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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

I haven't read enough of their workings to decide. I'm sceptical as to what methodology they may have used because so many of these tax cases are subject to obscure points of European Law. I do think it's worth considering that taking £130Bn out of the private sector in the UK is going to have a wider affect on the economy.

So, in brief, you've dimissed a figure out of hand without doing any research - or the basics of reading how, why and from where that figure was derived. Fantastic. Do you know what - i could've swore that you'd promised to read the report (pdf) last year.
They are also the ones stamped on the hardest by being arrested, charged and possibly asbo'd from further demo's. Causing more of a threat than the BB

I'd say that some of them are also the ones making it easier for the TUC and others to isolate them from the wider movement by attempting to isolate the more aggressive protesters from their actions. Stupid game to be playing right now.
Well that's a result of their stupid tactics that allow them to be painted as a bunch of fringe nutters.

One minute you support peaceful occupation and direct action, but not the action/methods of the likes of the Black Bloc, then you're dissing UK Uncuts peaceful actions.
I'd say that some of them are also the ones making it easier for the TUC and others to isolate them from the wider movement by attempting to isolate the more aggressive protesters from their actions. Stupid game to be playing right now.

Who knows how much they benefited from the BB being there and the crossover of actions, people and ideas in the future when there was no need to dis really.
There is a danger that the governemt could find themselves not having any business's to tax, They're scared that they will leave the country due to harsh taxation so I'm sceptical how far they will really go with it.
you mean the totally unproven danger of capital flight that has never happened despite tight wankers threatening it?

I'll take that risk
One minute you support peaceful occupation and direct action, but not the action/methods of the likes of the Black Bloc, then you're dissing UK Uncuts peaceful actions.

I said that occupation wasn't violent, I don't recall supporting it as a productive form of political action. I'm 'dissing' their political strategy.
See, if you had posted about in support of the anti-cuts movement elsewhere and what you were doing to build that movement, or if you had posted poitively about other working class struggles, I might be inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt. I might be inclined to believe that here was someone genuinely supportive of progressive struggles and who genuinely (but mistakenly) believed that the "violence" was a problem for those struggles in gathering wider and deeper support. But that's not how it is, is it?

Every single struggle, every single strike, occupation, protest - you're looking to condemn "violence", "troublemakers", "the irresponsible minority" or what have you and to distance yourself from those who go beyond peaceful protest. And that's all you fucking do. Ever. If it walks like a duck......

Which is why I called you Spymaster without the wit. However, I should have clarified - by "wit" I was not referring to humour, I meant without the wit to realise it. If you ever did have progressive politics, they've long since disappeared - you're now just reactionary cunt who lacks both self-awareness and the courage of their convictions

Like I said, I applaud UKuncut and the occupation of Fortnum and Mason, but masked men dressed in black going around smashing shop windows? Looks more like Krystallnacht than a popular movement against tory cuts and it can only alienate support. Sinister stuff.

Resorting to abuse proves that you have no reasoned response to my argument. I'm not even sure who this Spymaster is to be honest, I don't spend all day with my head buried in this forum. I suppose he might be the petrolhead I had a run in with a couple of years ago.
face fucking palm- kristellnacht ffs. Get a grip you self righteous arse

and given that it was state sponsored& approved violence you are using as an example you've pissed your chips twice
Like I said, I applaud UKuncut and the occupation of Fortnum and Mason, but masked men dressed in black going around smashing shop windows? Looks more like Krystallnacht than a popular movement against tory cuts and it can only alienate support. Sinister stuff.

Broken record. And bringing Kristallnacht into this discussion, priceless.
So Saturday reminded you of state sponsored racist violence in fascist Germany?

Do you take a lot of drugs?

A group of masked men dressed in black going around smashing up shops? The imagery is undeniably similar. If that makes you feel uncomfortable then tough shit.
what a strange world you live in Hertford. Did you see a man at the newsagents negotiating his monthly beano subscription and automatically be reminded of the molotov-ribbetrop pact?
A far less nutty comparison is the suffragettes smashing windows on the Strand, Oxford Street and Buck palace. Do the suffragettes scare you Andrew?
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