were scattered by the impact and explosion.
BBC has reported that WTC 7 has collapsed before it collapsed, then they had "technical difficulties".
With this the truth is revealed, the story was made before 9/11, but BBC got the timing wrong, resulting in "news from the future"
The movie is here :


More about it here :
paimei01 said:
BBC has reported that WTC 7 has collapsed before it collapsed, then they had "technical difficulties".
With this the truth is revealed, the story was made before 9/11, but BBC got the timing wrong, resulting in "news from the future"
Yes, that's right dear. The entire British Broadcasting Corporation were on it it too.

fruitloop link said:
An anonymous patriot has located and disseminated footage of the BBC's broadcast on 9/11....I told my TIME-reading, Dateline NBC-watching mom about this story tonight, and she seemed genuinely unnerved
Quality reporting!
Oh, and according to one of those links, Google are in on it too!

I'll tell you what: I'm feeling distinctly left out now because it seems every other fucker on the planet's all playing a part in this amazing conspiracy. Google, the BBC, experts and governments all around the world, eyewitnesses, WTC staff, half of the demolition industry and fuck knows who else.

What happened to my invite?
paimei01 said:
BBC has reported that WTC 7 has collapsed before it collapsed, then they had "technical difficulties".
With this the truth is revealed, the story was made before 9/11, but BBC got the timing wrong, resulting in "news from the future"

A new 'loon'. We haven't had one of them for while! :D
editor said:
Oh, and according to one of those links, Google are in on it too!

I'll tell you what: I'm feeling distinctly left out now because it seems every other fucker on the planet's all playing a part in this amazing conspiracy. Google, the BBC, experts and governments all around the world, eyewitnesses, WTC staff, half of the demolition industry and fuck knows who else.

What happened to my invite?
you mistook it for spam and binned it?:confused:
Lock&Light said:
A new 'loon'. We haven't had one of them for while! :D
is it possible to make new loons read through all old 911 threads before posting and confine themselves to stuff that hasn't already been utterly discredited?

not quite sure how that'd go in the FAQ's though...:confused:
This story I am sure it was not discussed here, I am new on this board and I registered with the purpose of posting about it, because the story is new, it appeared just 20 hours ago .
Yes the BBC is in on it, please comment the video not the implications, first look at the evidence then discover the criminal, isn't that how an investigation works ?
I have never seen "news from the future" on tv, but here they are. What more proof would somebody want ?
The video is on google now, maybe they are not involved.
You registered on this website with the intention of posting this link alone? Jeepers, there are some tragic, single-issue obsessed numpties out there.

Have you ever considered the option that the timelines and footage could have been manipulated or misrepresented? Prison Planet isn't exactly a credible or dispassionate source...
tarannau said:
Have you ever considered the option that the timelines and footage could have been manipulated or misrepresented? Prison Planet isn't exactly a credible or dispassionate source...
Or maybe - gasp! - someone made a mistake in the chaos of conflicting reports that followed the events of 9/11?

No, I forgot. The news media are 100% accurate in absolutely everything if they make a vague comment that gives a conspiracy theorist hope, but when they report stuff that shows up their claims to be total bollocks, then they are 100% mere agents of the state, lackies, shills, and never to be trusted etc etc zzzzzzzzz
Do you think that if the government did 9/11 they had no plan for the media ? They would just let the people find out for themselves ? The story was made before 9/11 complete with the picture of Bin Laden.
Please explain the contents of the video, I think it is obvious : mistake then sudden "we lost the connection"
How can it be a mistake ? It is live video, the WTC 7 is right there behind the reporter and she says it collapsed and it was empty, and people knew it would collapse ? Nice mistake predicting the future
paimei01 said:
Do you think that if the government did 9/11 they had no plan for the media ? They would just let the people find out for themselves ? The story was made before 9/11 complete with the picture of Bin Laden.
Please explain the contents of the video, I think it is obvious : mistake then sudden "we lost the connection"
How can it be a mistake ? It is live video, the WTC 7 is right there behind the reporter and she says it collapsed and it was empty, and people knew it would collapse ? Nice mistake predicting the future

I think some of us are going to enjoy you. :D
paimei01 said:
Do you think that if the government did 9/11 they had no plan for the media ? They would just let the people find out for themselves ?
So do you think the entire world's media were also handed out press releases about 9./11 before it happened then?

At what level were these press releases given out? Was it just national media or would the New York Times have been pre-briefed too? And how about the Accrington Gazette? Would Jim of Gardeners World been tipped off?
editor said:
So do you think the entire world's media were also handed out press releases about 9./11 before it happened then?

At what level were these press releases given out? Was it just national media or would the New York Times have been pre-briefed too? And how about the Accrington Gazette? Would Jim of Gardeners World been tipped off?

Save your ammo on this one, ed. Let some other have the fun. :D
paimei01 said:
Do you think that if the government did 9/11 they had no plan for the media ?
Do you think Al Jazeera (based in Doha, Qatar) are in on it too? How about the Chinese press? The Russian media? It's odd that such an amazing conspiracy isn't being reported by news organisations completely out of the USA's control don't you think? Maybe because it's nonsense?
paimei01 said:
Do you think that if the government did 9/11 they had no plan for the media ? They would just let the people find out for themselves ? The story was made before 9/11 complete with the picture of Bin Laden.
Please explain the contents of the video, I think it is obvious : mistake then sudden "we lost the connection"
How can it be a mistake ? It is live video, the WTC 7 is right there behind the reporter and she says it collapsed and it was empty, and people knew it would collapse ? Nice mistake predicting the future

Okay here's another pluaisble explaination. Reports that WTC7 was in danger of collaspe were coming out throughout the day. A BBC reporter who's at least a mile away gets her facts mixed up. Or the graphics person in the gallery gets confused and hears "has collasped" when someone actualy said "Is about to collaspe".

Which is more plausible that you're adding dozens of BBC journalists, producers, engineers, editors, and technicans are also in on this. What's their motivation for keeping quiet?
paimei01 said:
This story I am sure it was not discussed here, I am new on this board and I registered with the purpose of posting about it, because the story is new, it appeared just 20 hours ago .
Coincidentally, just a few days after the BBC programme "The Conspiracy Files" comprehensively trashed all existing conspiraloonery ....

De De Da Da, De De Da Da ...
paimei01 said:
This story I am sure it was not discussed here, I am new on this board and I registered with the purpose of posting about it, because the story is new, it appeared just 20 hours ago .
Yes the BBC is in on it, please comment the video not the implications, first look at the evidence then discover the criminal, isn't that how an investigation works ?
I have never seen "news from the future" on tv, but here they are. What more proof would somebody want ?
The video is on google now, maybe they are not involved.
I can't see any evidence of anything wierd in those YouTube videos. What exactly am I meant to be noticing about the BBC coverage?
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