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9/11 media happenings

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You're the one bashing the messenger.

Don't you think there's some truth in the fact that idiotic fantasies about controlled demolition/space weapons/etc are making it difficult for people to question the Bush administration's fuck-ups and exploitation of 9/11?
fela fan said:
It's true to form i suppose, bash the messenger, avoid/twist the message.
Looks like he's got you riled good'n'proper, but no matter how many ad hominems you cluelessly try and pile up against him, he's more respected and has been more politically active than the whole UK "truth" movement put together - and then squared to infinity.

You give me one real achievement of the UK truth movement. What have they ever done apart from regurgitate fact-free conspiraloon bonkers shit from lunatics across the pond?

|And the antics of some of those cunts concerning 7/7 was beyond despicable.

Notably, their site still carries Holocaust-denying material too. Tell me how's that furthering the quest to find the truth about 9/11, fela.
Anyway... has Jazzzz come out and said whether he thinks his favourite movie Loose Change, funded by holocaust-deniers and depending on their lie service, was made by stupid men or evil men?

Thought not.
Yossarian said:
You're the one bashing the messenger.

Don't you think there's some truth in the fact that idiotic fantasies about controlled demolition/space weapons/etc are making it difficult for people to question the Bush administration's fuck-ups and exploitation of 9/11?

Show me where i'm bashing this messenger please.

Yes i agree, there may be some truth in that. But monbiot was not using language like 'some' in his article.

Furthermore, just how prevalent are such stories in the mainstream media in the UK?
editor said:
Looks like he's got you riled good'n'proper, but no matter how many ad hominems you cluelessly try and pile up against him, he's more respected and has been more politically active than the whole UK "truth" movement put together - and then squared to infinity.

You give me one real achievement of the UK truth movement. What have they ever done apart from regurgitate fact-free conspiraloon bonkers shit from lunatics across the pond?

|And the antics of some of those cunts concerning 7/7 was beyond despicable.

Notably, their site still carries Holocaust-denying material too. Tell me how's that furthering the quest to find the truth about 9/11, fela.

No editor, he's not got me the slightest bit riled. I simply thought that article was pretty shoddy.

You might have missed the bit where i said i thought he was one of the better journalists...

I personally would be somewhat suspicious of anybody calling themselves 'the truth movement'. I don't think that would be conducive to actually getting to the truth, maybe even a hindrance.

I think the whole argument between, say, those in the monbiot camp, and those in the 'other' camp is what is helping bush and his cronies get away with whatever crimes they committed over the attacks, whether it be criminal negligence or complicitness.

In other words, monbiot himself is guilty of what he charges at those he disagrees with. He has succumbed to the very thing he is railing about: helping bush and blair get away with their crimes.
fela fan said:
I think the whole argument between, say, those in the monbiot camp, and those in the 'other' camp is what is helping bush and his cronies get away with whatever crimes they committed over the attacks, whether it be criminal negligence or complicitness.

I've never heard Monbiot described as being in a 'camp' before, until he disagreed with the 9/11Truthnutters...
Yossarian said:
I've never heard Monbiot described as being in a 'camp' before, until he disagreed with the 9/11Truthnutters...

I thought you used to be a teacher? In any case, i shan't give you any lessons on understanding the nature of providing examples to help make one's point.

Incidentally, calling anybody outside of the mental asylum a 'nutter' is as subjectively wrong as it gets when debating.
fela fan said:
I thought you used to be a teacher? In any case, i shan't give you any lessons on understanding the nature of providing examples to help make one's point.

Incidentally, calling anybody outside of the mental asylum a 'nutter' is as subjectively wrong as it gets when debating.

Oh dear. Grow up.

Anyone blindly swallowing shite like Loose Change without checking the source of the lies - anyone claiming to be a "truthseeker" for six years and quoting AFP sources only to find out two days ago that AFP are a front for an anti-semitic organisation pumping propaganda to the gullible morons who want to believe it so badly, it's like the X-Files nerds all over again.

And for Jazzz to have been making outlandish and false claims that are upsetting to the victims and survivors of 9/11 on the basis of AFP makes him a complete fucking wanker IMO.
THis 911 stuff is getting ridiculous. Ever since Bush's reelection, Alx JOnes has been banging on (every time i've heard him) about another terrorist attack - 'imminent' (ie another inside job). The whole thing is ridiculous; why use the pretext of flying planes into a building to hide a demolition job? There's no logic to it at all. If Bush wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan he would have anyway.
If YOU, the Mr Alex JOneses of the world, believe the conspiracy stuff then why didn't YOU warn people and stop it from happening (or at least try)?
fela fan said:
In other words, monbiot himself is guilty of what he charges at those he disagrees with. He has succumbed to the very thing he is railing about: helping bush and blair get away with their crimes.
This is truly desperate stuff.

Monbiot is a respected UK political journalist and there is no Monbiot 'camp.'

He has only recently spoken about conspiraloons - and I certainly understand his frustration there - and he runs no 9/11 campaign, website or bulletin board based on those beliefs.

After all, it's not him mailing up wild stories of invisible explosives and missile firing pretend planes and posting them up on a site that carries Holocaust denying material.

To suggest that he is somehow helping Bush and Blair get away with their crimes is beyond ridiculous and shows what little grasp you have of the subject.
On top of the Protec paper, I also found this site:


It has quite an interesting quote:

So do the Loizeauxs support the controlled demolition theory of the WTC collapses? No. Byles tells us:

On that cloudless September morning, the imminent collapse was horribly apparent to veteran implosion experts like Mark Loizeaux. Watching the events unfold on television, Mark knew immediately that the towers would fall. “Within a nanosecond. I said, ‘It’s coming down. And the second tower will fall first, because it was hit lower down,’” he recalled. “I thought, Somebody’s got to tell the fire department to get out of there. I picked up the phone, dialled 411, got the number, and tried it – busy. So I called the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management.” It was in 7 World Trade Centre. He couldn’t get through. [Rubble, p.252]
There is really no arguing with a faith-based system like the 9/11 cult, as this thread proves. The language, the huge leaps of logic and the desperate need to believe -- it isn't that much different from the fundamentalism that's currently doing the rounds is it?
Dirty Martini said:
There is really no arguing with a faith-based system like the 9/11 cult, as this thread proves. The language, the huge leaps of logic and the desperate need to believe -- it isn't that much different from the fundamentalism that's currently doing the rounds is it?

I argue with some "Intelligent Design" nutjobs on another board. There arguments run along similar lines to 911 troofers. Essentially they start with a hypothesis "911 was an inside job" or "there hand to be an creator life is too complex", and ignore or reject any science or argument that contradicts their beliefs, while gripping upon anything that helps support their belief no matter how tenious.

Christ arguing with troofers and IDers, no wonder my other hobby is smacking my head aganist a brick wall.
editor said:
After all, it's not him mailing up wild stories of invisible explosives and missile firing pretend planes and posting them up on a site that carries Holocaust denying material.

To suggest that he is somehow helping Bush and Blair get away with their crimes is beyond ridiculous and shows what little grasp you have of the subject.

If people are putting out wild stories of invisible explosives and missile firing pretend planes, then is this really worth responding to? In a major newspaper? Is it really worth any time at all? Why not just ignore it all?

No, instead monbiot has given credence to it by showing himself to have got affected by it. It is nothing.

And i refer to his 'camp' as an example of those people who get so het up over these invisible missiles and all the rest of the 'looney' stuff.

It is this argument from both sides, about the people rather than the message, that creates the smokescreen for the war criminals blair and bush.

As for my grasp on this subject, be it as it may.
fela fan said:
No, instead monbiot has given credence to it by showing himself to have got affected by it. It is nothing.

Monbiot is very clear about why he felt the need to comment on these people,
and it has nothing to do with giving them credence.
Dubversion said:
Monbiot is very clear about why he felt the need to comment on these people,
and it has nothing to do with giving them credence.

Nothing to do with it may have been his intention, but nevertheless, he has done so. By writing about them, and by getting all name-calling about it. Never the best way to solve an argument, but obviously a very political way since it's so commonplace.
fela fan said:
If people are putting out wild stories of invisible explosives and missile firing pretend planes, then is this really worth responding to? In a major newspaper? Is it really worth any time at all? Why not just ignore it all?
Err, because those claims were broadcast on a national TV station and he has - no doubt - been pestered by these loons for months.

So why the fuck shouldn't he express an opinion on a subject that is appearing both in the mainstream (albeit briefly) and in some elements of the alternative media (e.g indymedia)?

Monbiot has commented on UK activism for years, so the 9/11 loons are a thoroughly valid subject for him to write about. And far from 'giving them credence' he's shown them up for the sad, truth-distorting fucks they are. Good job, Monbiot!
The following was posted on a thread about evolution in the general forum.

Does it seem familiar to anyone? :)

fela fan said:
If people are putting out wild stories of invisible explosives and missile firing pretend planes, then is this really worth responding to? In a major newspaper? Is it really worth any time at all? Why not just ignore it all?

No, instead monbiot has given credence to it by showing himself to have got affected by it. It is nothing.

And i refer to his 'camp' as an example of those people who get so het up over these invisible missiles and all the rest of the 'looney' stuff.

It is this argument from both sides, about the people rather than the message, that creates the smokescreen for the war criminals blair and bush.

As for my grasp on this subject, be it as it may.
How does it create a smoke screen for them? Pretty much all of us here will slag them off for most of the things that they've done. We just don't see any plausible evidence to suggest a MIHOP / LIHOP conspiracy on the 9/11 issue. Exploitation of it and /or covering their arses, no problems accepting those points.
I'll tell you who's creating the smokescreen to protect Blair, Bush.

The masses of gullible muppets who think a missile hit the Pentagon, the 100 million fools who believe Loose Change is based on anything approaching fact, the people who had no interest in politics, structural engineering, holographic technology, seismology, or aeronautics who all of a sudden are "experts" in all the above as a result of reading warped and manipulated or just plain invented statistics surrounding 9/11.

Alex Jones and others are working for Bush to muddy the waters, I'm convinced.

That idiot is more than likely PAID by the Bush administration to create a smokescreen.

And these fucking conspiranoid muppets think they're actually challenging the Bush/Blair machine, instead of helping them out.
Dirty Martini said:
The language, the huge leaps of logic and the desperate need to believe -- it isn't that much different from the fundamentalism that's currently doing the rounds is it?

Letter to New Scientist said:
It is, for example, a feature of the loonier proposals that once you try to map out the details of the argument you find that long passages of minute and not-very-salient detail are interspersed with huge logical leaps on which enormous implications are hung. In other words, you don't need actual "green ink and no margins" to detect probable loonspuddery.

Those proposals that eventually pan out in the world are far more likely to exhibit narrative consistency - perhaps what Edward O. Wilson calls "consilience" in his book of that name.

From issue 2586 of New Scientist magazine, 13 January 2007, page 18-19

pk said:
Alex Jones and others are working for Bush to muddy the waters, I'm convinced.

More than possible.

Interestingly with the advent of the internet, more people get more news and thinking more of the time. Potentially the crimes of those in power can now be discovered more frequently than before. There is no corporate interest in what gets written on the internet.

Therefore it seems certain to me that there are those out there working for those in power, muddying the waters, creating diversions, and all the general propaganda type stuff. Sorting out the wood for the trees is not so easy.

Personally, i'd like a respected paper in the US or UK to investigate every single one of the incompetences/negligences by those paid to do their jobs that allowed those planes to roam around and hit their targets.

And i'd like an investigation into why reams and reams of intelligence from multi-sources were ignored.

Everything else i'm afraid is hot air.
fela fan said:
More than possible.

Interestingly with the advent of the internet, more people get more news and thinking more of the time. Potentially the crimes of those in power can now be discovered more frequently than before. There is no corporate interest in what gets written on the internet.

Therefore it seems certain to me that there are those out there working for those in power, muddying the waters, creating diversions, and all the general propaganda type stuff. Sorting out the wood for the trees is not so easy.

Personally, i'd like a respected paper in the US or UK to investigate every single one of the incompetences/negligences by those paid to do their jobs that allowed those planes to roam around and hit their targets.

And i'd like an investigation into why reams and reams of intelligence from multi-sources were ignored.

Everything else i'm afraid is hot air.

I believe that most of us will agree with you on that.
MikeMcc said:
We just don't see any plausible evidence to suggest a MIHOP / LIHOP conspiracy on the 9/11 issue. Exploitation of it and /or covering their arses, no problems accepting those points.

I've provided some many times over the last few years mike, but it's always ignored. Never rejected, never commented upon. Except for crispy a few days ago upon my last posting of the link.

The basic timeline should be put on every editor's desk. Furthermore, appropriate people and agencies should be tasked with finding names who failed in their responsibilities on 911, and charging them with criminal negligence.

Then with that twin avenue of investigation, we will find out once and for all whether it was negligence or complicitness.

The likes of monbiot falling into the same trap he accuses others of will never help in a million years.
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