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9/11 media happenings

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8den said:
Do you know how many planes are over the Eastern SeaBoard, on any given morning?

Go on, let us in on the secret.

But you might also tell us how many planes over the eastern seaboard fly left and right and round and up and down...

on any given morning like.
fela fan said:
Go on, let us in on the secret.

But you might also tell us how many planes over the eastern seaboard fly left and right and round and up and down...

on any given morning like.

Hundreds. Its like a 3 dimensional traffic jam.
fela fan said:
And you really have no idea how to follow discourse have you?
Oh dear god no, don't address the points, No! Facts! RUN!

More scary things for you: There were around 4500 planes being monitored by air traffic controllers at the time.
Bob_the_lost said:
Oh dear god no, don't address the points, No! Facts! RUN!

More scary things for you: There were around 4500 planes being monitored by air traffic controllers at the time.

Er bob, let's put a few things straight for you. I've read tonnes on this subject, and been posting up on it for five years on urban. I've also made it a point to discuss the events of that september morning with as many people as possible that come through the town i live in. This happens to be made up of a good cross-section of nationalities and ages.

I'm also pretty bored with it after so long, but these days posting on 911 threads still holds out more entertainment than anything else in the politics forums.

And bob, read the discourse mate, look at the posts i'm replying to, check out the context. And stop assuming what i know or don't know. Because your assumptions every time are wrong.
8den said:
Hundreds. Its like a 3 dimensional traffic jam.

And at any one time, how many are actually travelling using all the three dimensions?? Rather than a single height course, or straight line course?

Probably that morning, just four planes...

And certainly air traffic control noticed this, coz they told the relevant authorities.

Who then fucked up, or chose to fuck up.
fela fan said:
And at any one time, how many are actually travelling using all the three dimensions?? Rather than a single height course, or straight line course?

Probably that morning, just four planes...

And certainly air traffic control noticed this, coz they told the relevant authorities.

Who then fucked up, or chose to fuck up.
A fair portion since quite a few will be light aircraft, military traffic or helicopters that don't use routes in the way that airliners do. You also get false returns from clutter that appear and disappear. Also, without the transponders, the FAA radars don't have height information which makes things really confusing.
fela fan said:
I've read tonnes on this subject, and been posting up on it for five years on urban.

No you haven't... you've been reading plenty but IIRC you've offered no insights into what happened whatsoever, other than "Jazzz shouldn't be called nasty names just because he spreads anti-semitic propaganda around".

Don't pretend to be some kind of 9/11 expert.

I've also made it a point to discuss the events of that september morning with as many people as possible that come through the town i live in. This happens to be made up of a good cross-section of nationalities and ages.

Yeah, and I'll bet they're dead chuffed to meet you. :rolleyes:

I'm also pretty bored with it after so long, but these days posting on 911 threads still holds out more entertainment than anything else in the politics forums.

I was wondering where your trademark snide dig was going to appear.

And bob, read the discourse mate, look at the posts i'm replying to, check out the context. And stop assuming what i know or don't know. Because your assumptions every time are wrong.

Well here's me assuming you know fuck all other than what you have read on the internet, I doubt you've even been to New York, and the only images you base opinions on are the grainy little WMV files found on Rense.com.
fela fan said:
Er bob, let's put a few things straight for you. I've read tonnes on this subject, and been posting up on it for five years on urban. I've also made it a point to discuss the events of that september morning with as many people as possible that come through the town i live in. This happens to be made up of a good cross-section of nationalities and ages.

I'm also pretty bored with it after so long, but these days posting on 911 threads still holds out more entertainment than anything else in the politics forums.

And bob, read the discourse mate, look at the posts i'm replying to, check out the context. And stop assuming what i know or don't know. Because your assumptions every time are wrong.
And you haven't learnt anything from your reading. Your post makes no sense at all. All four planes were noticed when the transponders were turned off, procedures were followed. Your question shows that no matter how much you claim to have read you have failed to understand. Context be damned it makes no sense and makes you look like you have no idea what went on.

As does your question on how planes were moving on the day, just four planes? How dare you say my assumptions are always wrong when you trot out this unmittigated bollocks without thinking.

You've never engaged me on anything other than adhominems. I have no faith in your ability to behave in any other manner.
fela fan said:
Er bob, let's put a few things straight for you. I've read tonnes on this subject, and been posting up on it for five years on urban. I've also made it a point to discuss the events of that september morning with as many people as possible that come through the town i live in. This happens to be made up of a good cross-section of nationalities and ages.

Yep, you meet some characters in north Thailand alright...:D
pk said:
No you haven't... you've been reading plenty but IIRC you've offered no insights into what happened whatsoever, other than "Jazzz shouldn't be called nasty names just because he spreads anti-semitic propaganda around".

Don't pretend to be some kind of 9/11 expert.

Yeah, and I'll bet they're dead chuffed to meet you. :rolleyes:

I was wondering where your trademark snide dig was going to appear.

Well here's me assuming you know fuck all other than what you have read on the internet, I doubt you've even been to New York, and the only images you base opinions on are the grainy little WMV files found on Rense.com.

More assumptions.

I've been to new york once, although i fail to see why that has anything to do with this thread.

I am no 911 expert, and have never pretended to be, nor pretended to be anything. What do you pretend to be? I mean, for you to accuse me of bullshit like this means that it's part of your very own psyche.

The people i meet will at least meet somebody without a tonne of bile and vindictiveness to confront.

My trademark dig??? That's as rich as it gets coming from you, the master of nastiness and downright hatred.

As for images, i don't give any of them any credence. Too much photoshopping going on.

And if you think i only source my insights into 911 from the internet, then that's up to you mate.

Now, quit making an ass of yourself with so many wrong assumptions about me. Nothing you've said is right, with the possible exception of making snide remarks. But with the likes of you and that lost bob man around that seems almost impossible to avoid.

And yes, this is a typical 911 post. Welcome to the machine.
Bob_the_lost said:
You've never engaged me on anything other than adhominems. I have no faith in your ability to behave in any other manner.

Well mate, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TALKING TO ME THEN???? You like these ad thingies???

If you can't get any sense out of me, quit bothering. Go pester somebody else man.
Yossarian said:
Yep, you meet some characters in north Thailand alright...:D

You most certainly seem to be inferring that folk coming here are not worth listening to.

And unless you're simply joking, your comment says far more about you than the people you appear to be disparaging.

But taking your words at face value, yes, i do meet some characters. Fascinating ones too. All ages. From all countries. Great to hear a mix of ideas and experiences and opinions.

And on 911, it's remarkably similar.
fela fan said:
But taking your words at face value, yes, i do meet some characters. Fascinating ones too. All ages. From all countries. Great to hear a mix of ideas and experiences and opinions.

And on 911, it's remarkably similar.
That's amazing because here in London we never get to meet anyone from any other backgrounds/nationalities. Thank goodness you're here to give us the opinion of holidaying hippies!
fela fan said:
And on 911, it's remarkably similar.
Same here. Most people don't give a fuck about the barking loonies.
fela fan said:
Well mate, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TALKING TO ME THEN???? You like these ad thingies???

If you can't get any sense out of me, quit bothering. Go pester somebody else man.
I live in hope that you'll change your ways. You talk crap and i point it out. Get used to it.
fela fan said:
You most certainly seem to be inferring that folk coming here are not worth listening to.

And unless you're simply joking, your comment says far more about you than the people you appear to be disparaging.

I'm talking more about the farang who've made it there home, not the backpackers passing through. Most of them are interesting, many of them are sound people - and a lot of them have spent a bit too long in the sun or on the Yadong or something...plenty of eccentrics around, anyway.
editor said:
That's amazing because here in London we never get to meet anyone from any other backgrounds/nationalities. Thank goodness you're here to give us the opinion of holidaying hippies!

Oi, editor, you're just jealous. Either that or you just don't get out and about in london. Too much time on urban i guess.

As for your 'holidaying hippies', far out man. Most people i meet live here. Nothing to do with holidays. And none of them remotely fit the hippy bill you talk so disparagingly about.

You're easier to read than an abc book for two year olds.
Yossarian said:
I'm talking more about the farang who've made it there home, not the backpackers passing through. Most of them are interesting, many of them are sound people - and a lot of them have spent a bit too long in the sun or on the Yadong or something...plenty of eccentrics around, anyway.

That's probably a fair description. Far better than the previous one anyway!

And nowt wrong with eccentrics...
Bob_the_lost said:
I live in hope that you'll change your ways. You talk crap and i point it out. Get used to it.

If you speak sense, i'll change my ways.

However, you concentrate on dishing out insults, so i shan't be changing my ways over what you say mate, so stop living in hope, or you'll just remain hopeless.

Nice to know you care so much about me though. I mean, i'm a total stranger. Kudos man.
fela fan said:
If you speak sense, i'll change my ways.

However, you concentrate on dishing out insults, so i shan't be changing my ways over what you say mate, so stop living in hope, or you'll just remain hopeless.

Nice to know you care so much about me though. I mean, i'm a total stranger. Kudos man.
Awww, is poor fela feeling put upon? How many times have you been able to correct my posts on a factual basis? How many times have i done exactly that on your baseless ramblings?
fela, one day you'll actually make a statement on this subject and then actually stand by what you've said, or admit you're wrong (which you are - despite all your reading, Bob's correct that you've failed to understand).

So jazz, where's your rebuttal of the 'boring' points raised by the Protec report. I recall you saying on the BBC time stamp thread that you thought it was worth little more than a couple of paragraphs...clearly it can't take too long, so it would be lovely if you could actually respond to the points it raises.

I'd recommend it to you as well fela...

http://www.implosionworld.com/Article-WTC STUDY 8-06 w clarif as of 9-8-06 .pdf
Bob_the_lost said:
Awww, is poor fela feeling put upon? How many times have you been able to correct my posts on a factual basis? How many times have i done exactly that on your baseless ramblings?

Bob, i just don't give a fuck about your posts. I've never had a discussion with you that didn't begin with you coming in rubbishing something i'm saying.

I have no idea how many facts you come up with, all i ever see from you is insults.

Now listen here factman, if you're full of facts, then obviously i cannot match that. So just go on knowing, and leave me to deal in my ramblings and not knowing. I'm quite happy the way i am thanks.

And kyser, you're wrong as usual, but unfortunately my internet time is up for tonight. It's run out. Mebbe i'll get back soon...
fela fan said:
Bob, i just don't give a fuck about your posts. I've never had a discussion with you that didn't begin with you coming in rubbishing something i'm saying....

Have you ever had a discussion (on Urban) which didn't result in everyone (almost) coming in to rubbish what you say?
fela fan said:
Bob, i just don't give a fuck about your posts. I've never had a discussion with you that didn't begin with you coming in rubbishing something i'm saying.
Of course i am. There's no point in joining a thread and saying "yeah, you're dead right", it's pointless brown nosing. Start getting your facts right and we'll stop having these chats.
fela fan said:
Now listen here factman, if you're full of facts, then obviously i cannot match that. So just go on knowing, and leave me to deal in my ramblings and not knowing. I'm quite happy the way i am thanks.
You keep trying to dabble in information and facts. If you stop doing that then i won't keep correcting you.

What sort of person likes living in ignorance?
While we're all going on about this subject, somewhere in this lot is the plane I was in on the day.


(posted on www.aero-farm.com)
kyser_soze said:
Whatever, just read the report I linked out too...

Why should i read that kyser? I've never said any building had explosives in it. I don't go down that route of things over 911. All i know is that planes went into buildings and buildings collapsed. Obviously i find the wtc7 a bit strange, but still, have no idea what caused that to collapse. Maybe explosives, maybe not. I personally find it very difficult to envision both explosives being wired into the two wtc buildings, and also that wtc7 could have collapsed without exlposives.

All this nonsense about facts and that some have them, while others are on conjecture or conspiracy theory nonsense: bollocks i say. Nobody on here has any facts at all. Yet i see the likes of bob and editor and many many others rubbishing posters for not having facts. Same as you kyser in this case.

Let me ask you: do you take that report to mean the buildings were not wired? Is that report enough fact and evidence for you?

Why are folk here ready to rely upon the testimony and 'evidence' of those who purport to be experts?

There's only one certain thing for me: the yanks had tonnes of intelligence telling them what was coming up.

They either wilfully ignored it (= lihop or mihop), or they developed intelligence-fatigue.
Lock&Light said:
Have you ever had a discussion (on Urban) which didn't result in everyone (almost) coming in to rubbish what you say?

Why don't you answer this ridiculous question yourself lock.

My answer, since you asked, is of course, hundreds of times. I even get the opposite mate.

My other answer is that if anybody wants to rubbish what i say, then welcome. No problem. If i spout rubbish or spray perfume with my language, it's all the same. Who cares?
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