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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Like I said, I applaud UKuncut and the occupation of Fortnum and Mason, but masked men dressed in black going around smashing shop windows? Looks more like Krystallnacht than a popular movement against tory cuts and it can only alienate support. Sinister stuff.

Resorting to abuse proves that you have no reasoned response to my argument. I'm not even sure who this Spymaster is to be honest, I don't spend all day with my head buried in this forum. I suppose he might be the petrolhead I had a run in with a couple of years ago.

Your right masked men going around smashing stuff up looks terrible. Most of the people you are arguing against have probably masked up at some point in their lives, and can't put themselves in the mindset of what most ordinary people think of it.
Your right masked men going around smashing stuff up looks terrible. Most of the people you are arguing against have probably masked up at some point in their lives, and can't put themselves in the mindset of what most ordinary people think of it.

I am an ordinary person who has never masked up and smashed stuff up in my life, and I'm all for it. And my mum's a Lib-Dem so nyer nyer
Your right masked men going around smashing stuff up looks terrible. Most of the people you are arguing against have probably masked up at some point in their lives, and can't put themselves in the mindset of what most ordinary people think of it.

Your gimp mask counts as well, you cunt.
Your right masked men going around smashing stuff up looks terrible. Most of the people you are arguing against have probably masked up at some point in their lives, and can't put themselves in the mindset of what most ordinary people think of it.

Nice smear job moon but I never have.
Nice smear job moon but I never have.

Like it or not the point is valid, the vast majority of the public dont condone it. I can understand appreciate peoples motivations to do it. However they are fooling themselves if they think it will actually effect change.
for Onket

Rally Against Debt

A well mannered, polite rally for civilised people who don't wish to see their hard earned money being spent on pointless government initiatives and instead would like government spending to actually fall and our national debt to be cut.

Any visits to Fortum and Mason's by protestors will only be to marvel at their selection of quality goods and perhaps make the occasional purchase.

Bonfires will be strictly forbidden: it's out of season anyway

Trips to see Vodafone and other high street chains will result in congratulations to the company for providing jobs and growth in the UK.

This is only a planning group at the moment and all subject to change.
Like it or not the point is valid, the vast majority of the public dont condone it. I can understand appreciate peoples motivations to do it. However they are fooling themselves if they think it will actually effect change.

was that the point? the point moon was making was about how people feel when confronted with masked people smashing things- and yes that would be fear, because you'd think they were after you personally. That doesn't translate into the vast majority not condoning it- it might be a valid assertion, I haven't polled the vast majority. But you've made a two-step paralogical leap from one thing to something else
He has drank with them before - really. They're pro-apartheid, strike breaking racist far right pricks. So good company.

yeah i just had a quick look at their website and about one scroll down i came across the phrase 'sub saharan blacks' in bold so my eyes pricked up a bit really. twats
Is there any actual evidence for this,as a humble electrician I know light bulbs are essentially a vacuum,how the fuck do you inject ammonia into a glass vacuum with out destroying it's structure,it would be no different than ammonia in any other container,a plastic bag or an McDonald's polystyrene container for instance.(of course ammonia would probably melt polystyrene)

I mentioned on another thread that I experimented with this sort of thing back when I was a kid. You can inject (through the bayonet cap) a single syringe-load of liquid into a lightbulb - the vacuum in the bulb in effect helps draw in the fluid. After that, though, you've lost the vacuum and it's extremely difficult to add any more, so at the very most, IF lightbulbs were chucked at all, they would have had about 20ml of ammonia in them. As I also mentioned, it's not exactly a quick process, so you'd need an extremely dedicated trouble-maker with a day to waste to produce a dozen of these, let alone enough for a "hail" of lightbulbs to rain down on the coppers.

Mind you, I suppose the "hail" could be like the "hail" of bottles that rained down on coppers after Ian Tomlinson was pushed to the ground, i.e. ONE.
I'm sure these people are very capable of working out what is avoidance and evasion based on their current understanding of the law, but HMRC make this incredibly difficult by rarely confirming what is or isn't legal behaviour.

HMRC enforce statute.
Anyone with a library card or an internet connection can look up tax statutes. HMRC don't need to confirm what is or isn't legal behaviour because that's what accountants and lawyers are paid to do.

Because I'm sure you're aware that the main issue with tax-dodging, at least in terms of tax avoidance schemes, is interpretational: A business pretty much makes a bet that their lawyer's interpretation of tax statutes won't be scrutinised and/or rebutted. Simplifying statute/code won't do anything to stop businesses taking a punt on getting one past HMRC. Having enough staff to police avoidance schemes, however, has been shown to minimise the number of times that business manages to score.
One minute you support peaceful occupation and direct action, but not the action/methods of the likes of the Black Bloc, then you're dissing UK Uncuts peaceful actions.

He's a Lib-Dem. It's hardly surprising he doesn't know whether he's coming or going!
There is a danger that the governemt could find themselves not having any business's to tax, They're scared that they will leave the country due to harsh taxation so I'm sceptical how far they will really go with it.

The net result of 30 years of businesses threatening to go elsewhere if conditions aren't changed is that fuck all of them have fucked off, even after the few times the government have been harsher on them, rather than feather-bedding and coddling them.
Like I said, I applaud UKuncut and the occupation of Fortnum and Mason, but masked men dressed in black going around smashing shop windows? Looks more like Krystallnacht than a popular movement against tory cuts and it can only alienate support. Sinister stuff.

And yet, for all the melodrama of your post, the only black-garbed people dragging folks off the street were the police.

By the way, Kristallnacht was the destruction of Jewish property in preparation for expropriation of remaining property, and detention of the jewish population, so congratulations on a piss-poor comparison, you dick.

Resorting to abuse proves that you have no reasoned response to my argument.

And your resorting to melodrama doesn't show that you have no argument?

I'm not even sure who this Spymaster is to be honest, I don't spend all day with my head buried in this forum. I suppose he might be the petrolhead I had a run in with a couple of years ago.

Yep, the petrolhead with more wit than you.
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